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Saturday, 27 July 2024, 05:52 (05:52 AM) CDT, day 209 of 2024

Prehistoric Cultures

Fall 2012 Calendar -- DAY  [archive]

Fall 2012 Calendar  -- EVENING [archive]

Dates and Times to Remember 

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Saturday, 27 July 2024, 10:52 (10:52 AM) GMT, day 209 of 2024
. . . in History 
  . . . in Headlines

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OWL logo, Online Writing Lab, Purdue University.

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Requirements Summary
Prehistoric Cultures is a 4 credit course
as with most courses in CLA it has A-F grading, rather than pass / no-pass
prerequisites none






extra credit (optional)
special facilities

AVISO: Unexcused Late Assignments and Extra Credit Papers receive no credit

If you really want to know the details of why that is so, have a look at the memo below that I recently sent to a student. The details change from semester to semester, but the basic scheduling problems remain the same. . . . It's basically a boring read, but important none the same--especially if you're the procrastinating type. -- Tim Roufs

A Memo to a Student on Why Your [Late] Extra Credit Will not Be Accepted

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Tim Roufs

Forum, Case Study, Exams, Extra Credit
  • Forum
    (ca. 20 postings @ up to 20 points each)

    • Enrolled members of the class are required to participate in class discussions on the Forum at in the Moodle folder
      (ca. 20 postings @ up to 20 points each)

    • Topics for postings will be announced in class and via e-mail

      • Postings are due within two weeks of the date of announcement

    • There will be ca. 20 of them during the semester, including one relating to an on-line evaluation of the course

      • at the very end of the semester, i.e., in Week 15, post a course evaluation covering the entire semester of the class itself

        • end of the semester postings must be completed by the scheduled final exam time

    • you will receive an e-mail describing each topic, and each topic will be announced in your Moodle folder
    AVISO: Unexcused late assignments receive no credit

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  • Case Study
    (up to 100 points)
What's New?

Current Trends and New Discoveries
at the Texas A&M  Anthropology World News WebSite

    • Case Study Paper on "What's New? Current Trends and New Discoveries"
      (up to 100 points)

      • DAY Case Study "What's New? Current Trends and New Discoveries" was due Friday, 21 September 2012, 11:55 p.m.

      • CE Case Study "What's New? Current Trends and New Discoveries" was due Friday, 21 September 2012, 11:55 p.m.

      • Length: 5 - 6 well-written pages

        • including one title page (see sample title page) and

        • and at least one separate "Works Cited" (or "References") page (see sample)

        • that leaves 3-4 pages of text

          • with one-inch margins all around
          • with body type font 11 or 12
          • illustrations, tables, figures, diagrams . . . may be included, but must be properly placed and cited

        • Turn in via your Moodle folder under Week 3 Activities

          • named something like YourUMDid_case_study_1

      • Unexcused late Case Study papers @ -2% of final grade

      • Papers must follow a college writing handbook such as Andrea Lunsford’s The St. Martin's Handbook, 6th Ed., (NY: St. Martin’s, 2008)

      • Or you can follow the Sociology-Anthropology Department writing guide on the web at <>.
      • Other web resources such asOWL logo, Online Writing Lab, Purdue University.(the Purdue Online Writing Lab) <>

      • or Paradigm Online Writing Assistant at <>

      • Other useful information is available on the "Writing Labs, On-Line Assisstance, and Reference Works" page

      • For your footnotes, "bibliography" ("Works Cited" or "References"), and other matters like that, use either the APA (American Psychological Association) citation style, the MLA (Modern Language Association) style, the CMS (Chicago) style, or the CBE (Council of Biology Editors) style. Don't make up your own.

    Case Study Paper detailed instructions
    (if you want more)

more detailed information on the case study is availale at:

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Page URL: http:// /cla/faculty/troufs/anth1602/pcrequirements.html
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