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Prehistoric Cultures

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Prehistoric Cultures Slides
for use as study guides
for Tim Roufs' section

visual anthropology

Anthropology Videos and DVDs at the UMD Library

Archaeology and Classical Studies Videos and DVDs in the UMD Library

Video materials used in class illustrate many topics covered in this course. Consider these presentations similar to lab sessions, that is, watch them carefully and critically rather than simply watch another movie or video. The exams will include these materials, and it will be assumed that you have paid critical attention to them.

Introduction to Anthropology / Orientation to Prehistoric Cultures
Meet Your Professor
Slides: (show) (.pdf) (.pptx)
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Slides: (show) (.pdf) (.pptx)
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slides: (show) (.pdf) (.pptx)
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Main Characteristics of Anthropology

slides: (show) (.pdf) (.pptx)
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[see note on slide formats]
the four fields of general anthropology
culture as a primary concept
comparative method as major approach
holism as a primary theoretical goal
fieldwork as a primary research technique
Other Important Terms
slides: (show) (.pdf) (.pptx)
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[see note on slide formats]
Units of Analysis
slides: (show) (.pdf) (.pptx)
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[see note on slide formats]
Three Major Prerineal Debates
slides: (show) (.pdf) (.pptx)
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[see note on slide formats]
Finding Information
How to Study for Exams
slides: (show) (.pdf) (.pptx)
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[see note on slide formats]
The Development of Prehistoric Cultures:
History of Thought and the Emergence of Key Concepts
Lucretius to Perthes
slides (show) (.pdf) (.pptx)
Darwin and Wallace
slides (show) (.pdf) (.pptx)
slides (show) (.pdf) (.pptx)
Other Early Studies and Events
slides (show) (.pdf) (.pptx)
Conceptual Changes 19th to 20th Century
slides (show) (.pdf) (.pptx)

Kinds of Major Discoveries and Trends of the Past Quarter Century
slides (show) (.pdf) (.pptx)


Contemporary Non-Human Primates
  ~ And “A Monkey Named Hellion,” 60 Minutes, 24 July 2002 (12 min.)
Major Characteristics of Modern Physical Anthropology


07 - 08
et pasim
  Genetics, Primatology, Physical Anthropology
     Characteristics #1 - #6 (slides 07A
  Culture and Human Breeding Patterns
     Characteristic #7 (slides 07B)
  Population Studies
     Characteristic #8 (slides 07C)
  Biocultural Evolution and Sociobiology
     Characteristics #9 - #10 (slides 08)

Be sure to have a look at the interactive Atlas of the Human Journey at <>

  • A New Kind of Explorer
  • The Genographic Project
  • Public Participation
  • A Virtual Museum of Human History
The Development of Prehistoric Cultures: History of Thought and the Emergence of Key Concepts (cont.)

04 / 06
06 / 07
07 / 08
Other Early Studies and Events

Prehistoric and Contemporary Primates (class handout)

Archaeological Methods and Dating Techniques

Some Important Concepts (slides 11B)

Special Skills:

In the Field (slides 10A)

In the Lab (slides 10B)

In the Field and Lab (slides 10C)
Archaeological Dating Methods (slides 10D)
Other Methods of Analysis (slides 10E)

Early Hominids in the Plio-Pleistocene

Week Early Hominins Slides
  Major Discoveries slides: Prehistoric Primates -- Pre Homo sapiens sapiens
(slides 01B-Primates_Prehistoric_Pre-Hss)
Introduction to Early Hominins (slides 17A)
  A Walk Through Hominin Evolution (slides 17B)
  "Putting it all Together" (slides 17C)
  Lucy, The First Family, and Friends (slides 18)
  Australopithecus Hunting and Foraging (slides 19)
  Early Homo (Homo habilis and Homo rudolfensis) (slides 20)

Homo erectus and Contemporaries

Major Discoveries slides: Homo erectus and "The Hobbit"
09 17
  09 18
Migrations Out of Africa (slides 26D) (.pptx)
"Hobbit" (slides) (.pptx)

"Premodern Humans": Neandertals and Other Archaic Homo sapiens
aka " Archaics "

Text Ch. 11 "Premodern Humans," pp. 245-272

A. Neandertals

(Homo neandertalensis)
(Homo sapiens neandertalensis)

B. "Other Archaics"

(Homo heidelbergensis)
(Homo sapiens heidelbergensis)


"Premodern Humans" (aka " Archaics ") (slides: premoderns.pptx)
Text Ch. 11 "Premodern Humans," pp. 245-272

10 19   A. Neandertals
(Homo neandertalensis)
(Homo sapiens neandertalensis)
"Other Archaics "
(Homo heidelbergensis)
(Homo sapiens heidelbergensis)
        (slides: premoderns.pptx)   (slides: premoderns.pptx)
Neandertal II (slides 30)
Steinheim / "Eve" (slides 28)

Homo sapiens sapiens: Anatomically Modern Human Beings (introduction)

  • Making and Using Lithic Tools slides efficient use of raw materials improve
  • Week(s)
      Tools: Osteodontokeratic and Lithic    
    11 / 12
      Tools and Techniques: Basic Terms / Basic Types
    (slides: tools_intro.pptx)
    Making and Using Lithic Tools
    (slides: tools_making-and-using.pptx)
    Upper Paleolithic Tool Traditions
    (slides: tools_Upper-Paleolithic.pptx )
    Hunting / Gathering / Foraging

    Foraging Peoples in History and Prehistory
    Ethnographic Analogy / Ethnoarchaeology
    (slides: 11A-Ethnoarchaeology.pptx)
    12 / 13
    Foraging: Hunting / Gathering / Collecting
    (slides: hunting.pptx) 
    Ambrona and Terra Amata: Big Game Hunters in Spain and France
    (slides: 27A-Ambrona.ppt)
    Holocene Hunters and Gatherers
    (slides: 27B-Holocene_Hunters.ppt)

    Food Production and the Rise of Ancient Civilizations: The Neolithic


    Food Production: A Biocultural Revolution (slides: food_production.pptx)

    The First Civilizations (slides 33)

    New World Civilizations (slides 34)

    Bronze Age: 2,200 B.C.

    Copper: 3,300 B.C.

    Neolithic: 8,000 - 3,000 B.C. ("Wisdom of the Stones")

    Brief Review of the New World Civilizations

    Week /

        15     New World Civilizations (slides 34)

      to top of page / A/Z index
    Week 1 —
    Meet Your Professor
    slides: (.pdf) (.pptx)
    (Download PowerPoint Viewer Free)
    [see note on slide formats]
    slides: (.pdf) (.pptx)
    (Download PowerPoint Viewer Free)
    [see note on slide formats]
    slides: (.pdf) (.pptx)
    (Download PowerPoint Viewer Free)
    [see note on slide formats]
    xxx [an error occurred while processing this directive] xxx
    Finding Information on Different Countries and Cultures
    slides: (.pdf) (.pptx)
    (Download PowerPoint Viewer Free)
    [see note on slide formats]
      to top of page / A/Z index
    Week 2 —
    Week 2

    slides: (.pdf) (.pptx)

      to top of page / A/Z index
    Week 3 —
    Week 3

    slides: (.pdf) (.pptx)

      to top of page / A/Z index
    Week 4 —
    Week 4

    slides: (.pdf) (.pptx)

      to top of page / A/Z index
    Week 5 —
    Week 5

    slides: (.pdf) (.pptx)

      to top of page / A/Z index
    Week 6 —
    Week 6

    slides: (.pdf) (.pptx)

    Midterm Exam

    xxx [an error occurred while processing this directive] xxx [an error occurred while processing this directive]
        to top of page / A/Z index
    Week 7 —
    Week 7

    slides: (.pdf) (.pptx)

      to top of page / A/Z index
    Week 8 —
    Week 8

    slides: (.pdf) (.pptx)

      to top of page / A/Z index
    Week 9 —
    Week 9

    slides: (.pdf) (.pptx)

      to top of page / A/Z index
    Week 10 —
    Week 10

    slides: (.pdf) (.pptx)

      to top of page / A/Z index
    Week 11

    slides: (.pdf) (.pptx)

      to top of page / A/Z index
    Week 12
    Week 12

    slides: (.pdf) (.pptx)

     to top of page / A/Z index
    Week 13 —
    Week 13

    slides: (.pdf) (.pptx)

     to top of page / A/Z index
    Week 14 —
    Week 14

    slides: (.pdf) (.pptx)

     to top of page / A/Z index
    Week 15 —
    Week 15

    slides: (.pdf) (.pptx)

     to top of page / A/Z index
    Week 16 —
    Week 16

    Final Exam

    xxxx [an error occurred while processing this directive] xxx

    xxx [an error occurred while processing this directive] xxx

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