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advanced primates that walk around regularly on two legs

  In the News

In the News . . .

  • New Hominid Species Discovered in South Africa - New York Times (2010-04-08)
  •      1 - "Key" Human Ancestor Found: Fossils Link Apes, First Humans? - National Geographic News (2010-04-08)
         2 - Odd Fossil May Be Human Ancestor, Or Dead End - NPR (2010-04-08)
         3 - South African fossils could be new hominid species - BBC News (2010-04-08)
         4 - 2-million-year-old fossils may help fill key gap in human evolution - Los Angeles Times (2010-04-08)
         5 - Fossil skeletons may belong to an unknown human ancestor - Guardian (2010-04-08)
         6 - Almost human: closest australopithicine primate found - New Scientist (2010-04-08)
         7 - Claim over 'human ancestor' sparks furore - Nature (2010-04-08)
         8 - Anthropologist Helps Identify New Species - Texas A&M (2010-04-08)
         9 - Fossil Skeletons May Be Human Ancestor - Live Science (2010-04-08)
         10 - New Ancestor May Be Ape-Human Link - Discovery News (2010-04-08)
         11 - New pre-human species offers evolutionary clues - Reuters (2010-04-08)
         12 - Partial skeletons may represent new hominid - Science News (2010-04-08)
         13 - New hominid shares traits with Homo species - EurekAlert (2010-04-08)
         14 - Fossils shake up our family tree - MSNBC (2010-04-08)
         15 - New Hominid Shares Traits With Homo Species: Fossil Find Sheds Light on the Transition to Homo Genus from Earlier Hominids - Science Daily (2010-04-08)
         16 - Possible New Human Ancestor Discovered - Wired (2010-04-08)
         17 - IU's Carlson among team of scientists announcing new species of prehistoric man - EurekAlert (2010-04-08)
         18 - Texas A&M anthropologist helps identify new species of Homo-like fossil found in South Africa - EurekAlert (2010-04-08)
         19 - New Fossil May Show How Apes Became Humans - ABC News (2010-04-08)
  • Fossil Finger Points to New Human Species - Nature (2010-03-24)
  •      1 - Researchers Discover New Lineage of Ancient Human - Science (2010-03-24)
         2 - Bone May Reveal a New Human Group - New York Times (2010-03-24)
         3 - DNA Identifies New Ancient Human Dubbed 'X-woman' - BBC News (2010-03-25)
         4 - New Species of Human Ancestor Found in Siberia - Guardian (2010-03-24)
         5 - Ancient DNA Suggests New Hominid Line - Science News (2010-03-24)
         6 - Stranger from Siberia Is New Ancestor of Man, Claim Scientists - Telegraph (2010-03-24)
         7 - DNA from Bone Shows New Human Forerunner, and Raises Array of Questions - Washington Post (2010-03-25)
         8 - X-Woman Could Forever Change Human History - Discovery News (2010-03-24)
         9 - New Human Species Discovered: Mitochondrial Genome of Previously Unknown Hominins from Siberia Decoded - Science Daily (2010-03-25)
         10 - Meet X-woman: A Possible New Species of Human - New Scientist (2010-03-24)
         11 - Possible New Human Ancestor Found in Siberia - Reuters (2010-03-24)
         12 - DNA Reveals New Hominid Ancestor - Wired (2010-03-24)
         13 - Fossil Finger Points To New Human Relatives - NPR (2010-03-26)
         14 - New Type of Human Discovered via Single Pinky Finger - National Geographic News (2010-03-25)
         15 - Evolution Is This a New Species of Human Being? - Guardian (2010-03-26)

    • are advanced primates that walk around regularly on two legs. That is, hominins are humans and their bipedal prehistoric ancestors.

    • are classified as living or fossil members of the primate family Hominidae, which includes three (some say two) genera (which is plural of "genus"):

      1. Australopithecus
      2. Paranthropus (aka A. robustus)
      3. Homo

    "Lucy" hominid discovered at Hadar in 1974

    "Lucy," a hominin discovered at Hadar in 1974

    Homo sapiens -- bipedal hominid.

    Homo sapiens
    -- a bipedal hominin


    | Primates -- Contemporary | Primates -- Prehistoric |






    Alternative Name


    tugenensis   "Millenium Man"





















    "Black Skull"

    (aka A. robustus)











    "Early Homo"



    Homo habilis

    "Java Man"
    "Peking Man"
    sapiens sapiens    
      Adapted from Intoduction to Physical Anthropology, 8th ed, Jurmain, Nelson, Kilgore, and Trevathan
    (Belmont, CA: Wadsworth/Thomson Learning, 2000, pp. 285 - 290).

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