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Understanding Global Cultures

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Global Cultures

Metaphor Papers

Past term papers have included the following metaphors (listed in bold):

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  • Amish
    • Warning Traffic Triangle on their Horse-drawn Carriage
    • Buggy -- SR f2005
The Amish videotape.  
  • Anishinabe (aka Ojibwa; Chippewa)
    • Medicine Wheel -- JNf2006
  • Argentina
    • The Argentine Gaucho -- RJ
  • Cajun
    • Jambalaya
    • Gumbo -- BW s2005
  • Costa Rica
    • Coffee Beans -- EG f2005
    • Coffee -- KAE f2006
  • Cuba
    • Cuba and the Cuban Cigar -- MJ f2004
    • Royal Palms of the Carribbean ("bottle palms") -- LA f2006
  • Czech Republic
    • Charles Bridge -- EG f2005
    • The Velvet Revolution -- ST f2006
  • Dominican Republic
    • Baseball -- MD f2004S
  • Denmark
    • The Ugly Duckling -- MS f2003
    • Nyhavn -- MF f2003
  • Egypt
    • The Nile River -- LG f2003, BN f2006
    • King Tut -- AS f2004
    • The Pyramids -- TH f2005, RJ f2006 , MM f2006
      (be careful of stereotyping)
  • Finland
    • The Sauna -- MN f2003, BV f2005
    • Finland in the Olympica -- JB f2005
  • Greece
    • The Olympics -- EJ f2004 RD f2005
    • Ancient Olympics -- AS f2004
    • Greek Dramas -- CH f2006
    • The Greek Alphabet -- AS f2006
  • Haiti
    • The Haitian Shack -- AS f2006
  • Hawaii
    • The Luau -- SP f2003; AD f2004
  • Hmong
    • Paj Ntaub (Story Cloth) -- PS f2003 BM f2005
    • Paj Ntaub -- TF f2004
    • Hmong Teens -- PC f2004

Hmong story cloth.
Story Cloth

  • Iceland
    • The Icelandic Horse -- TL f2003 RH f2004
  • Inuit (Eskimo)
    • The Pangnirtung Tapestry Studio -- AK f2003
  • Jamaica
    • Jerk Steak
    • The Jamaican Rhythm -- TP f2004
    • The Jamaican Reggae -- EN f2004
    • The Jamaican Spear Gun -- JL f2004
  • The Republic of Liberia
    • A Looted Building -- AK f2006
  • Luxembourg
    • The Fairy Tale -- KB f2003
    • Bridges in Lluxembourg -- SB f2004
  • Maori
    • Tattoo -- JE f2005
  • Madagascar
    • The Lamba -- MT f2005

Lamba mantel from Madagascar.
Lamba Mpanjaka, 1998
The Metropolitan Museum of Art


  • Maasai, Tanzania and Kenya
    • The Maasai Spear -- MK f2006
  • Navajo
    • Powwow -- CG f2005
  • New Zealand
    • The Maori Tattoo -- JE f2005
  • Norway
    • The Norwegian Sweater -- KH f2003
  • Norwegian-Americans
    • Lutefisk -- JO f2005
  • Ojibwa (Anishinabe; Chippewa)
    • The Moccasin -- JL f2004
  • Peru
    • Ancient Civilizations -- BP f2003
    • Machu Picchu -- TS f2003
  • The Philippines
    • Jeepney -- NM f2005
  • The Roma
    • Gypsy Flamenco Dancers -- SL f2005
  • Scotland
    • The Scottish Dress Attire:  The Tartan (Kilt)
    • The Scottish Kilt -- RK f2003
    • The Scottish Bagpipes -- BB f2005
    • The Scottish Pub -- DF f2006
    • Golf
    • Whisky [sic.]
    • Scottish Wool
  • Slovenia
    • Slovenian Lace -- LS f2006
  • Spain
    • Flaminco Dancer
    • Holy Week in Seville
  • Switzerland
    • The Alpine Ski Resort -- JD f2003
    • The Alps -- MM f2003
    • The Swiss Museum -- KL f2004
    • Chocolate -- RB f2005
    • Swiss Banking -- AC f2006
    • The Swiss Band -- HF
  • Tanzania
    • Ugali (a food made with white corn meal and water) -- SL f2004
  • Venezuela
    • Angel Falls -- SS f2004
  • Wales
    • The Welsh Male Choir

GC Index of Major Items
GC 1.0 "Sunday Memos"   GC 2.0 Video Schedule
GC 3.0 Slides Schedule   GC 4.0 Text Assignments Schedule
GC 5.0 Other (check Canvas   GC 6.0 Exams . . . (wk-7) and  (wk-16)
GC 7.0 REM: Work on Project   GC 8.0 Discussion(s)
GC Main Due Dates   GC Fall 2024 Calendar
Checklist for the Semester
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© 1998 - 2025 Timothy G. Roufs    Envelope: E-mail
Page URL: http:// /cla/faculty/troufs/anth1095/metaphor_papers.html
Last Modified Tuesday, 19 December 2006, 13:58 (01:58 PM) CST, day 353 of 2006
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