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Anthropology of Food

to Sweet Treats around the World

What FoodAnthro is Reading Now . . .
. Friday, 26 July 2024, 23:46 (11:46 PM) CDT, day 208 of 2024 .
BBC Food
The Gardian News/ The GardianAnimals Farmed/

World Food and Water Clock
OWL logo, Online Writing Lab, Purdue University.    
Sicilian ice-cream in a bread bun. A good solution to a local problem: the Mediterranean heat quickly melts the ice-cream, which is absorbed by the bread.
A Fistful of Rice.
A Fistfull of Rice
Claire Kathleen Roufs eating first food at 5 months.
Claire Kathleen Roufs

Eating rat.
"Eating Rat At The New Year"
National Geographic
Desert People, boy eating "grub worm"
Desert People

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Anthroplogy of Food



Food and Religion

Food and Spirituality, Food and Mythology

In the News

films / videos

see also

Food Item Wanted
Taboo Food and Drink . . . 
Festival Foods
Food Ethics
World Hunger
Politics of Food


In the news . . .

  • Anthropophagy

  • Bell, Rudolph M. Holy Anorexia. University Of Chicago Press, 1987.

  • Bynum Walker, Caroline. Holy Feast and Holy Fast: The Religious Significance of Food to Medieval Women. University of California Press, 1988.

  • Constable, Olivia Remie. "Food and Meaning: Christian Understandings of Muslim Food and Food Ways in Spain, 1250–1550." Viator 44, no. 3 (2013): 199-235.

  • Cooper, John. Eat and Be Satisfied: A Social History of Jewish Food. Northvale, NJ: Jason Aronson, 1993.

  • DeTurris Poust, Mary. Cravings: A Catholic Wrestles with Food, Self-Image, and God. Ave Maria Press, 2012.

  • Essig, Mark. Lesser Beasts: A Snout-to-Tail History of the Humble Pig. NY: Basic Books, 2015.

  • Fernandez-Armesto, Felipe. Near a Thousand Tables: A History of Food. NY: The Free Press, 2002.

  • Fischer, Johan . The Halal Frontier: Muslim Consumers in a Globalized Market. NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011.

  • Fox, Robin. "Food and Eating: An Anthropological Perspective," Oxford, UK: Social Issues Research Center, pp. 1-22.

  • Freidenreich, David M. Foreigners and Their Food: Constructing Otherness in Jewish, Christian, and Islamic Law. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2011.

  • Garrett, Catherine. Beyond Anorexia: Narrative, Spirituality and Recovery. Cambridge University Press, 1998.

  • Hanh, Thich Nhat, and Lilian Cheung. Savor: Mindful Eating, Mindful Life. NY: Harper-Collins, 2010.

  • Harris, Patricia, David Lyon, and Sue McLaughlin. 2005. The Meaning of Food: The Companion to the PBS Televisio Series Hosted by Marchs Samuelsson. Guilford, CT: The Globe Pequot, 2005.

  • Hedgepeth, William. The Hog Book. Athens, GA: University of Georgia Press, 1978.

  • It’s Time for a New Relationship With Food -- Leo Babauta

  • Horwitz, Richard P. Hog Ties: What Pigs Tell Us About America. NY: St. Martin's, 1998.

  • Jacob, Heinrich Eduard. Six Thousand Years of Bread: Its Holy and Unholy History. Skyhorse, 2007.

  • Jotischky, Andrew. A Hermit's Cookbook: Monks, Food & Fasting in the Middle Ages. Continuum, 2011.

  • Jung, L. Shannon. Sharing Food: Christian Practices for Enjoyment. Fortress, 2006.

  • Lelwica, Michelle Mary. Starving For Salvation: The Spiritual Dimensions of Eating Problems among American Girls and Women. Oxford University Press, 2002.

  • Luard, Elisabeth. Sacred Food: Cooking for Spiritual Nourishment. Chicago: Chicago Review Press, 2004 [2001].

  • Neel, Douglas E. and Joel A. Pugh. The Food and Feasts of Jesus: Inside the World of First Century Fare, with Menus and Recipes. Rowman & Littlefield, 2012.

  • Patterson, Barbara AB, and Shirley M. Banks. "Christianity and Food: Recent Scholarly Trends." Religion Compass 7, no. 10 (2013): 433-443.

  • Peck, Alice. Bread, Body, Spirit: Finding the Sacred in Food. Skylight Paths, 2008.

  • Rosenberger, Nancy R. Seeking Food Rights: Nation, Inequality and Repression in Uzbekistan. Wadsworth, 2012.

  • Salatin, Joel. The Marvelous Pigness of Pigs. NY: Faith Works, 2016.

  • "The Sensual and the Spiritual in the World of Food," Ch. 2 of Bringéus, Nils-Arvid. Man, Food and Milieu: A Swedish Approach to Food Ethnology. Tuckwell, 2001.

  • Simoons, Frederick J. Eat not this flesh: food avoidances from prehistory to the present, 2nd Ed. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press, 1994.

  • von Poser, Anita. Foodways and Empathy: Relatedness in a Ramu River Society, Papua New Guinea. Food, Nutrition, and Culture Series. NY: Berghahn, 2013.

  • Weiss, Brad. Real Pigs: Shifting Values in the Field of Local Pork. Durham: Duke University Press, 2016.

  • Wilkins, John. M. and Shaun Hill. Food in the Ancient World. Wiley-Blackwell, 2006.

  • Wirzba, Norman. Food and Faith: A Theology of Eating. Cambridge University Press, 2011.

  • World Religions

films / videos
PBS video:
Food for the Ancestors
(60 min., 2006, on order)
Food for Body and Spirit
(29 min., 1984, VC 714)
(Food of China)
[food holds Chinese culture together]
viewing guide
The Global Banquet: The Politics of Food
(50 min., 2001, VC 4770)
(56 min.?)

viewing guide

The Meaning of Food: "Food & Life" (ca. 60 min., CC, 2007, DVD 1700)
viewing guide

Episode 1: "Food & Life"
examines the symbolic importance of food and eating


The Meaning of Food: "Food & Family" (streaming video)
(ca. 60 min., CC, 2007, DVD 1700)
viewing guide

Episode 3: "Food & Family"
looks at the complex way food defines families


video--International Focus:
Our Daily Bread
(92 min., CC, but almost without dialogue, 2005, DVD 1988)
Our Daily Bread Viewing Guide
Our Daily Bread -- Wikipedia
viewing guide

The Pig Commandments
(72 min., 2005, DVD 1690)
(70 min?)
[food tears Chinese culture apart in Malaysia]
viewing guide
video--International Focus:
We Feed the World
(96 min., CC, 2007, DVD 1330)
We Feed the World Viewing Guide
viewing guide

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Adam and Eve by Albrecht Dürer (1507) given by Christina of Sweden to King Philip IV in 1654.

Adam and Eve (1507)

Albrecht Dürer
(1471 - 1528)



Karris, Robert J. Eating Your Way Through Luke's Gospel.
Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press, 2006.

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Marriage at Cana, Giotto_-_Scrovegni.

Marriage at Cana

Giotto di Bondone
(1267 -1337)

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The Last Supper, Leonardo da Vinci, 1498.

The Last Supper

Leonardo da Vinci

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Marriage at Cana, Giotto_-_Scrovegni.

The Last Supper

Marcos Zapata
18th century, Cathedral of Santo Domingo, Cusco, Peru

Christ and his disciples contemplate a feast
of roast guinea pig

Luard, Elisabeth. Sacred Food: Cooking for Spiritual Nourishment.
Chicago: Chicago Review Press, 2004 [2001], pp. 238-239



Aztec woman blowing on maize before putting it into the cooking pot so it will not fear the fire.

Aztec woman blowing on maize before putting it into the cooking pot
so it will not fear the fire.

Florentine Codex I, fol 347 right
Late 16th century

Aztec Feasts

Aztec cuisine -- Wikipedia

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Sugar skull, Day of the Dead.

Sugar Skull, Day of the Dead (El Día de los Muertos)


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