Animal Services

  • Housing

    Animal services is a self supported entity devoted to housing mice for studies. The employees do a wonderful job maintaining a healthy environment for the duration of the studies. Here we can see some cages prepped and ready for the incoming mice. These represent the normal cages for housing immuno competent mice.
  • Isolation Chambers

    Utilizing a system of filtered air we are able to maintain the immunogenic strain of mice required for our studies. The cages are specifically made to maintain sterile environment for the animals. With this system we have successfully established studies ranging from BALB-C Nudes to athymics.
  • Surgery Room

    It may not be much but the surgery room provides a working place to handle the immunocompetent mice. It also provides an environment to perform surgeries on the mice.
  • Isolation Hood

    The hood provides sterile conditions in which to work with the immunocompromised mice in our various models. The entire hood and materials must be sterilized before and after handling the mice.