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Prehistoric Cultures

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How Much is Too Much?

Tips on Selecting from a Smörgåsbord
of Materials Currently Available with Texts
Textbooks are increasingly being packaged with traditional and high-tech support materials. In fact, occasionally too many materials are available for practical use in the classroom.
Is this overkill or opportunity ?

How to figure it out

Printed Version from Instructional Development, Vol. XVII, No. 2, pp. 1 - 4.


A. Text and text resources available for Prehistoric Cultures include:
(involving just one base textbook from Wadsworth Thompson Learning Company)
  1. Your choice of three versions of the textbook:

  2. On-line Web Text Resources:

      • For UMD Prehistoric Cultures we use the forum boards developed by Tom Bacig: PCforum instead of the one provided by Wadsworth

    • Author! Author! -- introduction to the author in his own words

    • Infotrac® College Edition
      • Infotrac® College Edition is an online library that is available at no extra cost with each new copy of a Wadsworth anthropology text. This virtual library gives you access to thousands of searchable full-length articles -- not abstracts -- from more than 900 scholarly and popular periodicals.
      • Infotrac at UMD
      • UMD has a related service: JSTORE

  3. CD-ROM: Virtual Laboratories for Physical Anthropology, Second Edition, (2000), John Kappelman (ISBN/ISSN: 0-534-53376-0 )

  4. On-line Web Resources CD-ROM Virtual Lab:
  5. Other Supplementary Materials:

  6. CNN Today Videos: Physical Anthropology
    • Two Videotapes containing thirty-six 2:00 - 4:39 news segments from CNN
    • These are intended to be used to "launch your lectures with riveting footage from CNN"
    • These videos "allow you to integrate the news gathering and programming power of CNN into the classroom to show students the relevance of physical anthropology topics to their everyday lives

  7. Wadsworth Anthropology Video Library
    • Two free selections from 23 full-length anthropology videos

  8. Transparency Acetates
    • Over 70 overhead transparencies of artwork from the text

  9. 35 mm Slides
    • Color slides of art found in the text

  10. ExamView
    • Cross-platform CD-ROM allows you to create, deliver, and customize tests and study guides (both print and online)

  11. AnthroLink 2001
    • CD-ROM in PowerPoint
    • plus 350 + images, art, figures, and tables from the texts and video clips

B. Locally Available Traditional AV Materials:

  1. Over 3000 35-mm slides developed for the course over the last 30 years
  2. Nineteen 16-mm and Video programs specially selected to supplement traditional course lectures.

C. Locally Produced WebBased Materials:

  1. At the top of this page items are alphabetized by subject, A - Z , offering hundreds of pages tailor-made for the course

  2. At the top of this page pop-down menus offer access to main topics / areas of the course

  3. Hot-buttoned in-class PowerPoint presentations available on the web.

    For e.g., Selected Major Prehistoric Discoveries / Events ca. 1850 - Present
        • Class Slides Set #09 -- Selected Major Discoveries . . .
          (These are suitable for cable modum or on-campus download only)

  4. Prehistoric Cultures Class Site Map

C. Picking from the Smörgåsbord

In the end, picking from available alternatives falls back to low-tech / no-tech principles that have endured the ages.

Selections should be driven by considerations of:

Audience . . .

Purpose . . .

  • What do you want to do ?

Personal Style . . .

© 1998 - 2024 Timothy G. Roufs — All rights reserved   Envelope: E-mail
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