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Understanding Global Cultures

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Canvas Simple Syllabus Spring 2024 (.pdf)
Due Dates for Spring 2024 [calendar]

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-- Human Development Reports, United Nations Development Programme
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. Friday, 26 July 2024, 21:12 (09:12 PM) CDT, day 208 of 2024 .

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Slides Schedule
Understanding Global Cultures
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Today is Friday, 26 July 2024, 21:12 (09:12 PM) CDT, day 208 of 2024
NOTE: Click on  "wk_N"  in the first columns to go to that week
August  2024
  S M T W T F S
          1 2 3
  4 5 6 7 8 9 10
  11 12 13 14 15 16 17
  18 19 20 21 22 23 24
wk 1 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
September  2024
  S M T W T F S
wk 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
wk 3 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
wk 4 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
wk 5 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
wk 6 29 30          
October  2024
  S M T W T F S
wk 6     1 2 3 4 5
wk 7 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
wk 8 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
wk 9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
wk 10 27 28 29 30 31    
November 2024
  S M T W T F S
wk 10           1 2
wk 11 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
wk 12 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
wk 13 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
wk 14 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
December  2024
  S M T W T F S
wk 15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
wk 16 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
  15 16 17 18 19 20 21
  22 23 24 25 26 27 28
  29 30 31        
first/last days of classes
UM holidays
fall break
study days
links to current weeks
to textbooks

GC Index of Major Items
GC 1.0 "Sunday Memos"   GC 2.0 Video Schedule
GC 3.0 Slides Schedule   GC 4.0 Text Assignments Schedule
GC 5.0 Other (check Canvas   GC 6.0 Exams . . . (wk-7) and  (wk-16)
GC 7.0 REM: Work on Project   GC 8.0 Discussion(s)
GC Main Due Dates   GC Fall 2024 Calendar
Checklist for the Semester

A-Z index

Week 1
26 - 31 August 2024
Introduction / Orientation

Meet Your Professor
slides: (.pptx)
Week 2
1 - 7 September 2024

(optional) A Very Brief Outline of the Course Structure (.pptx)

Main Characteristics of Anthropology
WebPage Summary

week 2:
The four fields of anthropology

week 3:
culture as a primary concept
  • How about a little game of Jeopardy?

week 4:
comparative method as major approach

week 5:
holism as a primary theoretical goal

week 6:
fieldwork as a primary research technique


In-the-News Sign-up Information
Short Slide Deck Version: (.pptx)

(optional) Finding Information on Different Countries and Cultures
Week 3
8 - 15 September 2024

Main Characteristics of Anthropology
WebPage Summary

week 2:
The four fields of anthropology

week 3:
culture as a primary concept
  • How about a little game of Jeopardy?

week 4:
comparative method as major approach

week 5:
holism as a primary theoretical goal

week 6:
fieldwork as a primary research technique

Week 4 
15 - 21 September 2024

Main Characteristics of Anthropology
WebPage Summary

week 2:
The four fields of anthropology

week 3:
culture as a primary concept
  • How about a little game of Jeopardy?

week 4:
comparative method as major approach

week 5:
holism as a primary theoretical goal

week 6:
fieldwork as a primary research technique


A-Z Index
Week 5 
22 - 28 September 2024

Main Characteristics of Anthropology
WebPage Summary

week 2:
The four fields of anthropology

week 3:
culture as a primary concept
  • How about a little game of Jeopardy?

week 4:
comparative method as major approach

week 5:

week 11:

holism as a primary theoretical goal

week 6:
fieldwork as a primary research technique

Week 6
29 September - 5 October 2024

Main Characteristics of Anthropology
WebPage Summary

week 2:
The four fields of anthropology

week 3:
culture as a primary concept
  • How about a little game of Jeopardy?

week 4:
comparative method as major approach

week 5:
holism as a primary theoretical goal

week 6:
fieldwork as a primary research technique


week 6:
  "Other Important Terms"
week 10:
  Units of Analysis
week 12:
  Three Major Perennial Debates
    (NOTE: These are long slide decks as they cover more than 2000+ years. Please bear with it to the end. And it will take a little longer to load, so please bear with that also. Also see note on slide formats.)  

Review Weeks 1-6 slide decks for Midterm Exam

Week 7 
6 - 12 October 2024

Midterm Exam

f2024 Global Cultures Midterm Exam will be available Week 7, 7 - 12 October 2024 (up to 400 points)
NOTE: There will be at least one question in the pool from each of the assigned videos from Weeks 1-6, so be sure not to miss watching them.
Video Listings: <>


After you take the Midterm exam, take a break . . .

No new slide deck assignment for Week 7

 (optional) GC List of SLIDES for the Remainder of the Semester

Week 8 
13 - 19 October 2024

Metaphorical Analysis: Italy as a Case Study I

For a start, Look at "Italy: Introduction"
and one other slide deck of your choice

Metaphorical Analysis: Italy as a Case Study
  • Italy: Introduction
    slides: (.pptx)
    (This is a long set. You may want to do this in two or more sessions.)

    • Italy: Demography
      slides: (.pptx)

    • Italy: Languages and Communication
      slides: (.pptx)

    • Italy: Regions
      slides: (.pptx)

    • Italy: Forces of Nature
      slides: (.pptx)

    • Italy: Metaphorical Analysis--Italian Opera
      slides: (.pptx)

    • Italy: History and World View
      slides: (.pptx)

    • Italy: Politics
      slides: (.pptx)

    • Italy: Immigration/Emigration
      slides: (.pptx)

    • Italy: Masterworks and Classics
      slides: (.pptx)


Spring Break
4 - 8 March 2024

Week 9 
20 - 26 October 2024

Metaphorical Analysis: Italy as a Case Study II

After watching "Italy: Introduction"
and one other slide deck of your choice last week,

this week have a look at

"Italy: Demography",

"Italy: Languages and Communication," and

"Italy: Forces of Nature"

Metaphorical Analysis: Italy as a Case Study
  • Italy: Introduction
    slides: (.pptx)
    (This is a long set. You may want to do this in two or more sessions.)

    • Italy: Demography
      slides: (.pptx)

    • Italy: Languages and Communication
      slides: (.pptx)

    • Italy: Regions
      slides: (.pptx)

    • Italy: Forces of Nature
      slides: (.pptx)

    • Italy: Metaphorical Analysis--Italian Opera
      slides: (.pptx)

    • Italy: History and World View
      slides: (.pptx)

    • Italy: Politics
      slides: (.pptx)

    • Italy: Immigration/Emigration
      slides: (.pptx)

    • Italy: Masterworks and Classics
      slides: (.pptx)

Week 10 
27 October - 2 November 2024

week 6:
  "Other Important Terms"
week 10:
  Units of Analysis
week 12:
  Three Major Perennial Debates
    (NOTE: These are long slide decks as they cover more than 2000+ years. Please bear with it to the end. And it will take a little longer to load, so please bear with that also. Also see note on slide formats.)  

Week 11
3 - 9 November 2024
Review Holism

Main Characteristics of Anthropology
WebPage Summary

week 2:
The four fields of anthropology

week 3:
culture as a primary concept
  • How about a little game of Jeopardy?

week 4:
comparative method as major approach

week 5:

week 11:

holism as a primary theoretical goal

week 6:
fieldwork as a primary research technique

Week 12
10 - 16 November 2024

week 6:
  "Other Important Terms"
week 10:
  Units of Analysis
week 12:
  Three Major Perennial Debates
    (NOTE: These are long slide decks as they cover more than 2000+ years. Please bear with it to the end. And it will take a little longer to load, so please bear with that also. Also see note on slide formats.)  

Week 13 
17 - 23 November 2024

Methodological Perspectives of Sweet Treats around the World

Week 14
24 - 30 November 2024

EU Chocolate Wars: A Run-up to Scaling

Week 15
1 - 7 December 2024

See Student Presentations in Your
Canvas folder

Review the Following Slide Decks
(Yes, one more time before the Final Exam)

Ask yourself, "How do these characteristics relate to my Term Paper and Presentation?"

Main Characteristics of Anthropology
WebPage Summary

week 2:
The four fields of anthropology

week 3:
culture as a primary concept
  • How about a little game of Jeopardy?

week 4:
comparative method as major approach

week 5:
holism as a primary theoretical goal

week 6:
fieldwork as a primary research technique


week 6:
  "Other Important Terms"
week 10:
  Units of Analysis
week 12:
  Three Major Perennial Debates
    (NOTE: These are long slide decks as they cover more than 2000+ years. Please bear with it to the end. And it will take a little longer to load, so please bear with that also. Also see note on slide formats.)  

Week 16
8 - 13 December 2024
Final Exams Week


Final Exam

f2024 The Global Cultures Final Exam is scheduled for Monday - Wednesday, 9 - 13 December 2024 (up to 400 points)
NOTE: There will be at least one question in the pool from each of the assigned videos from Weeks 7-15, so be sure not to miss watching them.

Video Listings: <>


GC Index of Major Items
GC 1.0 "Sunday Memos"   GC 2.0 Video Schedule
GC 3.0 Slides Schedule   GC 4.0 Text Assignments Schedule
GC 5.0 Other (check Canvas   GC 6.0 Exams . . . (wk-7) and  (wk-16)
GC 7.0 REM: Work on Project   GC 8.0 Discussion(s)
GC Main Due Dates   GC Fall 2024 Calendar
Checklist for the Semester
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Last Modified Saturday, 29 June 2024, 09:22 (09:22 AM) CDT, day 181 of 2024
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