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Concise Dictionaries

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Basic List of Acronyms


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AAK Alive And Kicking
AAR At Any Rate
AAS Alive And Smiling
ADAD Another Day, Another Dollar
ADN Any Day Now
AFAIC As Far As I'm Concerned
AFAIK As Far As I Know
AFK Away From Keyboard
AFN Thats All For Now
AOTA All Of The Above
ASAP As Sooon as Possible
A/S/L, or ASL Age/Sex/Location
ATM At The Moment

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B4 Before
B4N Bye for Now
BAK Back at Keyboard (I'm back)
BBL Be Back Later
BBS Be Back Soon
BC, b/c Because
BCNU I'll Be Seeing You.
BF, b/f Boyfriend
BFN, B4N Bye For Now
BG Big Grin
BMG Be My Guest
BOTOH But On The Other Hand
BR Best Regards
BRB Be Right Back
BRH Be Right Here
BTA But Then Again
BTDT Been There, Done That
BTW By The Way
BTWU&M Between you and me
BYKT But You Knew That

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CID Consider It Done
CNP Continued in Next Post
CP Chat Post
CSL Can't Stop Laughing
CU See You
CUL, CUL8R See You Later
CUOL See You On Line
CYA See Ya

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DDSOS Different Day, Same Old Sh..
DEGT Dont Even Go There
DIKU Do I Know You?
DIS Did I Say
DL, D/L Downloading, or Download
DQMOT Don't Quote Me On This

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EM E-Mail
EMA E-mail Address
EMSG E-Mail Message
EOM End Of Message
EZ Easy

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F2F Face To Face
F2T Free to Talk
FAQ Frequently Asked Question
FITB Fill In The Blanks
FLAME To insult someone
FOCL Falling Off Chair Laughing
FMPOV From My Point Of View
FUD Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt
FWIW For What Its Worth
FYI For Your Information

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G2G, GTG Gotta Go, Got To Go
GA Go Ahead
GAL Get A Life
G/F, GF, gf Girlfriend
GFN Gone For Now
GG, g/g Gotta Go
GGN Gotta Go Now
GGOH Gotta Get Outta Here
GL Good Luck
GMTA Great Minds Think Alike
GR Gotta Run
GRA Go Right Ahead
GR&D Grinning, Running, and Ducking.
GR8 Great
GRT Great
GTG, G2G Got To Go, Gotta Go
GTR Got To Run
GTRM Going To Read Mail
GTSY Glad To See You
GW Good Work

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H&K, HAK Hugs and Kisses
H8 Hate
HAGD Have A Good Day
HAGO Have A Good One
HAK, H&K Hugs and Kisses
HAND Have A Nice Day
HB Hurry Back
HT Hi There
HTH Hope That Helps

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IAC In Any Case
IAE In Any Event
IANAL I Am Not A Lawer but....
IB I'm Back
IC I See
IDC I Don't Care
IDN I Don't Know
IDK I Don't Know
IDTS I Don't Think So
IC I See
IK I Know
ILU or ILY I Love You
IM Instant Message
IMHO In My Humble Opinion
IMNSHO In My Not So Humble Opinion
IMO In My Opinion
IMS I'm Sorry
IOH I'm Out of Here
IOW In Other Words
IRL In Real Life
IYO In Your Opinion

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JAS Just A Second
JIC Just In Case
JK, j/k Just Kidding
JMO Just My Opinion
JTLYK Just To Let You Know
JW Just Wondering

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K, kk Okay
KIS Keep It Simple
KIT Keep In Touch

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L8 Late
L8R Later (Godbye)
LBH Let's Be Honest
LOL Laughing Out Loud
LTNS Long Time No See
LTS Laughing To one's Self
LY I Love You
LYL Love You Lots
LYLAB Love You Like A Brother
LYLAS Love You Like A Sister

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MorF Male or Female

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NBD No Big Deal
NC, n/c No Comment
NE Any
NE1 Anyone
NEWBIE new person
NIMBY Not In My Back Yard
NM, n/m Never Mind
NMU Not much, you?
NP No Problem
NRN No Response Necessary, Not Right Now
NT No Thanks

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OBTW Oh, By The Way
OH Off Hand
OIC Oh, I See
OJ Only Joking
OK OK, Only Kidding
OMG Oh My Gosh!, Oh My God!
OT Off Topic
OTE Over The Edge (beyond good taste or common sense)
OTH Off The Hook
OTOH On The Other Hand
OTOMH Off the Top of My Head
OTP On The Phone
OTW On The Way
OWTTE Or Words To That Effect

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P911 Parents Emergency (My parents are in the room)
PANS Pretty Awesome New Stuff
PCM Please Call Me
PEEPS People
PITA Pain In The A..
PLZ, PLS Please
PM Private Message
PMJI Pardon Me for Jumping In
POC Point Of Contact
POS Piece of S...
POTS Parents Over The Shoulder
POV Point Of View
PPL People

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Q Question
QT Cutie
QYMPA You Might Possibly Ask

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RL Real Life
RM Ready Made
ROTFL Rolling On The Floor, Laughing
ROTF Rolling On The Floor (laughing)
RSN Real Soon Now
RU Are you?
RUOK? Are You OK?

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SFETE Smiling From Ear To Ear
SH Same Here
SIT Stay In Touch
SN Screen Name
SNAFU Situation Normal, All Fouled Up
SO Significant Other
SOL Scout Out Of Luck
SOS Same Old Sh..
SOTA State Of The Art
SPST Same Place, Same Time
SSDD Same Sh.., Different Day
STR8 Straight
STW Search The Web
SY Sincerely Yours
SYL See You Later
SYS See You Soon

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TA Thanks Again
TAFN Thats All For Now
TBA To Be Announced
TBH To Be Honest
TC Take Care
TEFYTS That's Easy for You to Say
TGIF Thank Goodness Its Friday
THX Thanks
TIA Thanks In Advance
TM Text Message
TMI Too Much Information
TNT Til Next Time
TPS Thats Pretty Stupid
TPTB The Powers That Be
TRDMF Tears Running Down My Face
TS Tough Sh..
TTFN Ta-Ta For Now
TTTT These Things Take Time
TTYL Talk To You Later
TY Thank You
TYMB That You Might Believe
TYT Take Your Time
TYVM Thank You Very Much

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U You
U2 You too
UL, u/l Upload or Uploading
UN User Name
UV Unpleasant Visual
UW You're Welcome

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VN Very Nice

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WB Welcome Back
WC WelCome
WE, W/E Whatever
WEU Whats Eating You?
WFM Works For Me
WIIFM Whats In It For Me?
WT? What The ...? or Who The ...?
WTG Way To Go
WTH? What The Heck?
WU What's Up?
WWJD What Would Jesus Do?

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XOXO Hugs (Os) and Kisses (Xs)

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Y Why
YAA Yet Another Acronym
YBS Youll Be Sorry
YCSTA You Can Say That Again
YL Young Lady
YM Young Man
YMMV Your Mileage May Vary
YMSTICPC You Might Say That, I Couldn't Possibly Comment
YMTTBICPC You May Think That But I Couldn't Possibly Comment
YR Yea, Right  (sarcastic)
YS You Stinker
YT? You There?
YVW Youre Very Welcome
YW You're Welcome
YWSTWY You Would Say That Wouldn't You

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ZZZ tired or bored

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