get(String) - Method in class conversion.NameSpace
getBorderInsets(Component) - Method in class gui.multisource.MultisourceBorder
msb.getBorderInsets(c) returns the insets for msb in c.
getBorderInsets(Component, Insets) - Method in class gui.multisource.MultisourceBorder
msb.getBorderInsets(c, ins) copies the insets for msb in c into .
getCaret() - Method in class gui.multisource.MultisourceDocument
msd.getCaret() returns msd's edit caret.
getChoice() - Method in class mvc.Choice.Model
m.getChoice() returns the choice of values for m.
getDoubleValue() - Method in class mvc.RealRange.Model
getEndOffset() - Method in class gui.multisource.MultisourceDocument.SourceSegment
getExportAction() - Method in class gui.ComponentGraphics
cg.getExportAction() returns an exportAction that initiates export of cg as an image.
getExportAction(JComponent) - Static method in class gui.ComponentGraphics
ComponentGraphics.getExportAction(JComponent c) creates a ComponentGraphics for c and returns its export action.
getExportAction() - Method in class gui.DrawPanel
dp.getExportAction returns an action for initiating the export of dp as an image.
getFile(int) - Method in class file.FileGroup
getFile(String) - Method in class vfs.VFSDirectory
d.getFile(nm) returns the file named nm in d or null if there is no such file.
getFileCount() - Method in class file.FileGroup
getFileFilter() - Static method in class gui.ImageType
getFileMenu() - Method in class file.WorkSpace
ws.getFileMenu() returns a file menu for ws with "New", "Open...", "Save", and "Save As..." menu items.
getFileNames() - Method in class vfs.VFSDirectory
d.getFileNames() returns an iterator for the names of file in d.
getFiles() - Method in class vfs.VFSDirectory
d.getFiles() returns an iterator for the files in d.
getFileType() - Method in class gui.ImageFileChooser
getFileType(File) - Static method in class gui.ImageType
getFilter() - Method in class file.FileType
ft.getFilter() returns the file filter for ft.
getFontSize() - Method in class appBase.AppBase
app.getFontSize() returns the font size of app.
getHigh() - Method in class mvc.IntegralRange
r.getHigh() returns the upper bound on values of type r.
getHigh() - Method in class mvc.RealRange
r.getHigh() returns the upper bound on values of type r.
getIcon() - Method in class file.FileType
ft.getIcon() returns the icon for ft.
getIcon(String) - Static method in class file.IconManager
getIntValue() - Method in class mvc.IntegralRange.Model
getLow() - Method in class mvc.IntegralRange
r.getLow() returns the lower bound on values of type r.
getLow() - Method in class mvc.RealRange
r.getLow() returns the lower bound on values of type r.
getMaxHeight() - Method in class file.FileGroup
getMaximumSize() - Method in class gui.Spacer
sp.getMaximumSize() returns the maximum size for sp.
getMaxWidth() - Method in class file.FileGroup
getMessage() - Method in exception file.FileFormatException
ffe.getMessage() returns a string specifying the name of the file and the nature of the error.
getMinimumSize() - Method in class gui.Spacer
sp.getMinimumSize() returns the minimum size for sp.
getModel() - Method in interface mvc.Choice.Controller
getModel() - Method in class mvc.Choice.ControllerImplementation
getModel() - Method in class mvc.IntegralRange.Controller
getModel() - Method in class mvc.RealRange.Controller
getModel() - Method in class mvc.UpdateManager
um.getModel() returns um's current model.
getName(Object) - Method in class conversion.ClassNameNamer
getName() - Method in interface conversion.Named
nmd.getName() returns the name of nmd.
getName(T) - Method in class conversion.NamedNamer
nn.getName(t) returns nn's name for t, which is the string returned by t's getName() method.
getName(T) - Method in interface conversion.Namer
nmr.getName(t) returns nmr's name for t.
getName() - Method in class mvc.CompositeModel
m.getName() returns the name of m.
getName() - Method in class mvc.ConstantModel
m.getName() returns the name for m.
getName() - Method in class mvc.NamedDirectModel
m.getName() returns the name for m.
getName() - Method in class mvc.NamerView
nv.getName() returns the name of the model that mv is viewing.
getName(Object) - Method in class mvc.ObjectNamer
nmr.getName(t) returns nmr's name for t, which is the string returned by t's toString() method.
getName(Viewable) - Method in class mvc.ViewableNamer
nmr.getName(t) returns nmr's name for t.
getName() - Method in class vfs.VFSDirectory
d.getName() returns the name of d.
getName() - Method in class vfs.VFSFile
f.getName() returns the name of itm.
getName() - Method in interface vfs.VFSItem
itm.getName() returns the name of itm.
getPackageDirectory() - Method in class appBase.AppBase
getPackageRoot() - Method in class appBase.AppBase
getPreferredScrollableViewportSize() - Method in class gui.GriddedPanel
This method is invoked by a JScrollPane that contains this GriddedPanel.
getPreferredSize() - Method in class gui.Spacer
sp.getPreferredSize() returns the preferred size for sp.
getPrintAction() - Method in class gui.ComponentGraphics
cp.getPrintAction() returns an printAction that initiates printing of cp.
getPrintAction(JComponent) - Static method in class gui.ComponentGraphics
ComponentPostScript.getPrintAction(JComponent c) creates a ComponentPostScript for c and returns its printAction.
getPrintAction() - Method in class gui.DrawPanel
dp.getPrintAction returns a print action for initiating printing of dp.
getRange() - Method in class mvc.IntegralRange.Model
getRange() - Method in class mvc.RealRange.Model
getResourceRoot(String) - Method in class appBase.AppBase
app.getResourceRoot(nm) returns the virtual file system root for the directory named nm, relative to the class of app.
getReverseScaler() - Method in class conversion.LinearScaler
ls.getReverseScaler() returns a scaler that performs scaling that is inverse to ls' scaling.
getReverseScaler() - Method in interface conversion.Scaler
sc.getReverseScaler() returns a scaler that performs scaling that is inverse to sc's scaling.
getRootDirectory() - Method in class vfs.VFSRoot
vfsr.getRootDirectory() returns the topmost directory for vfsr.
getScrollableBlockIncrement(Rectangle, int, int) - Method in class gui.GriddedPanel
This method is invoked by a JScrollPane that contains this GriddedPanel.
getScrollableTracksViewportHeight() - Method in class gui.GriddedPanel
This method is invoked by a JScrollPane that contains this GriddedPanel.
getScrollableTracksViewportWidth() - Method in class gui.GriddedPanel
This method is invoked by a JScrollPane that contains this GriddedPanel.
getScrollableUnitIncrement(Rectangle, int, int) - Method in class gui.GriddedPanel
This method is invoked by a JScrollPane that contains this GriddedPanel.
getSelectedSubmodel() - Method in class mvc.CompositeModel
m.getSelectedModel() returns the current selected submodel of m.
getSource() - Method in class gui.multisource.MultisourceDocument.SourceSegment
getStart() - Method in class mvc.IntegralRange
mc.getStart() returns the starting value for values of type mc.
getStart() - Method in class mvc.RealRange
mc.getStart() returns the starting value for values of type mc.
getStartNewText() - Method in class gui.multisource.MultisourceDocument
msd.getStartNewText() returns msd's start new text offset.
getStartOffset() - Method in class gui.multisource.MultisourceDocument.SourceSegment
getSubdirectories() - Method in class vfs.VFSDirectory
d.getSubdirectories() returns an iterator for the subdirectories of d.
getSubdirectory(String) - Method in class vfs.VFSDirectory
d.getFile(nm) returns the subdirectory named nm in d or null if there is no such subdirectory.
getSubdirectoryNames() - Method in class vfs.VFSDirectory
d.getSubdirectoryNames() returns an iterator for the names of subdirectories of d.
getSubmodelModel() - Method in class mvc.CompositeModel
m.getSelectedModel() returns the current selected submodel of m.
getSuffix() - Method in class vfs.VFSFile
f.getsuffix() returns the filename suffix for f.
getTitle() - Method in class appBase.AppBase
getTitle() is a primitive operation used to set the title for a standalone application.
getTree() - Method in class gui.multisource.ElementView
ev.getTree() returns the tree component for ev.
getType(File) - Static method in class file.FileType
getTypes() - Static method in class gui.ImageType
getURL() - Method in class vfs.VFSDirectory
v.getURL() returns the URL for d.
getURL() - Method in class vfs.VFSFile
f.getURL() returns the URL for f.
getURL() - Method in interface vfs.VFSItem
itm.getURL() returns the URL for itm.
getValue(int) - Method in class mvc.Choice
mc.getValue(indx) returns the choice of mc indexed by indx.
getValue() - Method in class mvc.Choice.Model
m.getValue returns the current value of m.
getValue() - Method in class mvc.CompositeModel
m.getValue() returns the current value of m.
getValue() - Method in class mvc.ConstantModel
m.getValue() returns the current value of m.
getValue() - Method in class mvc.DerivedModelBase
getValue() - Method in class mvc.IntegralRange.Model
getValue() - Method in interface mvc.Model
m.getValue() returns the current value of m.
getValue() - Method in class mvc.RealRange.Model
getValueCount() - Method in class mvc.Choice
mc.getValueCount() returns the number of choices in mc.
getViewComponent() - Method in class gui.multisource.ElementView
ev.getViewComponent() returns the panel component for ev.
getViewComponent() - Method in class gui.multisource.MultisourceViewer
mv.getViewComponent() returns the text pane for mv.
getViewComponent() - Method in interface gui.Viewable
v.getViewComponent() returns the component for viewing v.
getViewComponent() - Method in class mvc.CardView
getViewComponent() - Method in class mvc.Choice.ControllerImplementation
getViewComponent() - Method in class mvc.HTMLView
getViewComponent() - Method in class mvc.IntegralRange.Controller
getViewComponent() - Method in class mvc.LabelView
getViewComponent() - Method in class mvc.LeafCascadedChooser
getViewComponent() - Method in class mvc.NamerView
nv.getViewComponent() returns the view component for nv.
getViewComponent() - Method in class mvc.NonLeafCascadedChooser
getViewComponent() - Method in class mvc.PainterView
getViewComponent() - Method in class mvc.RealRange.Controller
getViewComponent() - Method in class mvc.TextAreaView
getViewIndex() - Method in class mvc.Choice.ControllerImplementation
getViewIndex() - Method in class mvc.ComboBoxChooser
getViewIndex() - Method in class mvc.ListChooser
getViewIndex() - Method in class mvc.TabbedChooser
getViewValue() - Method in class mvc.IntegralRange.Controller
getViewValue() - Method in class mvc.IntegralSlider
getViewValue() - Method in class mvc.RealRange.Controller
getViewValue() - Method in class mvc.RealSlider
getVisual() - Method in class file.FileVisual
getWrapComponent(Viewable) - Method in interface gui.WrapMethod
GIF_TYPE - Static variable in class file.FileType
GlueFactory - Class in mvc
GlueFactory() - Constructor for class mvc.GlueFactory
new GlueFactory() returns a new GlueFactory.
GriddedPanel - Class in gui
A GriddedPanel lays out the subcomponents that are added to it on a grid.
GriddedPanel() - Constructor for class gui.GriddedPanel
gui - package gui
The gui package consists of several classes that capture useful graphical user interface functionality whose implementation is complicated or requires detailed knowledge of swing that most people would rather not know.
gui.multisource - package gui.multisource
The gui.multisource package implements a text display component that can display text from multiple sources and show a color bar that indicates the source of each part of the text.