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Saturday, 27 July 2024, 00:22 (12:22 AM) CDT, day 209 of 2024

Prehistoric Cultures

Fall 2012 Calendar -- DAY  [archive]

Fall 2012 Calendar  -- EVENING [archive]

Dates and Times to Remember 

class slides on-line 

Saturday, 27 July 2024, 05:22 (05:22 AM) GMT, day 209 of 2024
. . . in History 
  . . . in Headlines

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Syllabus Index

Course Information and Research Tools

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Syllabus Index: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

To Main Subject Index

A ~ To "A" of Main Subject Index ~ top of page ~ back
absence policy
Access Center now Disability Services & Resources
American Anthropological Association
anthropology courses at UMD
"Anthropology: Exploring the Internet
anthropology information on the web
~ general
~ anthropology of religion
~ bibliography
~ biography
Anthropology in the News
Anthropology -- UMD
~ field work opportunities (summer digs)
assignments summary
atlases and maps
~ Africa
~ other
~ SiteMap
audiotapes at the UMD Library
Australopithecus afarensis
Australopithecus africanus
Australopithecus boisei
Australopithecus garhi
Australopithecus ramidus
Australopithecus robustus
A - Z TR index

~ To "B" of Main Subject Index ~ top of page ~ back
books and manuscripts online

C ~ To "C" of Main Subject Index ~ top of page ~ back
cancellation of courses at UMD
case study
CD-ROM lab
chat room
CIA World Facts Book
~ Your Nation -- compare nation
class participation
class schedules
comments ?
complaints ?
course credits
course evaluation
course materials: Textbook, CD-ROM, etc.
course summaries
~ assignments
~ general content
~ Web SiteMap
~ requirements
~ schedules (class) (weekly) (semester)
credits / acknowledgments
"The Curve" ~ Tim Roufs
~ To "D" of Main Subject Index ~ top of page ~ back
dates / times to remember
digs, summer archaeological
Disability Services & Resources (DS&R)
formerly The Access Center
discussion board
dropping a course at UMD

E ~ To "E" of Main Subject Index ~ top of page ~ back
e-mail: ~ Tim Roufs
enrollment information
essay exams ~ Tim Roufs
evaluation (of course)
exams and quizzes
~ extra credit ~ Tim Roufs
~ extra help
~ eGradebook
~ incompletes
~ makeup exams ~ Tim Roufs
~ makeup times
~ material covered
exploring the internet
extra credit
extra help

F ~ To "F" of Main Subject Index ~ top of page ~ back
(Frequently Asked Questions)
fiction works
field work opportunities
films / videos
~ in-class schedule ~ Tim Roufs
~ related videos at the UMD Library
final exams
final grades ~ Tim Roufs
footnote to the quarter
foreign language information
foreign [international] perspective requirement
"Fossil Skulls" -- American Museum of Natural History
Frequently Asked Questions
future offerings (UMD Class Schedules)

~ To "G" of Main Subject Index ~ top of page ~ back
goals of the course
grades ~ Tim Roufs
grading option

~ To "H" of Main Subject Index ~ top of page ~ back
handing in assignments
handouts checklist
~ information about the HomePage
how to register

~ To "I" of Main Subject Index ~ top of page ~ back
in-class Videos
~ schedule ~ Tim Roufs
~ related videos at the UMD Library
Infotrac© (Wadsworth online library)
interesting and useful WebSites
~ related to Prehistoric Cultures
~ other useful WebSites
international perspective requirement
internet tutorial

J ~ To "J" of Main Subject Index ~ top of page ~ back
journals / periodicals / magazines ~ UMD Library
journals / periodicals / magazines ~ WebSites

~ To "K" of Main Subject Index ~ top of page ~ back
kid's stuff

~ To "L" of Main Subject Index ~ top of page ~ back
lab -- CD-ROM
languages, foreign
liberal education information
library (UMD)
~ audiotapes
~ journals / periodicals / magazines
~ videos at the UMD Library

M ~ To "M" of Main Subject Index ~ top of page ~ back
magazines / journals / periodicals ~ UMD Library
magazines / journals / periodicals ~ WebSites
mail: Tim Roufs
makeup exams ~ Tim Roufs
~ makeup times
manuscripts and books online
maps and atlases
~ Africa
~ other
~ SiteMap
midsemester exams
movies at the UMD Library
multilingual writers

N ~ To "N" of Main Subject Index ~ top of page ~ back
new discoveries

~ To "O" of Main Subject Index ~ top of page ~ back
office hours
office location
online library information
online writing assistance
other UMD anthropology courses
other UMD departments' related courses
other related WebSites
~ Anth 1095 Understanding Global Cultures
~ Anth 1602 Prehistoric Cultures
~ Anth 1604 Cultural Anthropology
~ Anth 3618 Ancient Middle America
~ Anth 4616 Culture and Personality
~ Comp 3160 Advanced Composition: Social Sciences

P ~ To "P" of Main Subject Index ~ top of page ~ back
Paleo Ring
participation in class
periodicals / journals / magazines ~ UMD Library
periodicals / journals / magazines ~ WebSites
periodic table -- Chemicool
phone numbers
~ Tim Roufs
prehistoric puzzles -- Jeanne Sept
prerequisites (none)

Q ~ To "Q" of Main Subject Index ~ top of page ~ back
questions ?
quizzes and exams
~ extra credit ~ Tim Roufs
~ extra help
~ grades
~ incompletes
~ makeup exams ~ Tim Roufs
~ makeup times
~ material covered
~ points
~ scores

R ~ To "R" of Main Subject Index ~ top of page ~ back
readings and class materials schedules and assignments
~ Anth 1602 Prehistoric Cultures ~ Tim Roufs
~ Anth 1604 Cultural Anthropology
~ Anth 3618 Ancient Middle America
~ Anth 4616 Culture and Personality
~ Comp 3160 Advanced Composition: Social Sciences
recommended supplementary reading
reference works online
~ dictionaries
~ encyclopedia
~ general
~ foreign language information
~ online writing labs and assistance (Paradigm)
registration information
related courses in other UMD departments
related WebSites
~ related to Prehistoric Cultures
~ other useful WebSites
requirements summary
rings (Web Rings)
~ Paleo Ring
Roufs, Tim

S ~ To "S" of Main Subject Index ~ top of page ~ back
sample quiz and exam questions
~ Tim Roufs ~ essay ~ multiple choice
~ from Wadsworth Publishing Co.
~ UMD class
search engines
site information
sites, archaeological
~ general
Soc - Anth - Hum/Cl Department
special arrangements
special facilities
splash page
study strategies
style guides
~ assignments
~ general content
~ web SiteMap
~ requirements
summer / fall digs -- field work opportunities
supplementary reading
supportive services

surfing lessions from Wadsworth info

T ~ To "T" of Main Subject Index ~ top of page ~ back
talk room
taxonomy (modern)
~ "Classification of Living Things" -- Dennis O'Neil (tutorial)
telephone books
telephone numbers
~ Tim Roufs
textbook (and other course materials)
time lines
"Times to Remember"
"Today in History"
translation services
~ AltaVista
tutorial for using the internet
Tutoring Center

~ To "U" of Main Subject Index ~ top of page ~ back
useful and interesting WebSites
~ related to Prehistoric Cultures
~ other useful WebSites

V ~ To "V" of Main Subject Index ~ top of page ~ back
videos / films
~ in-class schedule ~ Tim Roufs
~ videos at the UMD Library
virtual lab -- CD-ROM

~ To "W" of Main Subject Index ~ top of page ~ back
Web Rings
~ Paleo Ring
withdrawal from courses at UMD
word lists (glossaries)
written assignments
writing guides
~ general
~ Soc - Anth - Hum / Cl
Writing and Reference Works Online
~ Online Reference Works (general) (encyclopedias) (dictionaries)
~ Online Writing Labs and Assistance (Paradigm)
writing portofolios

X ~ To "X" of Main Subject Index ~ top of page ~ back

~ To "Y" of Main Subject Index ~
top of page ~ back
Yellow Pages
Your Nation -- compare nations

~ To "Z" of Main Subject Index ~ top of page ~ back

© 1998 - 2024 Timothy G. Roufs — All rights reserved   Envelope: E-mail
Page URL: http:// /cla/faculty/troufs/anth1602/pcsyl.html
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