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Anthropology of Food

to Sweet Treats around the World

What FoodAnthro is Reading Now . . .
. Friday, 26 July 2024, 23:53 (11:53 PM) CDT, day 208 of 2024 .
BBC Food
The Gardian News/ The GardianAnimals Farmed/

World Food and Water Clock
OWL logo, Online Writing Lab, Purdue University.    
Sicilian ice-cream in a bread bun. A good solution to a local problem: the Mediterranean heat quickly melts the ice-cream, which is absorbed by the bread.
A Fistful of Rice.
A Fistfull of Rice
Claire Kathleen Roufs eating first food at 5 months.
Claire Kathleen Roufs

Eating rat.
"Eating Rat At The New Year"
National Geographic
Desert People, boy eating "grub worm"
Desert People

Search the troufs Site
(all TR courses and web pages)
Anthroplogy of Food
Top people in the world are into Food . . .
Will Allen, Growing Power.
On the Future of Fod, HRH The Prince of Wales.
Michael Pollan

Food Rules
The Omnivore's Dilemma

one of
The 2010 TIME 100, Thinkers
"The World's Most Influential People"

-- Alice Waters, Time 29 April 2010

Time Magazine top 100, 2010.


HRH Prince Charles

On the Future of Food

On the Future of Fod, HRH The Prince of Wales.

Food Babe, One of Time's 30 Most Influential People on the Web

  Read the full piece in Time Magazine here


Michelle Obama
having lunch with school children at Parklawn Elementary School in Alexandria, VA
  New York Times (25 January 2012)

  Let's Move

The World's Best Praline comes from . . .

 Oscar Ortega

 Oscar Ortega

Master Chocolatier

"One of the most famous chocolatiers of the American Continent"

  Atelier Ortega
Jackson, Wyoming

Best Pralines in the world 2015 -- Milan, Italy

Best Pastry Chef of América 2011

“First Place - Gelato World Cup - Cactus Fruit Sorbet” — Rimini, Italy

“Oscar Ortega - Top ten pastry chef in America” — Dessert Professional Magazine


Meet more of the world's most influential people online in Anthropology of Food . . .

The True History of Chocolate, Sophie Coe and Michael D. Coe.

Meaning of Food.

Dean Fearing
Sophie Coe
Michael D. Coe
Marcus Samuelsson
Rick Bayless
Dean Fearing
Food, Inc.
The Cove.
Our Daily Bread.
 Eric Schlosser,
and Crew
Louie Psihoyos,
and Crew
Nikolaus Geyrhalter,
and Crew
Ana Sofia Joanes,
and Crew
The Cove.
Food Politics.
Nestle, Marion. Safe Food: The Politics of Food Safety. Berleley, CA: University of Caliornia Press, 2010.
Harvest for Hope.
Marion Nestle
 Marion Nestle
Marion Nestle
Jane Goodall
Two Fat Ladies.

The Art of Simple Food, Alice Waters.
Eat not this flesh, Frederick J. Simoons
Wolfgang Puck
Clarissa Dickson-Wright
Jennifer Paterson
Alice Waters
Frederick J. Simoons
Wolfgang Puck
Slow Food Nation, Carlo Petrini.
Coming Home to Eat, Gary Paul Nabhan.
Near a Thousand Tables

Switness and Power, Sidney Mintz.
Carlo Petrini
Gary Paul Nabhan
Felipe Fernández-Armesto
Sidney Mintz
Cod, Mark Kurlansky.
Four Fish: The Future of the Last Wild Food, Paul Breenberg (NY: Penguine, 2010)
My Big Fat Greek Wedding.
Nathaniel's Nutmeg:, Giles Milton.
Mark Kurlansky
Paul Greenberg
Joel Zwick,
and Crew
Giles Milton
Roadfood, Jane and Michael Stern.
Food in History, Reay Tannahill.
Banana, Dan Koeppel.
The Banana Split Book
Jane and Michael Stern
Reay Tannahill
Dan Koeppel
Michael Turbeck
The Physiology of Taste, Jean-Anthelme Brillat-Savarin.
Maguelonne Toussaint-Samat
Apples, Frank Browning.

The Spice Routes, Chris and Carolyn Caldicott.
Maguelonne Toussaint-Samat
Frank Browning
Chris and Carolyn Caldicott
Savoring the Seasons, Beth Dooley and Lucia Watson.
The World is Fat, Barry Popkin.
A History of the World in 6 Glasses, Tom Standage.
Beth Dooley
Lucia Watson
Barry Popkin
Tom Standage
Jerry Hopkins

European Peasant Cookery.

European Festival Food.

The Tuscan Year, Elizabeth Romer.
Kostioukovitch, Elena. Why Italians Love to Talk About Food. NY: Farrar, Straus annd Girous, 2006. [English translation by Anne Milano Appel, 2009].
Elisabeth Luard
Elisabeth Luard
Elizabeth Romer
Elena Kostioukovitch
Foeis Gras Wars, Mark Caro.
Pandora's Seed: The Unforseen Cost of Civilliation, Spencer Wells (NY: Random House, 2010).
Kostioukovitch, Elena. Why Italians Love to Talk About Food. NY: Farrar, Straus annd Girous, 2006. [English translation by Anne Milano Appel, 2009].
Spencer Wells
Andrew Caldwell
 Elizabeth Royte
Frances Moore Lappe
Richardson, Jill. Recipe for America: Why Our Food System is Broken and What We Can Do to Fix It. Brooklyn, NY: Ig, 2009.
Barbara Kingsolver
Three Squares: The Invention of the American Meal
Frances Moore Lappé
Jill Richardson
La Vida Locavore
Barbara Kingsolver
Abigail Carroll
Fair Food, Oran B. Hesterman
Stuffed and Starved: The Hidden Battle for the World Food System by Raj Patel
Paradox of Plenty: A Social History of Eating in Modern America by Harvey Levenstein.=
Revolution at the Table by Harvey Levenstein
Oran Hesterman
Raj Patel
Harvey Levenstein
Harvey Levenstein
Full Planet, Empty Plates: The New Geopolotics of Food Security by Lester R. Brown
Secret Ingredients.
Full Planet, Empty Plates: The New Geopolotics of Food Security by Lester R. Brown
Thomas Jefferson’s Crème Brûlée: How a Founding Father and His Slave James Hemings Introduced French Cuisine to America
Lester R. Brown
  Sherrie A. Inness
Julia Child
Michael Pollan.
On the Future of Fod, HRH The Prince of Wales.
 The Future of Food
The Language of Food
Michael Pollan
HRH Prince Charles
Dan Jurafsky
Joel Salatin of Polyface Farm.

Joel Salatin

 America's Farmers ad, Monsanto HomePage.
America's Farmers

Why food ?

“Food is required by every human on earth, yet the types of food we eat and how we produce and consume it vary tremendously.  It is therefore a nearly perfect subject for anthropology, since it can be examined in terms of human biology, culture, and social status across time from our evolutionary ancestors to the present day. . . .”  -- Ryan Adams, IUPUI Anthropology


Martha Stewart and Mr. T.

Bon Appétit

Will Allen, Growing Power.


TAPS Magazine, Karla Dudley, Editor in Chief, Winter 2012 cover

Karla Dudley, Editor in Chief,
TAPS The Beer Magazine
Winter 2012

TAPS Magazine, Winter 2012 cover

For more information follow the links . . .

Conceptual Outline/Topics of Anthropology of Food

Course Catalogue Descriptions

Last Modified Wednesday, 21 August 2019, 14:24 (02:24 PM) CDT, day 233 of 2019

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