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Prehistoric Cultures

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The first published illustration of a  Hand Ax, 1715

Every ten weeks for the rest of your life one or more significant new discoveries and / or major news items will likely be reported in the area of prehistoric cultures.

Darwin's 1837 Sketch


Prehistoric Cultures
Course Summary

  • discusses the growth and differentiation of cultures from their beginnings to the earliest stages of ancient civilizations

Courses in Category 7 focus on the study of societies and / or cultures and the analysis of basic philosophical issues and traditions.

Liberal education courses are intended to add breadth to your education. Prehistoric Cultures deals with human history and prehistory, and their influence on contemporary life. Specific liberal education objectives are to: (a) encourage you to think critically about issues; (b) provide experience in the analytic methods of study used in anthropology, archaeology, paleontology, and primatology; (c) provide an awareness of historical and prehistorical traditions, social issues, and diverse cultural values; and, (d) introduce you to knowledge important for an active and socially responsible citizen.

  • also meets the international perspective requirement as it deals with the emergence and development of human life in several locations in the world.

    The International perspective increases students' awareness and understanding of issues or topics from an international or global perspective, examining interdependencies or differences that exist in our world. These courses focus on at least one of the following topics: (1) issues or problems which transcend national boundaries; (2) cultural, political, economic, or other interdependencies; (3) significant differences across national or broad cultural boundaries, or, (4) an in-depth study of some aspect of one or more nations or cultures outside of the United States.

  • 4 semester credits
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"The mark of the new evolution which sweeps us along is that unlearning and learning anew have already become as important to survival as learning used to be. What people know is far less important than their capacity for modifying or discarding what they think they know."

(John E. Pfeiffer, The Emergence of Humankind, 4th ed. NY: Harper and Row, 1985, p. 358.)

-- Tim Roufs

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