Uses of Interface

Packages that use Viewable
gui The gui package consists of several classes that capture useful graphical user interface functionality whose implementation is complicated or requires detailed knowledge of swing that most people would rather not know. 
gui.multisource The gui.multisource package implements a text display component that can display text from multiple sources and show a color bar that indicates the source of each part of the text. 
mvc The mvc package is an attempt to define generic model, view, and controller classes. 

Uses of Viewable in gui

Subinterfaces of Viewable in gui
 interface NamedViewable
          A NamedViewable implements both the Named interface and the Viewable interface.

Methods in gui with parameters of type Viewable
 javax.swing.JComponent WrapMethod.getWrapComponent(Viewable v)
static javax.swing.JPanel Wrapper.named(Viewable v)
          Wrapper.named(v) returns a title bordered panel containing the view component of v.
static javax.swing.JPanel Wrapper.named(Viewable v, int w, int h)
          Wrapper.named(v, w, h) returns a sized title bordered panel containing the view component of v.
static javax.swing.JPanel Wrapper.paneled(Viewable v)
          Wrapper.paneled(v) returns a panel containing the view component of v.
static javax.swing.JPanel Wrapper.paneled(Viewable v, int w, int h)
          Wrapper.paneled(v, w, h) returns a sized panel containing the view component of v.
static javax.swing.JScrollPane Wrapper.scrolled(Viewable v)
          Wrapper.scrolled(v) returns a sized scroll pane containing the view component of v.
static javax.swing.JScrollPane Wrapper.scrolled(Viewable v, int w, int h)
          Wrapper.scrolled(v, w, h) returns a sized scroll pane containing the view component of v.
static javax.swing.JPanel Wrapper.titled(Viewable v, java.lang.String ttl)
          Wrapper.titled(v, ttl) returns a title bordered panel containing the view component of v.
static javax.swing.JPanel Wrapper.titled(Viewable v, java.lang.String ttl, int w, int h)
          Wrapper.titled(v, ttl, w, h) returns a sized title bordered panel containing the view component of v.
static javax.swing.JComponent Wrapper.unwrapped(Viewable v)
          Wrapper.unwrapped(v) returns the view component of v as is.
static javax.swing.JComponent Wrapper.unwrapped(Viewable v, int w, int h)
          Wrapper.unwrapped(v, w, h) returns the view component of v with its minimum, preferred, and maximum sizes set to w by h.

Uses of Viewable in gui.multisource

Classes in gui.multisource that implement Viewable
 class ElementView
          An ElementView provides the capability of displaying the element structure and attributes of a document or part of a document.
 class MultisourceViewer
          A MultisourceViewer displays multisource text and displays the sources of lines of text as color codes on the left of the text.

Uses of Viewable in mvc

Classes in mvc with type parameters of type Viewable
 class CardView<T extends Viewable>

Subinterfaces of Viewable in mvc
 interface CascadedChooser<T>
static interface Choice.Controller<T>
 interface View<T,TM extends Model<? extends T>>

Classes in mvc that implement Viewable
 class CardView<T extends Viewable>
static class Choice.ControllerImplementation<TC,TD>
          Concrete subclasses should retain TC as a parameter but should replace TD in the class declaration and all of its method declarations with a non-generic class that can be displayed by the subclass.
 class ComboBoxChooser<T>
 class HTMLView
static class IntegralRange.Controller
 class IntegralSlider
 class LabelView
 class LeafCascadedChooser<T>
 class ListChooser<T>
 class NamerView<T>
          A NamerView displays the value of a model using a Namer to convert the value to a string.
 class NonLeafCascadedChooser<T>
 class PainterView
static class RealRange.Controller
 class RealSlider
 class TabbedChooser<T>
 class TextAreaView

Methods in mvc with parameters of type Viewable
 java.lang.String ViewableNamer.getName(Viewable v)
          nmr.getName(t) returns nmr's name for t.