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  • is the most difficult aspect to investigate

    • psycholinguistics

  • meanings are not as fixed as syntax and morphemes
    • “head” of state
    • “head” of person
    • “head” of a nail
    • “head” of a street
    • “head” of a class
    • “head” of a glass of beer
    • “let’s ‘head’ out of here”
    • “head” for sailors
    • “Let’s ‘head’ north.”
    • “Head” strong
    • “’Heads’ up the boss is arriving!”
    • “Headway”
    • Newspaper “Heading” and “Headline”
    • “Heading” south by southeast
    • “Head” of the family
    • “Head” start
    • “’Head’ ‘em out.”
    • “Headwind”
    • “’Head’ ‘em off at the pass!”
    • “Heading”
    • “Head” a committee
    • “Tiger Woods is “ahead”
    • “Headlight”
    • “The pimple came to a ‘head.’”
    • “Headquarters”
    • A “doubleheader
    • “Headlong”
    • “Headliner” (show biz)
    • “Headhunter” (a job)
    • “Head” hunter (does a job)
    • Getting “ahead”

  • meanings change over time
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Page URL: http:// /cla/faculty/troufs/anth1604/ca-comm-semantics.html
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