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OWL logo, Online Writing Lab, Purdue University.

Cultural Anthropology Course Information


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Requirements Summary



  1. Case Study

    • 4-6 well-written pages

    • Up to 100 points (ca. 9%)
      • unexcused late Case Study paper = - 10 points)

    • The What's New? Case Study is due by Friday, 15 June 2012

    • Case Study Paper on "What's New? Current Trends and New Discoveries"

    • must follow conventional college writing guidelines. These can be reviewed at any of the following sites . . .

    The Purdue Online Writing Lab

    Writing Essays for Exams

    Paradigm Online Writing Assistant

    Lunsford’s The St. Martin's Handbook, 6th Ed. on-line site

    Soc-Anth Writing Guide

    Other web resources can be found on the UMD "Writing Labs, On-Line Assisstance, and Reference Works" page.

    • For your footnotes, "Works Cited" or "References" ("bibliography"), and other matters like that, use either the APA (American Psychological Association) citation style, the MLA (Modern Language Association) style, the CMS (Chicago) style, or the CBE (Council of Biology Editors) style. Don't make up your own. See the OWL Sample Papers below for examples . . .

      OWL logo, Online Writing Lab, Purdue University.
      APA Sample Papers
      Sample APA Paper: Definitions of Online Communication
      Sample APA Paper: Adolescent Depression

      MLA Sample Papers
      MLA Undergraduate Sample Paper: Andrew Carnegie
      MLA Sample Papers: Nineteenth Century Farming Handbooks


Blue book for exams.

  1. Exams

    • Midterm Exam

      • The Cultural Anthropology Midterm Exam will be Thursday 14 June 2012

      • This will be an "open notes" exam

      • You may bring and use your computer

      • Chs. 01 - 04

      • Study Questions are those included in the "Table of Contents" of the text

      • you will need to answer 4 questions

      • 400 points (33.3 % of final grade)

    • Final Exam

      • The Cultural Anthropology Final Exam will be Thursday 28 June 2012

      • This will be an "open notes" exam

      • You may bring and use your computer

      • Chs. 05 - 08, and general cumulative questions

      • Study Questions are those included in the "Table of Contents" of the text

      • you will need to answer 6 questions

      • 600 points (50.0 % of final grade)

    • Makeup Exams

      • You may make up quizes and exams during any makeup time scheduled by the Department of Sociology-Anthropology. Makeups are usually given in Cina 214 at times which will be announced in class.
        (Please note: it usually takes several days for makeups to be returned to you.)

    • Please see me if you need to arrange for a makeup quiz or exam.
  1. Extra Credit

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