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Understanding Global Cultures

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List of countries of the world -- Wikipedia
Language Dictionaries and Resources 
International Development Indicators 
-- Human Development Reports, United Nations Development Programme
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. Saturday, 27 July 2024, 05:35 (05:35 AM) CDT, day 209 of 2024 .

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Global Cultures


Country, Culture,
Region, Area, and Territory
Available at this Site

Food of the Countries, Cultures, Regions, Areas, and Territories available on this WebSite

List of countries of the world -- Wikipedia

search on JSTOR

Explore the World Map -- Lonely Planet World Maps

Country Briefings -- The Economist
Your Nation -- compare nations
NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)

Afghanistan Africa Ainu Albania America
Amish Andorra Arabian Peninsula

~ Saudi Arabia / food
~ Oman
~ Qatar
~ Yemen

~ Kuwait
~ Bahrain
Aran Islands
Asia Australia *Austria Azerbaijan Azores

~ Albania
~ Bosnia & Hercegovina
~ Bulgaria
~ Croatia
~ Serbia & Montenegro

~ Slovenia
~ Kosovo
~ Macedonia (FRYOM)
Baltic States

~ Estonia
~ Latvia
~ Lithuania
Bangladesh Basques Benelux

~ Belgium
   ~ Flanders
   ~ Wallonia
~ Netherlands
~ Luxemburg
Belarus *Belgium Belize Bolivia Bosnia &
Brazil Britain /
United Kingdom
Canada Canary Islands
Caribbean Catalonia Central Africa

~ Berundi
~ Central African Republic
~ Chad
~ Democratic Repubic of the Congo
~ Rwanda
Central America

~ Belize
~ Costa Rica
~ El Salvador
~ Honduras
~ Nicaragua

~ Panama
Central Asia

~ Azerbaijan
~ Kazakhstan
~ Kyrgystan
~ Tajikistan
~ Turkmenistann

~ Uzbekistan
Channel Islands
~ Jersey Bailiwick
~ Guernsey Bailiwick
~ ancient
~ contemporary
Colombia Corsica Costa Rica    
  Crete Croatia *Cyprus *Czech Republic
Deaf Culture *Denmark East Africa

~ Burundt
~ Djibouti
~ Kenya
~ Madagascar
~ Malaw

~ Mozambique
~ Rwanda

~ Uganda
~ Tanzania
~ Zambia
~ Zimbwabe
~ Eritrea
~ Ethiopia

~ Somalia
~ Comoros
~ Maritius
~ Seychelles
~ Réunion
~ Mayotte
Ecuador Egypt,
~ ancient
~ contemporary
El Salvador England English Caribbean

~ Bahamas
~ Barbbados
~ Jamaica
~ Trinidad and Tobago
*Estonia Ethiopia
Faroe Islands
~ Sámi (Saami, Sami)
France French Caribbean

~ Haiti
~ Guadeloupe
~ Martinique
~ French Guiana
Georgia *Germany Gibraltar
(United Kingdom)
*Greece Greenland
Guatemala "Gypsy" (Rom) & Traveler Cultures      
& Bosnia
Hmong Holy See
("Vatican City")
Honduras *Hungary
to top of page / A/Z index   to top of page / A-Z index
*Iceland India
~ ancient
~ contemporary
Indonesia *Ireland
   [Republic of]
Isle of Man
(United Kingdom)
Israel Italy      
Jamaica Japan    
Korea Kosovo      
*Latvia Liechtenstein *Lithuania *Luxembourg  
Macedonia Malaysia Malta Mediterranean
~ See also individual country and sub-region
~ Morocco
~ Algeria
~ Tunnesia
~ Libia
~ Mauritannia
~ ancient
~ contemporary
Moldova Monaco Morocco The Most Serene Republic of San Marino
Nepal *Netherlands New Guinea New Zealand Nicaragua
Nigeria Northern Ireland
(United Kingdom)
~ Sámi (Saami, Sami)


Peru *Poland *Portugal
Rom ("Gypsy") & Traveler Cultures Romania Russia
~ Sámi (Saami, Sami)
San Marino, The Most Serene Republic of

Sámi (Saami, Sami)


Sardinia Saudi Arabia Scandinavia

~ Denmark
~ Finland
~ Faroe Islands
~ Iceland
~ Norway
~ Sámi (Saami, Sami)
~ Sweden
(United Kingdom)
Serbia & Montenegro


Singapore *Slovakia
*Slovenia South Africa, Republic of (RSA)

*Spain Spanish Caribbean

~ Dominican Republic
~ Puerto Rico
~ Cuba
~ Sámi (Saami, Sami)
Switzerland Thailand Tibet Türkiye, fka Turkey
(*in ?)
~ Sámi (Saami, Sami)
United Kingdom United States of America    
Vatican City
(Holy See)
(United Kingdom)

*European Community (EU) Member Countries

GC Index of Major Items
GC 1.0 "Sunday Memos"   GC 2.0 Video Schedule
GC 3.0 Slides Schedule   GC 4.0 Text Assignments Schedule
GC 5.0 Other (check Canvas   GC 6.0 Exams . . . (wk-7) and  (wk-16)
GC 7.0 REM: Work on Project   GC 8.0 Discussion(s)
GC Main Due Dates   GC Fall 2024 Calendar
Checklist for the Semester
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