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OWL logo, Online Writing Lab, Purdue University.

Project #02

Interview with a Social Science Professional
Righthand Illustration

  • (P#2) Project #2 requires that you prepare for, conduct, and report on an interview with a social science professional practicing in your field. Interview a non-academic, i.e., one in the "real world."

  • The final interview report must be of the quality to become part of the permanent collections of the Northeast Minnesota Historical Center located in 202 Library-Annex (map).

    • Note: It does not have to become part of the NMHC collections, unless you want it to, but it must be quality enough to meet the standards of their collections

      • You only need a signed agreement if you are going to make the information from the interview public (as they do at the NMHC). Having said that, if the person is interesting, I recommend that you file your report with the local Historical Society. They like reports on regular type of people (usually it's only the rich and famous that get included in their contemporary records).

  • Length: depends on the interview, but probably 5 - 12 well-edited and well-written double-spaced pages; minimum length = 5 pages.

    • Your paper should read either as a biography, or a discription of the person's primary job (with some biography included)

    • The form of your paper is up to you, except that this project can not be a simple Question-Answer Question-Answer Question-Answer format.

      • That is, you must take the materials from the interview and integrate them into a paper.

    • Include a brief description of the interview itself
      • describe where it was conducted, how it went, what you think were the best parts of the interview, what maybe didn't go as well as you might have wanted, how long it lasted, etc.

  • Due at the end of the sixth week (12% of your grade, or 24 points of a possible ca. 200 points).

  • Information about Handing in Your Paper

  • Project #2 may be revised, at your option. That is, if you are satisfied with the grade you get at first, then you are finished with the project. On the other hand, if you would like to revise this paper for a higher grade you may do so. Only Project #2 may be revised for a higher grade.


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Envelope: E-mail © 1998 - 2023 Timothy G. Roufs
Page URL: http:// /cla/faculty/troufs/comp3160/cmp-p2.html
Last Modified 13:28:11 GMT 14 March 2002
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