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Week 06: Research / Writing:
Professional Interviews

Assignments for the Week

Day 11 -- Tuesday 26 February 2002

Old Business / Announcements:
  • REM: Interview Project Due Friday
  • Revising slides: John Pfeiffer (#39)

  • Ch. 06 "Constructing Paragraphs"
    • Overview of Chapter
    • Editing Tips: "Editing the paragraphs in your writing" (p. 103)
    • Useful Lists and Guidelines: "Commonly used transitions" (pp. 114-115)

  • Ch. 43 "Writing a Research Essay"
    • Overview of Chapter
    • Useful Lists and Guidelines: "A list of signal verbs" (pp. 508-509)

  • Review of Ch. 4, "Revising and Editing: Useful Lists and Guidelines"
    • Editing Tips: "Editing the paragraphs in your writing"
    • Useful Lists and Guidelines: "Reviwing a Draft" (pp. 52 - 53)
    • "An editing inventory" (p. 65 in text)
      • Continue making your own personal inventory


  1. UROP grants for Project #5 (Undergraduate Research Opportunities)
  2. Catch up: In-class Handbook Chapter reviews

  3. In-class discussion of editing, including peer review: Lanham, Ch. 1, "Who's Kicking Who?"
  1. Select topics for Paper #3 newsletter
    • Brainstorm a list of issues.
    • Establish them from the point-of-view of various majors/minors and personal interests of people in the class.

  2. Review Handbook assignments (cont.)
    • Ch. 06 "Constructing Paragraphs"
      • Overview of Chapter
      • Editing Tips: "Editing the paragraphs in your writing" (p. 103)
      • Useful Lists and Guidelines: "Commonly used transitions" (pp. 114-115)

  3. Review Handbook assignments
    • Ch. 19 "Effective Sentences"
      • Overview of Chapter
      • Editing Tips: "Editing for emphasis and conciseness" (p. 250)
      • Exercises: "Emphasizing main ideas"

    • Ch. 20 "Coordination, Subordination"
      • Overview of Chapter
      • Editing Tips: "Editing for coordination and subordination" (p. 256)
      • Exercises: "Coordination, Subordination"

  4. Review mechanics and other items from Handbook as needed

  5. Prepare a final draft to hand in.
    • include a proper "References" Section
    • This might be put on file in the Composition Department office

Day 12 -- Thursday 28 February 2002

Old Business / Announcements:

  • Ch. 06 "Constructing Paragraphs"
    • Overview of Chapter
    • Editing Tips: "Editing the paragraphs in your writing" (p. 103)
    • Useful Lists and Guidelines: "Commonly used transitions" (pp. 114-115)

  • Ch. 43 "Writing a Research Essay"
    • Overview of Chapter
    • Useful Lists and Guidelines: "A list of signal verbs" (pp. 508-509)

  • Review of Ch. 4, "Revising and Editing: Useful Lists and Guidelines"
    • Editing Tips: "Editing the paragraphs in your writing"
    • Useful Lists and Guidelines: "Reviwing a Draft" (pp. 52 - 53)
    • "An editing inventory" (p. 65 in text)
      • Continue making your own personal inventory

  • Ch. 06 "Constructing Paragraphs"
    • Overview of Chapter
    • Editing Tips: "Editing the paragraphs in your writing" (p. 103)
    • Useful Lists and Guidelines: "Commonly used transitions" (pp. 114-115)

  • Ch. 19 "Effective Sentences"
    • Overview of Chapter
    • Editing Tips: "Editing for emphasis and conciseness" (p. 250)
    • Exercises: "Emphasizing main ideas"

  • Ch. 20 "Coordination, Subordination"
    • Overview of Chapter
    • Editing Tips: "Editing for coordination and subordination" (p. 256)


  1. Revising (practice exercise for the final exam):


  2. Due tomorrow: Your Interview with a Social Science Professional
    • include a proper "References" Section
    • See note on "Handing in Materials."
    • When you get your paper back keep track of revisions and suggestions for revision to help you improve your writing.
  • For Project #3 you will prepare a newsletter article. How could you do a story for a newsletter about your interview, or about some other personal experience, or about readings from the semester? Begin freewriting / drafting your newsletter article.
  • With Project #4 you will need to write and present a speech. How might you develop a speech from your interview, or about readings you are doing from the semester?
  1. Review Handbook assignments

      • Ch. 21 "Parallelism"
        • Overview of Chapter
        • Editing Tips: "Editing for parallelism" (p. 264)
        • Exercises: "Parallelism"
        • Common errors:
          • Missing commas in a series

      • Ch. 22 "Varied Sentences"
        • Overview of Chapter
        • Editing Tips: "Editing to vary sentence length" (p. 270)
        • Useful Lists and Guidelines: "Commonly used transitions" (pp. 114 - 115)
        • Common errors:
          • Missing comma after an introductory element

Next Week

Envelope: E-mail © 1998 - 2023 Timothy G. Roufs
Page URL: http:// /cla/faculty/troufs/comp3160/cmpweek06.html
Last Modified 13:19:22 GMT 11 March 2002
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