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Video / Film Schedule

Video materials used in class illustrate many topics covered in this course. Consider these presentations similar to lab sessions, that is, watch them carefully and critically rather than simply watch another movie or video. The exams will include these materials, and it will be assumed that you have paid critical attention to them.

Week 01 Day 02 VC 636 Selection from Every Man for Himself and God Against All: The Enigma of Kaspar Hauser (Jeder für Sich und Gott gegen Alle), Werner Herzog
Week 02    
Week 03    
Week 04  

Week 05 Day 09

VC 301

Revising Prose, Richard A. Lanham (28 min.)
Week 06    
Week 07      
Week 08    
Week 09      
Week 10 Day 21 VC 1716 Saving Grace: The Waste and Destruction of Fetal Alcohol Syndrom, Michael Dorris
Week 11  

VC 266 B

VC 1043

Excerpts from Interview with Paul Buffalo (18 min., 1971)

Excerpts from An Interview with Jimmy Jackson, Ojibway Medicine Man
(61 min., 1987)
Week 12    
Week 13  
Week 14      
Week 15      
Week 16     Check with National Geographic, Discovery, and Nova

Envelope: E-mail © 1998 - 2023 Timothy G. Roufs
Page URL: http:// /cla/faculty/troufs/comp3160/cmpvideo_schedule.html
Last Modified 15:34:32 GMT 26 July 2006
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