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 Culture and Personality 

(Psychological Anthropology)

  Margaret Mead
 Zhuangzi dreaming of a butterfly
(or a butterfly dreaming of Zhuangzi)


 Fall 2018 Calendar
Friday, 20 September 2024, 00:34 (12:34 AM) CDT, day 264 of 2024

Mustard seed.
Selected Culture and Personality WebSites

Course Information

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Anth 4616 Culture and Personality

Spring Semester 2016


68065 -001 LEC, 03:00 PM - 04:15 PM,  M, W (01/13/2016 - 04/29/2016), Montague Hall  208, Roufs, Tim, 3 credits, partially online
Schedule may change as events of the semester require
August  2018
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October  2018
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December  2018
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Today is Friday, 20 September 2024, 00:34 (12:34 AM) CDT, day 264 of 2024
Clock  Duluth Time

Holidays Spring 2016
Week 5 Mardi Gras
Ash Wednesday
9 February 2016
10 February 2016
Week 6 Valentine's Day 14 February 2016
Week 9 Pi Day 14 March (3, 1, 4) 2016
Week 11 Easter (Western) 27 March 2016
Week 13 Vaisakhi Festival (A Time for New Life) वैसाख 13 April 2016
Weeks 14-15 Passover sunset of 22 April 2016 to nightfall of 30 April 2016
Week 16 Easter (Eastern) 1 May 2016

 First-Day Handout

Office Hours:

Summer (3 June-26 July) 2024

Fall (28 August-15 December) 2024

Zoom     Drop in Hours:
Whenever you have a question
ZOOM Tu 7:00-8:00 p.m.
    or e-mail to set up a private time to ZOOM

Contact Information:  
Skype logo. troufs
sms-textmessaging icon
SMS/textmessaging: 218.260.3032

WhatsApp 1-218.260.3032
Course URL:

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Textbook Information

Rethinking Psychological Anthropology: Continuity and Change in the Study of Human Action, Second Edition
(1999) is currently available online from about $31.48 new / $3.69 used [buy a used one]
(+ p/h, where applicable).
(24 December 2015)

Rethinking Psychological Anthropology, Second Edition, by Philip K. Bock.

NOTE: When you read this text, read it primarily for a sense of the historical development of Psychological Anthropology / Culture and Personality and for a sense of what the basic concepts are all about.

More information on the text for Culture and Personality can be found at <>.

Textbooks are available from the following vendors . . .

UMD Bookstore | | Barnes and Noble | Chegg [rental] | | | | |

More textbook information in general can be found at <>.

Yanomamo man


Image of brain areas.

The Brain: A Road Map to the Mind -- MSNBC

Big Chief Allison

R.I.P. Big Chief Allison "Tootie" Montana

Book by Richard Sliobodin, W.H.R. Rivers.

Margaret Mead in Samoa

Margaret Mead in Samoa
Derek Freeman.

Derek Freeman

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Shaman, txiv neeb.

Hmong Shaman
txiv neeb


Susto, book by Arthur Rubel

Arthur Rubel

Amish Tape


Paul Buffalo Meditating Plants

Paul Buffalo Mediating Medicine

Jimmy Jackson and  Kelly Lovelace.

Jimmy Jackson and Kelly Lovelace

Spradley diagram
James Spradley

Three sibilings from video.l

Birth Order
Welcome to Culture and Personality
(Psychological Anthorpology)

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August  2018
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November  2018
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December  2018
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Week 1 — Introduction to Anthropology / Orientation to the Course
and Personality: All About Me

 Welcome Memo

 Week 1 Memo


 First-Day Handout

  Meet Your Professor
Slides: (.pptx)

 Main Due Dates

 General Course Information

[an error occurred while processing this directive]
In a nutshell, ANTH 4616 Culture and Personality consists of three main segments:

  I Orientation and Background (slides)  
      Basic Concepts  
      Methods and Techniques  
   II Explorations  
      Comparative / Cross-Cultural  
      Ethnographic Case Studies from the Real World: Real People . . . Real Places from Around the Globe  
  III Student Presentations on Term Research Project
slides: (.pptx)
(Download PowerPoint Viewer Free) (Download Adobe .pdf Reader Free)
[see note on slide formats]
Week 1 Reading Assignment

Prelude. "All Anthropology Is Psychological," pp. 1-3

Ch. 1, "The Psychology of Primitive Peoples," pp. 5-24

(opitical illusions)

Rethinking Psychological Anthropology, Second Edition, by Philip K. Bock.

Week 1 Video Explorations

Week 1 has no Video Explorations

For Week's Activities see Moodle

These include items like Forum postings on timely issues, video evaluation feedback, Live Chats (for exam prep and project information), making up exam questions, Project information (on term Presentation and Term Paper), and (from time to time) other activities,

© 1998-2024 Timothy G. Roufs — All rights reserved

August  2018
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November  2018
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December  2018
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Today is Friday, 20 September 2024, 00:34 (12:34 AM) CDT, day 264 of 2024

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Week 2 — Orientation to Anthropology

 Week 2 Memo

 Anthropology and Its Parts

Have a look at . . .

 Points for Forum Posts and Project Updates
 compare these points with official UMD Grading Policies

Forums, Sample Answers / Responses w / Grades
Anth 3618 Ancient Middle America Forum Response Samples
Anth 3635 Peoples and Cultures of Europe Forum Response Samples

and if you have any questions about the points
or about grading in general  . . . ask

Students in the past have commented that there is

available on the class Moodle and supporting WebSites.
Yes, there is a lot of information, no doubt about it, and it can be confusing at first. It’s helpful when starting out to remember that the required information for the course is contained in the middle panel of your Description: Moodle HomePage. The information in the sidebars and many of the links are there should you find those interesting and/or helpful; that material is not required.


Orientation (cont.)
slides: (.pptx)
(Download PowerPoint Viewer Free) (Download Adobe .pdf Reader Free)
[see note on slide formats]

    Main Characteristics of Anthropology
    (Download PowerPoint Viewer Free) (Download Adobe .pdf Reader Free)
    [see note on slide formats]

    (NOTE: This is a long slide set as it covers some very important background information that will be referred to often as we go through the semester. Please bear with it to the end. And it will take a little longer to load, so please bear with that also. There is no video presentation scheduled for this and next week as the base slide sets tend to be a little longer than "normal.")

    • the four fields of general anthropology
    • culture as a primary concept
      • learned
      • shared
      • transmitted from generation to generation
      • based on symbols
      • integrated
    • comparative method as major approach to the study of human behavior development and structure
    • holism or the study of "humankind" as a whole, as a primary theoretical goal
      • the approach used in this class emphasizes the "holistic" anthropological view which combines observations of "culture" and behavior with considerations of the physical and developmental aspects of humans
    • fieldwork as a primary research technique in gathering data, involving “participant observation”

    WebPage Summary
    "Anthropology and . . . It's Parts" chart

  • "Other Important Terms"
    slides: (.pptx)
    (Download PowerPoint Viewer Free) (Download Adobe .pdf Reader Free)
    [see note on slide formats]

  • Units of Analysis
    (Download PowerPoint Viewer Free) (Download Adobe .pdf Reader Free)

    [see note on slide formats]

  • Three Major Perennial Debates
    slides: (.pptx)
    (Download PowerPoint Viewer Free) (Download Adobe .pdf Reader Free)

    [see note on slide formats] (NOTE: This is a long slide set as it covers more than 2000+ years. Please bear with it to the end. Please bear with it to the end. And it will take a little longer to load, so please bear with that also. There is no video presentation scheduled for this and next week as the base slide sets tend to be a little longer than "normal.")

(more on metaphorical analysis Day 20)


A quick look at the Main Terms, Concepts, Ideas and People in Culture and Personality Studies: A CP Glossary in Historical Context
(time permitting)
(Download PowerPoint Viewer Free) (Download Adobe .pdf Reader Free)
[see note on slide formats]

(Psychoanalytic Studies)
(Dream Analysis)

Week 2 Reading Assignment

Ch. 2, "Psychoanalytic Anthropology," pp. 25-44

Rethinking Psychological Anthropology, Second Edition, by Philip K. Bock.

Week 2 Video Explorations

Week 2 Day 2 nlt 3:00, Wednesday, 20 January 2016 video:

Discussion 4:00-4:10
Feedback 4:10-4:15

Personality: All About Me
(60 min., UM Duluth Library Multimedia BF698.3 .P37 2003 DVD)

(course viewing guide)

Image of brain areas.

Brain Foundation Victoria

The Brain: A Road Map to the Mind

Question: How much of what you see is British,
and how much relates in general to being human?

nurture / nature
inherited / learned
biology / culture

(course viewing guide: discussion)

(Cognitive Anthropology)
(Perception / Conception / Cognition)
(Early Childhood Studies)


For Week's Activities see Moodle

These include items like Forum postings on timely issues, video evaluation feedback, Live Chats (for exam prep and project information), making up exam questions, Project information (on term Presentation and Term Paper), and (from time to time) other activities,

© 1998-2024 Timothy G. Roufs — All rights reserved

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August  2018
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October  2018
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November  2018
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December  2018
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Today is Friday, 20 September 2024, 00:34 (12:34 AM) CDT, day 264 of 2024


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Week 3—Orientation

History / Theory / Methods of Culture and Personality Studies (Cont.)

 Week 3 Memo

    Main Characteristics of Anthropology
    (Download PowerPoint Viewer Free) (Download Adobe .pdf Reader Free)
    [see note on slide formats]

    (NOTE: This is a long slide set as it covers some very important background information that will be referred to often as we go through the semester. Please bear with it to the end. And it will take a little longer to load, so please bear with that also. There is no video presentation scheduled for this and next week as the base slide sets tend to be a little longer than "normal.")

    • the four fields of general anthropology
    • culture as a primary concept
      • learned
      • shared
      • transmitted from generation to generation
      • based on symbols
      • integrated
    • comparative method as major approach to the study of human behavior development and structure
    • holism or the study of "humankind" as a whole, as a primary theoretical goal
      • the approach used in this class emphasizes the "holistic" anthropological view which combines observations of "culture" and behavior with considerations of the physical and developmental aspects of humans
    • fieldwork as a primary research technique in gathering data, involving “participant observation”

    WebPage Summary
    "Anthropology and . . . It's Parts" chart

  • "Other Important Terms"
    slides: (.pptx)
    (Download PowerPoint Viewer Free) (Download Adobe .pdf Reader Free)
    [see note on slide formats]

  • Units of Analysis
    (Download PowerPoint Viewer Free) (Download Adobe .pdf Reader Free)

    [see note on slide formats]

  • Three Major Perennial Debates
    slides: (.pptx)
    (Download PowerPoint Viewer Free) (Download Adobe .pdf Reader Free)

    [see note on slide formats] (NOTE: This is a long slide set as it covers more than 2000+ years. Please bear with it to the end. Please bear with it to the end. And it will take a little longer to load, so please bear with that also. There is no video presentation scheduled for this and next week as the base slide sets tend to be a little longer than "normal.")

(more on metaphorical analysis Day 20)

Week 3 Reading Assignment

Ch. 3, "Configurations of Culture and Personality," pp. 45-65

Rethinking Psychological Anthropology, Second Edition, by Philip K. Bock.

Week 3 Video Explorations

Week 3 Day 4 nlt 3:40, Wednesday, 27 January 2016 video:
Discussion 4:00-4:10
Feedback 4:10-4:15

"Psychological Anthropology"
(30 min., 1994, UM DULUTH Martin Library Video Cassette VC 2466, Part 5)

(streaming video)

  course viewing guide 

 Margaret Mead in Samoa

 Margaret Mead sitting between two Samoan girls, ca. 1926

For Week's Activities see Moodle

These include items like Forum postings on timely issues, video evaluation feedback, Live Chats (for exam prep and project information), making up exam questions, Project information (on term Presentation and Term Paper), and (from time to time) other activities,

© 1998-2024 Timothy G. Roufs — All rights reserved

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August  2018
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October  2018
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November  2018
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December  2018
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final exams
Today is Friday, 20 September 2024, 00:34 (12:34 AM) CDT, day 264 of 2024

Holidays Spring 2016
Week 5 Mardi Gras
Ash Wednesday
9 February 2016
10 February 2016
Week 6 Valentine's Day 14 February 2016
Week 9 Pi Day 14 March (3, 1, 4) 2016
Week 11 Easter (Western) 27 March 2016
Week 13 Vaisakhi Festival (A Time for New Life) वैसाख 13 April 2016
Weeks 14-15 Passover sunset of 22 April 2016 to nightfall of 30 April 2016
Week 16 Easter (Eastern) 1 May 2016

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Week 4—

Chimp Talk / History of Culture and Personality Studies / Interesting Seasonal Tidbits . . .


Super Bowl Brains . . . (a preview)


Phil's Intuition . . .

"Everything is Relatives: Wm. Rivers"

  Week 4 Memo

Remember to be thinking about how your language affects how you experience reality.

Greetings from Punxsutawney!

Around 7:25 a.m. on 2 February 2016 Punxsutawney Phil did not see his shadow, at Gobbler's Knob today, Feb. 2, 2016, Groundhog Day, and so Spring is just around the corner.

  2016 Details

“The Groundhog Day celebration is rooted in a German superstition that says if a hibernating animal casts a shadow on Feb. 2, the Christian holiday of Candlemas, winter will last another six weeks. If no shadow is seen, legend says, spring will come early.”  As usual, thousands showed up for the event.

Groundhog Day 2016 Guide: Punxsutawney Phil facts, tips for heading to Gobbler's Knob and more

Punxsutawney Phil

Phil's official forecast is predicted on February 2nd at sunrise at Gobbler's Knob

 Past predictions

  Groundhog recipes for Groundhog Day 2015 revenge

In 2013 Ohio prosecutors ‘indicted’ Punxsutawney Phil over early spring forecast, seek death penalty

"In 2013, Phil issued a forecast for an early spring, but bitter cold and snow gripped the eastern U.S. into March that year.  The prosecuting attorney in Butler County, Ohio went as far as to seek the death penalty for Phil for “misrepresentation of early spring” before a Pennsylvania law firm came to Phil’s defense, claiming the Ohio attorney had no jurisdiction to prosecute the Groundhog." The Washing Post, 02 February 2015

Punxsutawney Phil: The Groundhog Behind the Myth
-- Live Science (01 February 2010)

Groundhog Day -- Wikipedia

It's Super Bowl Time . . .
Who won last year's Super Bowl?

This Year it's Super Bowl 50
7 February 2016
 Levi's Stadium
Santa Clara, California

Super Bowl 50

  Super Bowl Ads [2016] Play It Safe, Sticking to the Script
-- The New York Times (7 February 2016)

  The Best And The Worst Of Super Bowl Ads
-- MPRNews (8 February 2016)

 Super Bowl 50 ads: Watch the best and worst of 2016
-- Slate (08 February 2016)

Everyone Will Tweet About This Ad On Super Bowl Sunday
-- Fortune (07 February 2016)

Super Bowl 2016
-- Adweek (07 February 2016)

After the Super Bowl, Death Wish Coffee Might Need Its Own Brew to Keep Up -- TheNewYorkTimes (05 February 2016)


Last Year it was Super Bowl XLIX
1 February 2015
University of Phoenix Stadium
Glendale, Arizona

Martin J. Gannon's Metaphorical Analsis
uses Football as the Metaphor for The United States:

1999 U.S. Commemorative Stamp featuring the 1960 Green Bay Packers.

But who won the important Super Bowl
ADs Contest?

Danika Patrick

Height: 5 ft. 2 in.
Eyes: Brown
Weight: 100-110 lbs.
Hometown: Beloit, Wisconsin

The Super Bowl and Culture and Personality

Super Bowl ads change your brains . . .

Generally speaking—last year being an exception—the best parts of Super Bowl Sunday, now a major American de facto holiday, are not the game itself but the Super Bowl Ads and Buffalo Wings. The Super Bowl IS the Super Bowl for ads, with ads costing about $10,000,000 a minute. Thirty-second spots during Super Bowl 50 are being sold for as much as of $5,000,000 million ( [ App is available on the App Store.] We’ll have a closer look at that next week, but this week pay attention to what folks are saying about the Super Bowl ads.
 "and worth it"

 Superbowl Ad Costs
 WNDU 01 February 2016 

Superbowl Ad Meter


Ad Meter 2016 -- USA Today

2015 Ad Meter Winner: Budwiser A lost puppy finds its way home and then is saved from trouble by some very powerful friends, namely some Clydesdale horses (link). -- Wikipedia, Super Bowl Ad Meter

The Best and Worst Super Bowl XLIX Ads of 2015 -- Time (01 February 2015)

The Best 2015 Super Bowl Commercials -- Forbes (02 February 2015)

-- USA Today

 Super Bowl XLVIII: Who won the battle of the brands? -- Elaine WATSON, FOOD Navigator (03 Febryuary 2014)

Super Bowl XLVIII 2014 Best and Worst Ads -- FOXSports

Super Bowl XLVII 2013 Best and Worst Ads -- FOXSports

Super Bowl XLVI 2012 Best and Worst Ads -- FOXSports

Super Bowl XLV 2011 Best and Worst Ads -- FOXSports

Super Bowl Commercials 2011

Watch the top Super Bowl Commercials from the past 15 years (19 January 2013)

Who's Buying What in Super Bowl 2013 -- AdvertisingAge



2015 super bowl

2014 super bowl

2013 Super Bowl Winners & Brain Movies


Super Bowl ads Archives


'Neuromarketing': can science predict what we'll buy? -- The Telegraph (13 April 2013)



2015 Super Bowl ads: Winners and losers -- Yahoo! Finance (02 February 2015)

"Last night’s Super Bowl was exciting on the field but pretty somber between snaps. That is the commercials were decidedly darker and more emotional than in year’s past. One key theme that we discussed last week was a key cause: dadvertising. Gone are the days of the buffoon dad getting hit in the groin or proving he’s unable to take care of the kids without mom. . . ."

Super Bowl Ad Winners


Always - Like a girl


Super Bowl Ad Losers

Carnival  (CCL)



Super Bowl 2015 Ad Roundup: 13 Commercials Everyone's Talking About -- US (02 February 2015)



 Super Bowl XLVII [2013] Ads: Winners and Losers
Superbowl Ad Winners 2012
Neurosciencemarketing Companies
 Neurosciencemarketing 2012

Research will be coordinating brain activity
eye tracking

Neurosciencemarketing Video

Here is what a "brain movie" looks like . . . 

Watch Video:

The Brain: A Road Map to the Mind

"Brain scans reveal power of [2006] Super Bowl adverts"
-- NewScientist (07 February 2006)

Brain scan during SuperBowl ad.

Watching a woman playing American football with her friends in a Michelob beer ad
triggered the brain's empathy centre (shown by arrow) to fire in women only
(Image: Jonas Kaplan)
(07 February 2006)

Below are a few results from former years,
if you are interested have a look . . .

 Super Bowl Ads: GoDaddy Girl 1, Neuroscientists 0

(17 February 2006)

Five Videos: Your Brain on [2009] Super Bowl Ads
-- Roger Dooley
EEG technology

Wonder what your brain looks like while watching commercials? Or, more to the point, what the electrical activity in your brain looks like? The folks at Sands Research have helped Neuromarketing readers by making available videos from five of the most engaging (by their metrics) 2009 Super Bowl.

fMRI during Super Bowl ads: doritos and Emerald Nuts.

EEG technology

Complete Neuro-Ranking of 2008 Super Bowl Ads

(12 February 2008)

fMRI during Super Bowl ads: doritos and Emerald Nuts.

EEG technology

The ads which scored the highest and lowest are:

1. Pepsi – “Bob’s House”
2. Coke – “Balloons” (aka “It’s Mine”)
3. Bud Light – “Power to Fly”
4. Audi – “R8″ (Godfather satire)
5. Verizon – “Voyager”

55. Semi-Pro – Trailer
56. Bud Light – “Wine & Cheese”
57. Ice Breakers – “Carmen Electra”
58. G2 – “Jeter”
59. Anti-Drug – “Dealer”


Your Brain on Super Bowl Ads
-- Neuromarketing
(12 February 2008)

Super Bowl ads [2007] fumble, brain scans show

CHICAGO (Reuters) - Super Bowl ads, which cost $85,000 per second during this year's game, fumbled overall as they failed to connect with viewers or just scared them, according to researchers who tracked people's brain activity. -- (05 February 2007)


fMRI during Super Bowl ads: doritos and Emerald Nuts.


brain scans and superbowl ads

YouTube Neuromarketing Documental 1/2
Week 4 Reading Assignment

Ch. 4, "Basic and Modal Personality," pp. 67-85

Rethinking Psychological Anthropology, Second Edition, by Philip K. Bock.

Week 4 Video Explorations

Week 4 Day 5 nlt 3:45, Monday, 1 February 2016 video:

Chimp Talk
(14 min., 1998, UM DULUTH Martin Library Video Cassette VC 3479)

 course viewing guide


Remember to be thinking about how your language affects how you experience reality.

Week 4 Day 6 nlt 3:37, Wednesday, 3 February 2016 video:

Today and next week we're going to do historical background of Culture and Personality studies, and have a look at some basic terms / concepts as presented in three videos.

The first is:

"Everything is Relatives: William Rivers"
(52 min., 1990, UM Duluth Library Multimedia GN21.R54 E88 2004 DVD)
[From the Strangers Abroad series]

course viewing guide

The Development of Ethnological Theory (chart)

W.H.R. Rivers, by Richard Slobodin.

Egyptian pyramid.
Marriage Rules . . .

News - Europe - 'Hottentot Venus' goes home -- BBC News (29 April 2002)

 Sigmung Freud, The Interpretation of Dreams (Die Traumdeutung, 1899 [postdated to 1900])

 Thor Heyerdahl, The Kon Tiki Expedition, 1947

William Halse Rivers Rivers M.D.

joined the Torres Straits Expedition in 1898
"Colour vision." In Reports of the Cambridge anthropological expedition to Torres Straits (1901)

worked among the Toda people of south-west India in 1901–02
The Todas (1906)

Erika Schneider


Pat Barker's works explored the causes and effects of shell shock as pioneered by W.H.R. Rivers
Multiple Deployment, Duffy.

Multiple Deployments
Duffy 12/21/09
Duluth Budgeteer News (07 February 2010, p. 17)

And over a hundred years later most folks would likely agree that we haven't really improved on W.H.R. Rivers' work . . .
Wall Street Journal article on multiple deployments
Army Times article on multiple deployments
Swords to Plowshares article on multiple deployments

For Week's Activities see Moodle

These include items like Forum postings on timely issues, video evaluation feedback, Live Chats (for exam prep and project information), making up exam questions, Project information (on term Presentation and Term Paper), and (from time to time) other activities,

© 1998-2024 Timothy G. Roufs — All rights reserved

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August  2018
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September  2018
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October  2018
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Week 5—Cognition: Per-ception / Con-ception
Black Indians of New Orleans /
Groupings by Gender, Age, Common Interests and Class

Margaret Mead

What your Brain Doesn't See

  Week 5 Memo


Forthcoming at a Later Date


      • W.H. R. Rivers and Mead, Mead-Freeman Review
      • Units of Analysis (.pptx)
      • Three Major Perennial Debates (.pptx)


This week we're going to have a look at
an Introduction to
Cognition: Per-ception / Con-ception
by looking at how the process sometimes goes askew

            • Synesthesia: Derek Tastes of Earwax
              (re-scheduled because of Mardi Gras)
            • Visual Agnosia


per-ception / con-ception

. . . an introduction

In order to understand personality
one must understand cognition

In order to understand cognition
one must understand per-ception and con-ception

in order to understand conception
one must understand language

in order to understand language
one must understand culture

in order to understand culture
one must understand
"culturally constituted behavioral environments"

in order to understand
"culturally constituted behavioral environments"
must one have look at the Culture and Personlity work of A. Irving Hallowell ?



A.I. Hallowell.

Culture and Experience
  • Bear Ceremonialism in the Northern Hemisphere (1926)
  • The Role of Conjuring in Saulteaux Society (1942)
  • Culture and Experience (1955)
  • Contributions to Anthropology (1976)

in order to understand
the work of A. Irving Hallowell
one must have look at Anishinabe / Ojibwa / Chippewa Peoples

for e.g.,
Jimmy Jackson
(Week 11 Day 21)
Paul Buffalo
(Week 11 Day 22)
Anishinabe Curing
(Week 12 Day 23)
"Windigo Psychosis," one of many
"Culture-Bound Syndromes"

(Week 09 Day 18)

-- Tim Roufs


In order to understand personality
one must understand cognition

In order to understand cognition
one must understand per-ception and con-ception . . .

cognition = perception + conception




"per - cepts"

"con - cepts"

Cf., "Foundations of Cultural Knowledge," in Culture and Cognition: Rules, Maps, and Plans
(San Francisco, CA: Chandler, 1972), pp. 3-38.

How many senses do we have anyway ? . . .


Ask Marilyn banner.

Parade Column - February 24, 2008

We’re taught in school that we have five senses: vision, hearing, touch, taste and smell. Yet we also feel pain—and hunger, for that matter. Aren’t they senses too?
—Brian Dozier, Cincinnati, Ohio

In addition to the usual five that we’re taught, humans have receptors for pressure, temperature, pain, balance and motion. So we have a total of 10 senses. But hunger is not one of them. Rather, it’s a motivation or desire, like sex. Well, not quite like sex.




"per - cepts"

"con - cepts"


A more conventional view . . .




"per - cepts"
extra - sensory
6th ?


"con - cepts"
Cf., "Foundations of Cultural Knowledge," in Culture and Cognition: Rules, Maps, and Plans
(San Francisco, CA: Chandler, 1972), pp. 3-38.

Let's look at just one . . .


"per - cepts"


Week 5 Day 10 nlt 3:00, Thursday, 19 February 2015 video:
Discussion 4:00-4:10
Feedback 4:10-4:15

Stranger in the Mirror: An Examination of Visual Agnosia
(60 min., 1993, UM DULUTH Martin Library Video Cassette VC 2464)
[From NOVA ]

Book: The Man who Mistook His Wifefor a Hat, by Oliver Sacks.


The problems with visual agnosia
occur "between" the percepts and the "concepts" stages . . .






wife's face
wave / particle
eyes brain "per - cepts"




"con - cepts"

Spradley's diagram of percepts.


Source: James P. Spradley (Ed.), Culture and Cognition: Rules, Maps, and Plans
(San Francisco, CA: Chandler, 1972), p. 9.

Cf., "Foundations of Cultural Knowledge," in Culture and Cognition: Rules, Maps, and Plans
(San Francisco, CA: Chandler, 1972), pp. 3-38.




Go to the "Magic Eye" page and look at the Image of the Week until you see the 3D image. Click on "Need Help Viewing 3D?" if necessary.

Magic Eye©

Optical Illusions


 Awoken from a 2D world
Week 5 Reading Assignment

Ch. 5, "National Character Studies," pp. 87-107

(National Character Studies)

Rethinking Psychological Anthropology, Second Edition, by Philip K. Bock.

Week 5 Video Explorations

Mardi Gras 2016

Week 5 Day 7 nlt 3:07, Monday, 8 February 2016 video:

Feedback 4:05-4:15


Greek Theatrical Mask -- Dionysus.
 Greek Theatrical Mask

 Lady in White, Venice Carnival.
 Lady in White
 Carnival of Venice

 Mardi Gras

Real People . . . Real Places . . .

for Mardi Gras --
 Rites of Intensification

 Chief of Mardi Gras Indians gets ready for the big day -- BBCNews (4 February 2013)

"New Orleans Black Indians: A Case Study in the Arts"
(30 min., 1994 UM DULUTH Martin Library Video Cassette VC 2466, pt. 23)

(streaming video)
 course viewing guide


(incl. post-Katrina update)

As mentioned earlier in the semester,
people live in multiple worlds . . . .
The analysis focusing on the New Orleans Black Indians
reviews some of those multiple worlds . . .

nlt 4:40 video:
 Cultural Anthropology: Our Diverse World,

"Grouping by Gender, Age, Common Interests and Class"
(Part 11)
(30 min., 2008, DVD 1793, Pt. 11)

 course viewing guide

 Big Chief Allison "Tootie" Montana.
 Big Chief Allison "Tootie" Montana

moved s2016 for Mardi Gras
Week 5 Day 8 nlt 3:07, Wednesday,10 February 2016 video:
Discussion 4:00-4:10
Feedback 4:10-4:15

This week and next we're going to continue looking at the historical background of Culture and Personality studies, focusing on Margaret Mead and the controversy surrounding her early work in Samoa. We will also continue to have a look at some basic terms / concepts as presented the videos.

"Coming of Age: Margaret Mead"
(52 min., 1990, UM DULUTH Martin Library Video Cassette VC 1755)
[From the Strangers Abroad series]

course viewing guide

Margaret Mead's Coming of Age in Samoa.

 Rorschach test, Card 1.
 Rorschach test
Card 1

 Thematic Apperception Test (TAT).
 Thematic Apperception Test


For Week's Activities see Moodle

These include items like Forum postings on timely issues, video evaluation feedback, Live Chats (for exam prep and project information), making up exam questions, Project information (on term Presentation and Term Paper), and (from time to time) other activities,


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August  2018
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September  2018
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October  2018
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November  2018
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December  2018
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fall break
to textbooks
final exams
Today is Friday, 20 September 2024, 00:34 (12:34 AM) CDT, day 264 of 2024

Wiki questions for the Midterm Exam are due by Tuesday evening of Week 6, 2 October 2018

The CP Midterm Exam Live Chat will be the night before the exam from 07:00-08:00 CST, on Monday, 8 October 2018. Sign in on Canvas .


The Culture and Personality Midterm Exam will be in class Week 7 Day 13 Tuesday, 9 October 2018

REM: Bring your Laptop



Week 6—
Margaret Mead and Samoa
Cognition: Per-ception / Con-ception . . . Gone Wrong

ESP: Extra-Sens-ory Per-cept-tion

What your Brain Doesn't See

 Week 6 Memo

  Valentine's Day Memo 2016


Thursday, 18 February, 2016 is World Anthropology Day

Friday, 19 February, 2016 is . . .

National Anthropology Day

per-ception /
. . . an introduction / review
How many senses do we have anyway ? . . .

The conventional view . . .




"per - cepts"

"con - cepts"
Cf., "Foundations of Cultural Knowledge," in Culture and Cognition: Rules, Maps, and Plans
(San Francisco, CA: Chandler, 1972), pp. 3-38.

Ask Marilyn banner.

Parade Column - February 24, 2008

We’re taught in school that we have five senses: vision, hearing, touch, taste and smell. Yet we also feel pain—and hunger, for that matter. Aren’t they senses too?
—Brian Dozier, Cincinnati, Ohio

In addition to the usual five that we’re taught, humans have receptors for pressure, temperature, pain, balance and motion. So we have a total of 10 senses. But hunger is not one of them. Rather, it’s a motivation or desire, like sex. Well, not quite like sex.




"per - cepts"

"con - cepts"
What about ESP -- Extra - Sensory Perception ? . . .




"per - cepts"
extra - sensory
6th ?


"con - cepts"




"per - cepts"
extra - sensory
6th ?


"con - cepts"

per-ception /

. . . Questions to Think About 
. . .

  • How man senses do we have?

    • Wha's the nature of the concepts/percepts beyond the five "standard" senses?

  • With visual agnosia there were percepts but no visual concepts

  • With synesthesia there were percepts and concepts, except that the concepts got mixed up and didn't "match up" properly with the percepts

  • What about ESP--Extra-Sensory-Perception?

    • Can we have concepts without percepts?

  • What is the role of whatever is already "in" the brain in concept formation?

  • Optical Illusions
    • Percepts are formulated into erroneous concepts

  • Correct Percepts and Concepts of non-existent "things"
    • e.g., one's mental processing of a galaxy in the sky

  • Pure fantasy
    • No percepts, but concepts

  • "Phantom Pain"
    • residual concepts, but no current concepts, but current pain

  • How can both the percepts and concepts be manipulated to create altered states of consciousness?

  • Culturally Constituted Behavioral Environment (CCBE) -- A. Irving Hallowell

 A. Irving Hallowell.
A. Irving Hallowell
1892 – 1974
Culture and Experience, 1955


  • How does the space you live in affect your per-ception?

    • Mike Robbins


An Excellent lecture on smell, from the Nobel Conference 46 Making Food Good Conference -- Gustavus Adolphus College (5-6 October 2010)
(archives are available online at <>)

Linda Bartoshuk
Fifth Lecture: "Variation in sensation and affect: We live in 'different taste worlds'"
view video on-line


Many Ways to See the World:
Selective Attention

One of the five main characteristics of American Anthropology is fieldwork, "a primary research technique, involving “participant observation," which usually means living among the people one is interested in learning from and about. And fieldwork, almost above everything else, requires attentive observation and recording of information.

Much of what we are going to do for the rest of the semester is "fieldwork" via video materials from around the world. Before we get into the video-intensive part of the course (towards the middle and end), take the Selective Attention Test (below) developed by Daniel Simons and Christopher Chabris. This should give you a little insight into the nature of observing—which lies at the very heart of anthropological fieldwork.

See also "An Important Note on Videos and Visual Anthropology".


First, take the . . .

Selective Attention Test

Read and follow the directions carefully.
(Be sure to also count the bounce passes.)

 Selective Attention Test

Be sure to try your very best to follow the instructions.

(It's short, less than a minute and a half).


When you are finished with the Selective Attention Test, watch . . .

The Monkey Business Illusion

(It too is short: 1:42)

Again, read and follow the directions carefully.

(And as with THe Selective Attention Test, be sure to also count the bounce passes.)

 The Monkey Business Illusion


(4) After you have taken Simon and Chabris' tests, think about how what you learned from them about perception might be applied as you view the videos for the rest of the semester as well as the cultural behaviors in real life as you roam the world thereafter

The main purpose of this exercise is to sensitize you to the fact that everyone views things selectively—”quite naturally, and maybe even by necessity. And one's culture plays a huge role in what one "sees" and focuses on (and what one doesn't see and focus on). American men, for e.g., most often do not "see" many details of clothing, color, and personal stylistic adornment (read hair styles, nail treatment, cosmetic adornments and the like).

To view things as a trained observer as anthropologists must do when they're in the field "doing" anthropology one must almost constantly be aware of this natural / cultural tendency to perceive things selectively, and try to compensate for it by paying attention to items not otherwise selected for, while at the same time being careful "not to miss anything".

Hopefully, this exercise will make you just a little more critical in the way you look at things—”and especially the class videos—”for the rest of the semester (and maybe even for the rest of your life, for that matter).

You are not expected anything to submit anything—no reaction, or report, or forum posting. This is a "re-vision" activity, and it should benefit you in performing well in the exams and overall for the course. And hopefully it will also help on your way to having a genuine anthropological perspective on life in general.


Other Materials from Christopher Chabris and Daniel Simons . . .

"Demonstrations, videos from our research, videos of us speaking, etc. Dan's YouTube Channel includes most of these videos as well as favorites from around the web that are related to or mentioned in our book. You can view more videos on his personal website."

Other Videos --  the invisible gorilla


The Book . . .

 The Invisible Gorilla Book

. . . discusses six "everyday illusions" . . .

1. The Illusion of Attention
("Inattentional Blindness")
2. The Illusion of Memory
3. The Illusion of Confidence
4. The Illusion of Knowledge
5. The Illusion of Cause
6. The Illusion of Potential


 Christopher Chabris

  Daniel Simons

 Inattentional blindness


Other Works of Interest

  • Optical Illusions WebPage

  • Kahneman, Daniel. Thinking Fast and Slow. NY: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2011.

  • Macknik, Stephen L., Susana Martinez-Conde, and Sandra Blakeslee. Sleights of Mind: What the Neuroscience of Magic Reveals about Our Everyday Deceptions. NY: Henry Holt and Company, 2010.

  • Nassim Nicholas Taleb

    • Incerto -- an investigation of luck, uncertainty, probability, opacity, human error, risk, disorder, and decision-making in a world we don’t understand

      • Fooled by Randomness: The Hidden Role of Chance in Life and in the Markets. 2nd Ed. NY: Random House, 2008.

      • The Black Swan: Second Edition: The Impact of the Highly Improbable: With a new section: "On Robustness and Fragility". NY: Random House, 2010.

      • Antifragile: Things That Gain from Disorder. NY: Random House, 2014.

      • The Bed of Procrustes: Philosophical and Practical Aphorisms. NY: Random House, 2016.

  • Malcolm Gladwell


Great Debates and Controversies in Anthropology

Coming of Age Book

Margaret Mead -- Derek Freeman

Margaret Mead
Margaret Mead
Derek Freeman.
Derek Freeman
Freeman, Quest for the Real Samoa.
Margaret Mead and Samoa, Derek Freeman.

Great Debates in Anthropology:

Next Time: Review of the Mead Freeman controversy

For next week
freelist reasons for the discrepancies
between Mead and Freeman

Freelists -- Steve Borgatti

Systematic Data Collection, Susan C. Weller and A. Kimball Romney.

Next Time: Review of the Mead Freeman controversy

Week 6 Reading Assignment

Review: Materials for Midsemester Exam

After exam, for next time, read: Interlude. "The Crisis in Culture and Personality," pp. 109-116

Rethinking Psychological Anthropology, Second Edition, by Philip K. Bock.

Spradley diagram
James Spradley
Culture and Cognition: Rules, Maps and Plans, 1972

Week 6 Video Explorations

Week 6 Day 9 nlt 3:08, Monday, 15 February 2016 video:

Discussion 4:00-4:10
Feedback 4:10-4:15

Continuation of Margaret Mead
and the controversy surrounding her early work in Samoa . . .

 Margaret Mead and Samoa

(51 min., 1988, UM DULUTH Martin Library Video Cassette VC 1314 )

(streaming video)

course viewing guide

 Margaret Mead in Samoa


Week 6 Day 10 nlt 3:00, Wednesday, 17 February 2016 video:
Discussion 4:00-4:10
Feedback 4:10-4:15

Stranger in the Mirror
(60 min., 1993, UM DULUTH Martin Library Video Cassette VC 2464)

course viewing guide

Oliver Sacks, The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat and Other Clinical Tales.

Hearing Colours, Eating Sounds (synesthesia) -- BBC

For Week's Activities see Moodle

These include items like Forum postings on timely issues, video evaluation feedback, Live Chats (for exam prep and project information), making up exam questions, Project information (on term Presentation and Term Paper), and (from time to time) other activities,


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Tuesday, 23 February - Tuesday, 1 March 2016
(in the United States)

National Eating Disorders Awareness Week (EDAW) -- sponsored by the National_Eating_Disorders_Association (NEDA)

UMD Events

UMD National Eating Disorders Week Poster.

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October  2018
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November  2018
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December  2018
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links to current weeks
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final exams
Today is Friday, 20 September 2024, 00:34 (12:34 AM) CDT, day 264 of 2024

Holidays Spring 2016
Week 5 Mardi Gras
Ash Wednesday
9 February 2016
10 February 2016
Week 6 Valentine's Day 14 February 2016
Week 9 Pi Day 14 March (3, 1, 4) 2016
Week 11 Easter (Western) 27 March 2016
Week 13 Vaisakhi Festival (A Time for New Life) वैसाख 13 April 2016
Weeks 14-15 Passover sunset of 22 April 2016 to nightfall of 30 April 2016
Week 16 Easter (Eastern) 1 May 2016

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The Culture and Personality Midterm Exam will be in class Week 7 Day 13 Tuesday, 9 October 2018

REM: Bring your Laptop

The CP Midterm Exam Live Chat will be the night before the exam from 07:00-08:00 CST, on Monday, 8 October 2018. Sign in on Canvas .


Week 7—

Cog-nition —  Per-ception / Con-ception:
Do you See what I See?


Making Sense of Sensory Information

 More Questions to Think About . . .

 Week 7 Memo



Still More Questions
Think About

Cog-nition: Do you see what I see?

slides: (.pptx)
Week 7 Reading Assignment

Ch. 6, "Cross-Cultural Correlations," pp. 117-138

(Human Relations Area Files)

 George Peter Murdock, 1897-1985.
  George Peter Murdock
Social Structure, 1949

Rethinking Psychological Anthropology, Second Edition, by Philip K. Bock.

Week 7 Video Explorations

Real People . . . Real Places . . .

Week 7 Day 11 nlt 3:05, Monday, 22 February 2016 video:

Synesthesia: Derek Tastes of Earwax
(50 min., 2005, DVD 1029)

course viewing guide
From BBC Science -- tests mentioned in Synethesia: Derek Tastes of Earwax

An eye

Do You See What I See?

Is Wednesday red? Take part in an experiment to test whether your senses overlap.
Duration: 10 minutes [currently not operating]


An ear
Do You Hear What I Hear?

Do melodies have a colour? Take part in our experiment to test whether you hear colours.
Duration: 10 minutes
[currently not operating]
Science: Human Body & Mind -- Psychology Tests and Surveys


Synesthesia Test from ScienceNews

How one synaesthete sees "Saturday"

Hearing Colours, Eating Sounds -- BBC

Synesthesia Test from ScienceNews

ScienceNews 20 February 2011

How Can We Stlil Raed Words Wehn Teh Lettres Are Jmbuled Up? -- ScienceDaily (15 March 2013)

Week 7 Day 12 nlt 3:05, Wednesday, 24 February 2016 video:

Making Sense of Sensory Information
with Dale Purves, M.D.
(Neuroscience Series)
(37 min, 2008, UM Duluth Library Multimedia QP376 .M35 2007 DVD)

"What we see is not what the world really is and that is counterintuitive."

Context Makes the difference

Making Sense of Sensory Information -- Davidson Films
  YouTube Trailer

Making Sense of Sensory Information

John Locke -- Wikipedia

David Hume -- Wikipedia

George Berkeley -- Wikipedia

René Descartes
-- Wikipedia

cf., Rashomon Effect

Rashomon Effect -- Wikipedia

Week 7 Day 12, Wednesday 24 Februiary 2016


Cognitive Sciences Laboratory

 Put to the Test

(13 min., 1998, not a UMD Library holding)

course viewing guide

  • Dr. Edwin May, "Remote Viewing" Houston experiment

  • with visual agnosia you have percepts without concepts

  • with ESP do you have concepts without percepts?

  • Sixth sense can come from within:
    Our sense of position can rely on signals from the brain rather than the body

    --, 23 March 2006
  • For investigations on Paranormal Phenomena see . . .
    For Week's Activities see Moodle

    These include items like Forum postings on timely issues, video evaluation feedback, Live Chats (for exam prep and project information), making up exam questions, Project information (on term Presentation and Term Paper), and (from time to time) other activities,


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    August  2018
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    wk 15 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
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      30 31 1 2 3 4 5
    links to current weeks
    fall break
    to textbooks
    final exams
    Today is Friday, 20 September 2024, 00:34 (12:34 AM) CDT, day 264 of 2024

    Holidays Spring 2016
    Week 5 Mardi Gras
    Ash Wednesday
    9 February 2016
    10 February 2016
    Week 6 Valentine's Day 14 February 2016
    Week 9 Pi Day 14 March (3, 1, 4) 2016
    Week 11 Easter (Western) 27 March 2016
    Week 13 Vaisakhi Festival (A Time for New Life) वैसाख 13 April 2016
    Weeks 14-15 Passover sunset of 22 April 2016 to nightfall of 30 April 2016
    Week 16 Easter (Eastern) 1 May 2016

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    Week 8—
    Midterm Exam

    Real People . . . Real Places . . . 
    Cognition Review and Beyond . . .
     Week 8 Memo

    Cognition Review and Beyond . . .

    Per-cept--ual and Con-cept--ual Cog-ni[to]--tive Processes

    Percept--ual and Concept--ual Cogni--tive Processes

    REM: Cognition = Perception + Conception

    Cogni-tion = Per-cept-ion + Con-cept-ion

    Cogni-tion = Percept-ion + Concept-ion



    through - the sound - the essence or quality of

    Greek Theatrical Mask -- Dionysus.
    Greek Theatrical Mask

    Cognition = Perception + Conception

    Cogni-tion = Per-cept-ion + Con-cept-ion

    Cogni-tion = Percept-ion + Concept-ion



    Still More Questions . . .
    (to think about)

    Mustard seed.

  • How do you think (about thinking, or anything else) ?

  • What role does culture and learning play ?

  • More specifically, what role does language play ?
    • "Perceptual and Cognitive Processes":

      • per-ception

        • ([late ME < L perceptiôn- (s. of perceptiô) comprehension, lit., a taking in]

      • per-ceive

        • ([ME perceive(n) . . . per- PER- + -cipere, comb. form of capere to take]

          • re-ceive

          • re-cept-or

      • per-cepts

      • "Perceptual and Cognitive Processes"

    Visual cortext.
    The Brain: A Road Map to the Mind -- MSNBC




    "per - cepts"



    "con - cepts"

    extra -


    6th ?

    " ? "

    Cf., "Foundations of Cultural Knowledge," in Culture and Cognition: Rules, Maps, and Plans
    (San Francisco, CA: Chandler, 1972), pp. 3-38.

    The Formation of Percepts

    Spradley's diagram of percepts.

    Source: James P. Spradley (Ed.), Culture and Cognition: Rules, Maps, and Plans
    (San Francisco, CA: Chandler, 1972), p. 9.

    The Formation of Concepts

    Spradley's diagram of concepts.

    Source: James P. Spradley (Ed.), Culture and Cognition: Rules, Maps, and Plans
    (San Francisco, CA: Chandler, 1972), p. 10.

    And Still More Questions . . .
    (to think about)

    Mustard seed.


    Species Specific
    Behavioral Environment

    (The original B-EYE site seems to be off of the web. An archived site, courtesy of Pandora: Australia's Web Archive, can be found at <>

    Views of a butterfly through a cat's and a human eye.

    Temple Grandin, professor at Colorado State University and autistic savant, used her unusual abilities to improve the tools of livestock farming.
    Temple Grandin, professor at Colorado State University and autistic savant, used her unusual abilities to improve the tools of livestock farming.
    -- Exploring Temple Grandin's Brain -- Discover (13 March 2013)

     Temple Grandin Brain Scan

    "If brain tissue is damaged or does not develop fully, the ventricles—vessels filled with cerebrospinal fluid, shown in blue in this image based on neuroimaging work—expand to fill the space. Temple Grandin’s enlarged left ventricle is a sign of abnormalities in her left hemisphere, which typically handles language, and may account for the difficulties she has with processing words."
    -- Exploring Temple Grandin's Brain -- Discover (13 March 2013)


    Animals Eyes
    -- An "Topic in Depth" report from the NSDL Scout Report
    (1 November 2002 -- Volume 1, Number 21)

    Sex Specific
    Behavioral Environment

    Culturally Constituted
    Behavioral Environment

    A.I. Hallowell

    A.I. Hallowell.

    The Stroop Effect

    Say the color the word is PRINTED in
    not the color named by the word

     Strop effect color chart.


    - - -

    "Special Effects"

    Shrek 3D

    Shrek 3D

    Shrek 3D

    Shrek 3D

    Barack and Michelle Obama, along with their party, watch the commercials during Super Bowl XLIII in the White House theatre using ColorCode 3D.

    Barack and Michelle Obama, along with their party, watch the commercials during Super Bowl XLIII in the White House theatre using ColorCode 3D.

    Pocket stereoscope with original test image. Used by military to examine stereoscopic pairs of aerial photographs.

    Pocket stereoscope with original test image. Used by military to examine stereoscopic pairs of aerial photographs.
    Shrek 3D


    3D football image

    3D Football
    3D perception problems, Consumer Reports

    Consumer Reports

     "Hyperreality" -- Wikipedia


    " . . . an inability of consciousness to distinguish reality from a simulation of reality, especially in technologically advanced post-modern societies. Hyperreality is a way of characterizing what our consciousness defines as "real" in a world where a multitude of media can radically shape and filter an original event or experience."


    Species Specific
    Behavioral Environment

    Sex Specific
    Behavioral Environment

    Special Effects Specific
    Behavioral Environment

    Culturally Constituted
    Behavioral Environment



    And Back to the Question
    of the Nature of Reality Itself . . .
    an age-old question . . .

    (and something else to think about . . .)
    (and people have been thinking about it a long time . . .)

    Mustard seed.

    In Ancient Eastern Philosophy . . .


    Zhuangzi dreaming of a butterfly (or a butterfly dreaming of Zhuangzi).
    Zhuangzi dreaming of a butterfly
    (or a butterfly dreaming of Zhuangzi)

    "Last night I dreamed I was a butterfly.

    How do I know that I am not a butterfly now dreaming I'm a man ?"

    "Once Zhuangzi dreamt he was a butterfly, a butterfly flitting and fluttering around, happy with himself and doing as he pleased. He didn't know he was Zhuangzi. Suddenly he woke up and there he was, solid and unmistakable Zhuangzi. But he didn't know if he was Zhuangzi who had dreamt he was a butterfly, or a butterfly dreaming he was Zhuangzi. Between Zhuangzi and a butterfly there must be some distinction! This is called the Transformation of Things." -- (2, tr. Burton Watson 1968:49)

    [From The Taoist book "Zhuangzi dreamed he was a butterfly" (莊周夢蝶 Zhuāng Zhōu mèng dié) -- Wikipedia]

    Zhuangzi (Chuang Tzu)

    (4th Century B.C./B.C.E.)

    "Zhuangzi's philosophy was very influential in the development of Chinese Buddhism, especially Chán (also known as Zen)."

    The Yin and Yang Symbol with white representing Yang and black representing Yin.

    The Yin and Yang Symbol
    with white representing Yang and black representing Yin.


    Garrison Keillor notes of Gabriel García Márquez . . . "He learned to write short stories first from Kafka, and later from the American Lost Generation. He said that the first line of Kafka's Metamorphosis 'almost knocked [him] off the bed,' he was so surprised. In one interview, he quoted the first line ('As Gregor Samsa awoke that morning from uneasy dreams, he found himself transformed into a gigantic insect') and told the interviewer, 'When I read the line, I thought to myself that I didn't know anyone was allowed to write things like that.'" (06 March 2014)

    In Ancient Western Philosophy . . .

    Plato, "Allegory of the Cave"

    Plato's Cave.

    Seminar in Epistemology: Knowledge, Truth and Mathematics -- Russell Marcus

    Allegory of the Cave

    The Republic/Book VII

    428/427 B.C. – 348/347 B.C.

    Plato, 428/427 B.C. – 348/347 B.C.


    Real People . . .
    Real Places . . .

    REM: People Live in Multiple Cultural Worlds

    • people live in multiple cultural worlds (roles)

      • sex / gender
      • age
      • ethnicity
      • race

        • Race: Can This Tenacious Concept Be Supplanted ?

      • class
      • institutions
      • common interest groups
        • "associations"

    • intergroup relations

    Real People . . .
    Real Places . . .


    • structure
    • function
    • meaning

    • emic
    • etic

    • synchronic
    • diachronic

    Culturally Constituted Behavioral Environment (CCBE)

    Growing up . . . in various psych-ology-ical worlds . . .
    including the spiri-t[us] world . . .

    Week 8 Reading Assignment

    Ch. 7, "The Return of the Repressed," pp. 139-156

    • Read: Ch. 19 "The Sacrifice." From The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down, Anne Fadiman (NY: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1997), pp. 278-288.

    The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down, by Anne Fadiman (NY: Farrar, Strauss and Biroux, 1977).

    Anne Fadiman
    NY: Farrar, Strauss and Giroux, 1997


    Lia LEe

    "The Sacrifice" is available in your Moodle Folder
    via the sidebar . . .
    Course Resources > Electronic Reserve


    Rethinking Psychological Anthropology, Second Edition, by Philip K. Bock.

    Week 8 Video Explorations

    Week 8 has no Video Explorations

    For Week's Activities see Moodle

    These include items like Forum postings on timely issues, video evaluation feedback, Live Chats (for exam prep and project information), making up exam questions, Project information (on term Presentation and Term Paper), and (from time to time) other activities,

    © 1998-2024 Timothy G. Roufs — All rights reserved

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    August  2018
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    Today is Friday, 20 September 2024, 00:34 (12:34 AM) CDT, day 264 of 2024

    Holidays Spring 2016
    Week 5 Mardi Gras
    Ash Wednesday
    9 February 2016
    10 February 2016
    Week 6 Valentine's Day 14 February 2016
    Week 9 Pi Day 14 March (3, 1, 4) 2016
    Week 11 Easter (Western) 27 March 2016
    Week 13 Vaisakhi Festival (A Time for New Life) वैसाख 13 April 2016
    Weeks 14-15 Passover sunset of 22 April 2016 to nightfall of 30 April 2016
    Week 16 Easter (Eastern) 1 May 2016

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    sign up for Presentation Date/Time

    Week 9
    Research / Real People . . . Real Places . . .

      Birth Order and Its Effects

    . . . Meet Jani Farrell-Roberts, Abigail and Brittany Hensel and others . . . 

     Magical Death and Children's Magical Death

    . . . envelope
     Week 9 Memo


    In a nutshell, ANTH 4616 Culture and Personality consists of three main segments:

      I Orientation and Background (slides)  
          Basic Concepts  
          Methods and Techniques  
       II Explorations  
          Comparative / Cross-Cultural  
          Ethnographic Case Studies from the Real World: Real People . . . Real Places from Around the Globe  
      III Student Presentations on Term Research Project
    Video: Birth Order and Its Effects
    In-Class Small Groups Project

    Design a research project . . . 

    • In groups of 3-5
      with at least one laptop per group

    • when you are finished copy your results to the class project Moodle file, Week 9

    • with the names of your group members included in the report

    Your Mission . . .

    Design a research project
    on birth order
    and its effects on adult personality
    of males and females . . .
    and intersex* individuals,
    a universally occurring group of individuals who live in special cultural worlds

    (*formerly sometimes incorrectly known as hermaphrodites)


    • intersexuality = 0.018% = 18/100,000, but this can include genotypical-only individuals

    • individuals with phenotypical M/F traits have been estimated at ca. 1/200,000-1/250,000 in the U.S.A.

    Kim Smyth Roufs, Jani Farrell-Roberts, Marjorie Blagburn, Bristol Harbour, England

    Kim Smyth Roufs, Jani Farrell-Roberts, Marjorie Blagburn
    Bristol Harbour, England

    The Seven Days of My Creation: Tales of Magic, Sex, and Gender by Jani Farrell-Roberts.

    Farrell-Roberts, Janine.

    The Seven Days of My Creation: Tales of Magic, Sex, and Gender
    Lincoln, NE: Writers Club, 2002 / Exposure Publishing, 2006.

    Third Gender Information

    India court recognises third gender -- BBCNews (15 April 2014)

    • REM:

      • birth order = a cultural "universal"

      • sex is a "universal": male / female / intersex
        • gender is not a universal

      • methods question:
    • How do you deal with something that has a
      frequency occurrence rate of 0.018% = 18 / 100,000,
      including genotpic traits,
      and about 1 / 200,000 — 1 / 250,000 for phenotypic traits ?

    • REM:

      • structure
      • function
      • meaning

      • emic
      • etic

      • synchronic
      • diachronic

    • Also consider:

      • "normal"
      • "abnormal"
      • "deviant"

    Systematic Data Collection, Susan C. Weller and A. Kimball Romney.

    1. freelist the variables
    you need to consider in your research

    2. formulate a hypothesis
    (expected relationship) for your research

    3. outline the research methods
    you would use in your study

    budget: $150,000

    for this project your budget does not have to be itemized

    Your project just needs to be "do-able" within the general budget
    duration: 12 months
    location: anywhere in the world

    Materials that might be helpful:

    • Birth Order and Its Effects (18 min., 1997, DVD 191)
    • Children's Magical Death (08 min., 1988,  UM DULUTH Martin Library Video Cassette VC 1338)
    • N!ai: The Story of a !Kung Woman (26 of 59 min., 1980, UM DULUTH Martin Library Video Cassette VC 2371)
    • "Coming of Age: Margaret Mead" (52 min., 1990, UM DULUTH Martin Library Video Cassette VC 1755)

    • Ch. 9 Focusing on Behavior

      • Six Cultures
      • Human Ethology
      • Attachment, Separation, and Crowding
      • Sociobiology
      • Supplement, 1999

    • Ch 10. Cognitive Anthropology

      • Ethnosemantics
      • Cognitive Development
        • Stages
        • Styles
        • Maps
      • Race, Culture and Intelligence
      • Supplement, 1999

    • Ch. 12. Emotions and Selfhood

      • Role, Self, and Identity
      • Psychology and Cultural Change
      • Supplement, 1999

    • Ch. 13 Some Newer Approaches

      • Evolutionary Psychological Anthropology
      • Cultural Psychology
      • About The Body
      • Person-Centered Ethnology
      • Into Century Twenty-One
      • Supplement, 1999

    results from other years

    REM: People Live in Multiple Cultural Worlds

    • people live in multiple cultural worlds (roles)

      • sex / gender
      • age
      • ethnicity
      • race
        • Race: Can This Tenacious Concept Be Supplanted?
      • class
      • institutions
      • common interest groups
        • "associations"

    • intergroup relations


    Reports on In-Class Small Groups Projects

    Hensel Twins, cover of Life Magazine 

    Abigail and Brittany Hensel, b. 1990

    Hensel Twins, cover of Life Magazine 

    Abigail and Brittany Hensel at 18

    Abigail and Brittany Hensel
    -- Wikipedia

    Extraordinary People: The Twins Who Share a Body
    -- Channel Five (UK), One North (19 February 2007)

    Joined for Life: Abby and Brittany Turn 16
    -- The Learning Channel (17 December 2006)


    YouTube Abigail & Brittany Hensel - The Twins Who Share a Body (45:29, 23 April 2011)

    results from other years


    web pages:
    Culture-Bound Syndromes

    Folk Medicine and Curing

    Culturally Constituted Behavioral Environments -- A. I. Hallowell

    Growing up . . . in various psych-ology-ical worlds . . .
    including the spiri-t[us] world . . .

    Week 9 Reading Assignment

    Ch. 8, "Social Structure and Personality," pp. 157-174

    Rethinking Psychological Anthropology, Second Edition, by Philip K. Bock.

    Week 9 Video Explorations

    Week 9 Day 15 nlt 3:40, Monday, 14 March 2016 video:
    Discussion 4:00-4:10
    Feedback 4:10-4:15

    Birth Order and Its Effects

    course viewing guide

    Birth-order figures.

    Three sibilings from video.l

    Birth Order in families where children are offspring of the same two parents is especially relevant to the perennial debate . . .




    Birth Order

    Real People . . . Real Places . . .

    Week 9 Day 16 nlt 3:15, Wednesday, 16 March 2016 video:

    Discussion 3:55-4:10
    Feedback 4:10-4:15

    Magical Death
    (29 min., 1988, UM DULUTH Martin Library Video Cassette VC 1338)

    (streaming video)

    course viewing guide

    Yanomamo Magical Death, shaman.

    Magical Death

    Real People . . . Real Places . . .

    Week 9 Day 16 nlt 3:45, Wednesday, 16 March 2016 video:

    Discussion 3:55-4:10
    Feedback 4:10-4:15

    Children's Magical Death
    (8 min., 1988, UM DULUTH Martin Library Video Cassette VC 1337)

    (streaming video)

    course viewing guide

     Yanomamo youth.

     Yanomamö Youth

    On Day 25 we will be having a look at how things changed among the Yanomamö, with the video Ocamo is My Town
    (23 min., 1988 [1975], UM DULUTH Martin Library Video Cassette VC 1339)

    For Week's Activities see Moodle

    These include items like Forum postings on timely issues, video evaluation feedback, Live Chats (for exam prep and project information), making up exam questions, Project information (on term Presentation and Term Paper), and (from time to time) other activities,

    sign up for Presentation Date/Time
    © 1998-2024 Timothy G. Roufs — All rights reserved

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    November  2018
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    December  2018
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    Week 10

    Meet N!ai "Short Face" Little Squirrel, and others . . .

     Week 10 Memo


    Real People . . . Real Places . . .

    Week 10 Reading Assignment

    Ch. 9, "Focusing on Behavior," pp. 175-190

     Rethinking Psychological Anthropology, Second Edition, by Philip K. Bock.


    Ch. 19 "The Sacrifice," from The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down, pp. 278-288

     The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down, by Anne Fadiman (NY: Farrar, Strauss and Biroux, 1977).
      Anne Fadiman


     Lia LEe
    Week 10 Video Explorations
    Real People . . . Real Places . . .

    Week 10 Day 17 nlt 3:30, Monday, 21 March 2016 video:
    Discussion 4:00-4:10
    Feedback 4:10-4:15

    N!ai: The Story of a !Kung Woman
    (26 of 59 min., 1980, UM DULUTH Martin Library Video Cassette VC 182)

     course viewing guide


    "N!ai was born in April of 1942, the only child of Di!ai and Gumza. Di!ai, her mother, had been married once before to a man named ≠Toma. They had had two children, both of whom died, and ≠Toma was murdered in a fight in 1938. In 1940, Di!ai married Gumza, N!ai’s father, a man from a group across the border in Botswana (then Bechuanaland). Soon after N!ai was born, her parents were divorced, in part because Gumza did not get along with Di!ai’s older sister, a sharp-tongued woman named !U. Di!ai also said she felt lonely for her own people, and so she went home to Gautscha when Gumza returned to Botswana. In 1944, Di!ai remarried, to a man named Kxao. Kxao already had a wife, but because he was considered a steady man, Di!ai was willing to accept the role of co-wife." -- N!ai Study Guide, p. 3

    Real People . . . Real Places . . .

    Week 10 Day 18 nlt 3:00, Wednesday, 23 March 2016 video:
    Discussion 3:40-4:10
    Feedback 4:10-4:15

    (38 min., 1990, UM DULUTH Martin Library DVD GN635.M4 L38 2006)

    course viewing guide

    Text, "Boo!: Culture, Experience, and the Startle Reflex, by Ronald C. Simons.

    For Week's Activities see Moodle

    These include items like Forum postings on timely issues, video evaluation feedback, Live Chats (for exam prep and project information), making up exam questions, Project information (on term Presentation and Term Paper), and (from time to time) other activities,

    © 1998-2024 Timothy G. Roufs — All rights reserved

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    December  2018
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      30 31 1 2 3 4 5
    links to current weeks
    fall break
    to textbooks
    final exams
    Today is Friday, 20 September 2024, 00:34 (12:34 AM) CDT, day 264 of 2024

    Holidays Spring 2016
    Week 5 Mardi Gras
    Ash Wednesday
    9 February 2016
    10 February 2016
    Week 6 Valentine's Day 14 February 2016
    Week 9 Pi Day 14 March (3, 1, 4) 2016
    Week 11 Easter (Western) 27 March 2016
    Week 13 Vaisakhi Festival (A Time for New Life) वैसाख 13 April 2016
    Weeks 14-15 Passover sunset of 22 April 2016 to nightfall of 30 April 2016
    Week 16 Easter (Eastern) 1 May 2016

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    Week 11
    —Real People . . . Real Places . . .

    Meet the Mamami and Thao Families

    Anishinabe and Brazilian Healers

      Week 11 Memo


    REM: Culturally Constituted Behavioral Environment (CCBE)
    A. Irving Hallowell

    Real People . . . Real Places . . .

    Aviso: Some YouTubeselections below contain graphic material

    • YouTube logo Arigó by Puharich Part 1.mp4 -- Silent 8 movie shot by Dr Andrija Puharich on expedition in Brazil while investigating Arigo the famous Brazilian healer. Part 1
    • YouTube logo Arigó by Puharich Part 2.mp4 -- Silent 8 movie shot by Dr Andrija Puharich on expedition in Brazil while investigating Arigo the famous Brazilian healer
    Week 11 Reading Assignment

    Paul Buffalo

    "Nature and the Concept of Power Among Mississippi and Lake Superior Ojibwa: Reflections of Paul Buffalo"

    from When Everybody Called Me Gah-bay-bi-nayss: "Forever-Flying-Bird" An Ethnographic Biography of Paul Peter Buffalo -- Timothy G. Roufs

    Ch. 10, "Cognitive Anthropology," pp. 191-208

    Rethinking Psychological Anthropology, Second Edition, by Philip K. Bock.

    (Conception/ Perception / Cognition)

    Week 11 Video Explorations

    Real People . . . Real Places . . .

    Week 11 Day 19 nlt 3:30,Monday, 28 March 2016 video:
    Discussion 4:00-4:10
    Feedback 4:10-4:15

    "Alejandro Mamani"
    (30 min., 1994, UM DULUTH Martin Library Video Cassette VC 2466, Part 6)

    Meet the Mamami Family

     course viewing guide

     Alejandro Mamani.

    Aymara -- Wikipedia

    Real People . . . Real Places . . .

    Week 11 Day 20 nlt 3:00, Wednesday, 30 March 2016 video:
    Discussion 4:00-4:10
    Feedback 4:10-4:15

    The Split Horn: Life of a Hmong Shaman in America
    (58 min., UM Duluth Library Multimedia BL2370.S5 S65 2001b)

    Meet the Thao Family

     course viewing guide

    web pages:

    Hmong shaman's cymbal.
     Hmong shaman's symbol
     Txiab neeb

    Hmong shaman.

    Paja and Yer Vang Thao

    Hmong shaman.

    Chai Thao
    For Week's Activities see Moodle

    These include items like Forum postings on timely issues, video evaluation feedback, Live Chats (for exam prep and project information), making up exam questions, Project information (on term Presentation and Term Paper), and (from time to time) other activities,

    © 1998-2024 Timothy G. Roufs — All rights reserved

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    October  2018
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    final exams
    Today is Friday, 20 September 2024, 00:34 (12:34 AM) CDT, day 264 of 2024

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    Week 12
    —Anishinabe Curing Part I

    Week 12 Memo

    slides: (.pptx)

    Chippewa medicine man singer with ceremonial turtle clan drum.

    Chippewa medicine man singer with ceremonial turtle clan drum.
    Photograph Collection, 1900
     Visual Resources Database
     Minnesota Historical Society
    Location No. E97.37 p20 Negative No. 21120
    Week 12 Reading Assignment

    Ch. 11, "Shamans, Alternative States, and Schizophrenia," pp. 209-222

    (Altered States of Consciousness ASC)

    Rethinking Psychological Anthropology, Second Edition, by Philip K. Bock.

    Week 12 Video Explorations

    Real People . . . Real Places . . .

    Week 12 Day 21 nlt 3:00, Monday, 4 April 2016 video:
    Discussion 4:00-4:10
    Feedback 4:10-4:15

    A Gift to One, a Gift to Many / James Jackson, Sr.
    (60 min., 1992, UM DULUTH Martin Library Video Cassette VC 2238)

    course viewing guide

    Jimmy Jackson and  Kelly Lovelace.

    Jimmy Jackson (1913-1992) and Kelly Lovelace

    Real People . . . Real Places . . .

    Week 12 Day 22 nlt 3:00, Wednesday, 6 April 2016 video:
    Feedback 4:10-4:15

    "Paul Buffalo Video Excerpts"

    view streaming video
    (in Moodle only)

    [excerpts transcript]

    (18 min., 1971, UM DULUTH Martin Library Video Cassette VC 266 B)

    Paul Buffalo Meditating Plants

    Paul Buffalo (4 July 1900 - 28 June 1977)
    Mediating Medicine

    Real People . . . Real Places . . .

    Week 11 Day 22 nlt 3:20, Wednesday, 6 April 2016 audio lecture:
    Feedback 4:10-4:15

    The Work of the Brazilian Healer Zé Arigó
    (45 min., PC 287)

    Aviso: The YouTubeselections below contain graphic material

    YouTube Arigó by Puharich Part 1.mp4 -- Silent 8 movie shot by Dr Andrija Puharich on expedition in Brazil while investigating Arigo the famous Brazilian healer. Part 1

    YouTube Arigó by Puharich Part 2.mp4 -- Silent 8 movie shot by Dr Andrija Puharich on expedition in Brazil while investigating Arigo the famous Brazilian healer

    course viewimg guide

    Dr. Fritz e Ze Arigo

    For Week's Activities see Moodle

    These include items like Forum postings on timely issues, video evaluation feedback, Live Chats (for exam prep and project information), making up exam questions, Project information (on term Presentation and Term Paper), and (from time to time) other activities,

    © 1998-2024 Timothy G. Roufs — All rights reserved

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    August  2018
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    Today is Friday, 20 September 2024, 00:34 (12:34 AM) CDT, day 264 of 2024

    Holidays Spring 2016
    Week 5 Mardi Gras
    Ash Wednesday
    9 February 2016
    10 February 2016
    Week 6 Valentine's Day 14 February 2016
    Week 9 Pi Day 14 March (3, 1, 4) 2016
    Week 11 Easter (Western) 27 March 2016
    Week 13 Vaisakhi Festival (A Time for New Life) वैसाख 13 April 2016
    Weeks 14-15 Passover sunset of 22 April 2016 to nightfall of 30 April 2016
    Week 16 Easter (Eastern) 1 May 2016

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    f2018 Your Extra Credit paper is due by the end of Week 13, Saturday, 24 November 2018

    AVISO: Late Extra Credit Papers will not be accepted unless (1) arrangements for an alternate date have been arranged in advance, or (2) medical emergencies or similar extraordinary unexpected circumstances make it unfeasible to turn in the assignment by the announced due date. Why?

    Week 13

    Real People . . . Real Places . . .

    Yanomamó Change / Anishinabe Curing (continued, time permitting)


     Week 13 Memo


    (time permitting)

    slides: (.pptx)

    Chippewa medicine man singer with ceremonial turtle clan drum.

    Chippewa medicine man singer with ceremonial turtle clan drum.
    Photograph Collection, 1900
     Visual Resources Database
     Minnesota Histor
    ical Society
    Location No. E97.37 p20 Negative No. 21120

    Week 13 Day 24, Wednesday, 13 April 2016

     Student Presentations I

    see Moodle schedule for details

    Week 13 Reading Assignment

    Ch. 12, "Emotions and Selfhood," pp. 223-239

    Rethinking Psychological Anthropology, Second Edition, by Philip K. Bock.

    Work on paper for in-class presentation

    Work on final written draft of paper

    Week 13 Video Explorations
    Real People . . . Real Places . . .

    Week 13 Day 23 nlt 3:05, Monday, 11 April 2016 video:
    Discussion 4:00-4:10
    Feedback 4:10-4:15

    The Amish: A People of Preservation
    (BX 8129.A6 2000 DVD, Revised 2006 edition, 56 min.)
    (Revised 1996 edition, 54 min., UM Duluth Library Multimedia BX8129.A6 A45 2000 DVD)

    Course Viewing Guide

    Amish Notes

     list of items

    Film: The Amish -- A People of Preservation



    Freelist the things that the Amish control in order to control the rate of change and thus the forces and conditions that might result in a change in personality and/or world view.

    You do not have to turn this list in, but keep it handy.

    Systematic Data Collection, Susan C. Weller and A. Kimball Romney.

    Freelists -- Steve Borgatti

    For Week's Activities see Moodle

    These include items like Forum postings on timely issues, video evaluation feedback, Live Chats (for exam prep and project information), making up exam questions, Project information (on term Presentation and Term Paper), and (from time to time) other activities,

    © 1998-2024 Timothy G. Roufs — All rights reserved

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    August  2018
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    final exams
    Today is Friday, 20 September 2024, 00:34 (12:34 AM) CDT, day 264 of 2024

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    Your CP Term Paper is due at the end of Week 14, Saturday, 1 December 2018

    AVISO: Late Term Papers will not be accepted unless (1) arrangements for an alternate date have been arranged in advance, or (2) medical emergencies or similar extraordinary unexpected circumstances make it unfeasible to turn in the assignment by the announced due date.
    Wiki questions for the Final Exam are due by the end of Week 14, Saturday, 1 December 2018

    Week 14

     Week 14 Memo

    Week 14 Day 25, Monday, 18 April 2016

     Student Presentations

    see Moodle schedule for details

    Week 14 Day 26, Wednesday, 20 April 2016

     Student Presentations III

    see Moodle schedule for details
    Week 14 Reading Assignment

    Ch. 13, "Some Newer Approaches," pp. 241-254

    Rethinking Psychological Anthropology, Second Edition, by Philip K. Bock.

    Work on final written draft of paper

    Review Chs. 1 - 5 for Final Exam
    Week 14 Video Explorations
    Week 14 has no Video Explorations
    For Week's Activities see Moodle

    These include items like Forum postings on timely issues, video evaluation feedback, Live Chats (for exam prep and project information), making up exam questions, Project information (on term Presentation and Term Paper), and (from time to time) other activities,

    Your CP Term Paper is due at the end of Week 14, Saturday, 1 December 2018

    AVISO: Late Term Papers will not be accepted unless (1) arrangements for an alternate date have been arranged in advance, or (2) medical emergencies or similar extraordinary unexpected circumstances make it unfeasible to turn in the assignment by the announced due date.
    Wiki questions for the Final Exam are due by the end of Week 14, Saturday, 1 December 2018
    © 1998-2024 Timothy G. Roufs — All rights reserved

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    Today is Friday, 20 September 2024, 00:34 (12:34 AM) CDT, day 264 of 2024

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    Wiki questions for the Final Exam are due by the end of Week 14, Saturday, 1 December 2018


    The Culture and Personality Final Exam is scheduled for Tuesday, 11 December 2018, 8:00-9:55 in Cina 214

    REM: Bring your Laptop

    The CP Final Exam Live Chat will be the night before the exam from 07:00-8:00 CST, on tba, tba December 2018. Sign in on Canvas.

    Week 15

     What's Happening Week 15 ?

     End of Term Memo
     Lady Justice (Iustitia, the Roman Goddess of Justice.
    Course Evaluation

     Anth 4616

    Course Call  Section # =
    Course Call # =
    Semester = 5 Spring
    Year =
    Week 15 Day 27, Monday, 25 April 2016

     Student Presentations IV

    see Moodle schedule for details

    Week 15 Day 28, Wednesday, 27 April 2016

     Student Presentations V

    see Moodle schedule for details

    Anishinabe curing
    (as time allows)


    Review of Final Exam

    The Culture and Personality Final Exam is scheduled for Tuesday, 11 December 2018, 8:00-9:55 in Cina 214

    REM: Bring your Laptop

    The CP Final Exam Live Chat will be the night before the exam from 07:00-8:00 CST, on tba, tba December 2018. Sign in on Canvas.

    Details of Final Exam

    Week 15 Reading Assignment

    Postlude. "All Psychology Is Cultural," pp. 255-258

    "Personal Epilogue, 1999," pp. 259-262

    Work on final written draft of paper

    Review Chs. 6 - 13 for Final Exam

    Review In-Class Materials for Final Exam

    Rethinking Psychological Anthropology, Second Edition, by Philip K. Bock.

    Week 15 Video Explorations

    Ocamo is My Town

    (22 min., 1988, UM DULUTH Martin Library Video Cassette VC 1339)

    Yanomamo with communications equipment.

    Photo source:

    Viewing Guide


    Wiki questions for the Final Exam are due by the end of Week 14, Saturday, 1 December 2018


    The Culture and Personality Final Exam is scheduled for Tuesday, 11 December 2018, 8:00-9:55 in Cina 214

    REM: Bring your Laptop

    The CP Final Exam Live Chat will be the night before the exam from 07:00-8:00 CST, on tba, tba December 2018. Sign in on Canvas.
    For Week's Activities see Moodle

    These include items like Forum postings on timely issues, video evaluation feedback, Live Chats (for exam prep and project information), making up exam questions, Project information (on term Presentation and Term Paper), and (from time to time) other activities,

    © 1998-2024 Timothy G. Roufs — All rights reserved

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    Week 16

    Final Exam Week

     End of Term Memo


    The Culture and Personality Final Exam is scheduled for Tuesday, 11 December 2018, 8:00-9:55 in Cina 214

    REM: Bring your Laptop
    The CP Final Exam Live Chat will be the night before the exam from 07:00-8:00 CST, on tba, tba December 2018. Sign in on Canvas.
    For Week's Activities see Moodle

    These include items like Forum postings on timely issues, video evaluation feedback, Live Chats (for exam prep and project information), making up exam questions, Project information (on term Presentation and Term Paper), and (from time to time) other activities,

    © 1998-2024 Timothy G. Roufs — All rights reserved

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    August  2018
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    fall break
    to textbooks
    final exams
    Today is Friday, 20 September 2024, 00:34 (12:34 AM) CDT, day 264 of 2024

    Rethinking Psychological Anthropology, Second Edition, by Philip K. Bock.
    Philip K. Bock

    Lewis Henry Morgan, 1818-1881.

    Lewis Henry Morgan
    Ancient Society, 1877
    Lucien Lévy-Bruhl, 1857-1939.
    Lucien Lévy-Bruhl

    Edward Burnett Tylor, 1832-1917.

    Sigmund Freud, 1856-1939

    Sigmund Freud
    The Interpretation of Dreams, 1899
    Totem and Taboo, 1913

    Edward Burnett Tylor, 1832-1917.

    Edward Burnett Tylor
    Primitive Culture, 2 vols., 1871
    James Frazer, 1854-1941.
    James Frazer
    The Golden Bough, 1890

    top of page
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    Edward Sapir, 1884-1939.
    Edward Sapir
    Language, 1921
    Culture, Language and Personality, 1949
    The Psychology of Culture, 1994

    Bronislaw Malinowski, 1884-1942.
    Bronisław Malinowski
    Argonouts of the Western Pacific, 1922
    Magic, Science and Religion, 1948

    Ruth Benedict
    Ruth Benedict
    Patterns of Culture, 1934
    The Chrysanthemum and the Sword, 1946

    Margaret Mead.
    Margaret Mead
    Coming of Age in Samoa, 1928
    Growing up in New Guinea, 1930
    Sex and Temperament in Three Primitive Societies, 1935


    Culture and Experience, A. Irving Hallowell.

     A. Irving Hallowell.
    A. Irving Hallowell
    1892 – 1974
    Culture and Experience, 1955

    top of page
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    Patterns of Culture, by Ruth Benedict.
    Ruth Benedict

    Book by Richard Sliobodin, W.H.R. Rivers.
    W.H.R. Rivers

    Coming of Age Book
    Margaret Mead
    Margaret Mead and Samoa, Derek Freeman.

    Derek Freeman.
    Derek Freeman

    People of Alor, Table of Contents.
    Cora DuBois
    The People of Alor, 2 vols., 1944

    The Lonely Crowd.
    David Riesman

    The Man who Mistook His Wife for a Hat, Oliver Sacks.
    Oliver Sacks

    The Chrysanthemum and the Sword, by Ruth Benedict.
    Ruth Benedict
    The Chrysanthemum and the Sword, 1946

    top of page
     /\ A-Z index


    Anthony F.C. Wallace, 1923-.
    Anthony F.C. Wallace
    The Modal Personality Structure of the Tuscarora Indians as Revealed by the Rorschach Test, 1952
    "Dreams and the wishes of the Soul," 1958
    "Driving to Work," 1965
    Culture and Personality, 1961

    Magic, Science and Religion, by Bronislaw Malinowski, 1948.

     A. Irving Hallowell.
    Bronisław Malinowski
    Argonouts of the Western Pacific, 1922
    Magic, Science and Religion, 1948

    Custom A

    B, not
    A, not
    Neither Present

    The format of a "two-by-two" correlation display
    Rethinking Psychological Anthropology, Second Edition, p. 122

    John W. M.Whiting and Irving Child
    Child Training and Personality: A Cross-cultural Study, 1953
    Karl Marx, 1818-1883.
    Karl Marx
    1818 – 1883
    A Contribution to the critique of Political Economy, 1859

    George M. Foster,
    George M. Foster
    Tzintzuntzan: Mexican Peasants in a Changing World, 1967

    Susto, book by Arthur Rubel

    Text, "Boo!: Culture, Experience, and the Startle Reflex, by Ronald C. Simons.
    Ronald Simons

    Alejandro Mamani.
    Yanomamo Magical Death, shaman.
    Magical Death

    Yanomamo youth.
    Yanomamö Youth

    Yanomamo man


    top of page
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    Shaman, txiv neeb.
    Hmong Shaman
    txiv neeb
    Erika bourguignon, 1924-.
    Erika bourguignon
    Psychological anthropology, 1979

    Appleton, WI (Google Earth).
    The Navaho, Clyde Kluckhohn and Dorthy Leighton, 1947.
    Claude Lévi-Strauss
    Claude Levi-Strauss
    Rethinking Psychological Anthropology, Second Edition, p. 191
    George and Louise Spindler.
    George and Louise Spindler
    Menomini women and culture change

    Sociocultural and psychological processes in Menomini acculturation
    The Savage Mind, Claude Levi-Strauss.
    Claude Lévi-Strauss
    The Navaho, Clyde Kluckhohn and Dorthy Leighton, 1947.
    Clyde Kluckhohn

    Variations in Value Orientations

    Florence Kluckhohn

    Fred Strodtbeck

    © 1998-2024 Timothy G. Roufs — All rights reserved

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    Credit Options at UMD

    This course is governed by the . . .

    University of Minnesota Duluth Student Academic Integrity Policy

    UMD Office of Student and Community Standards

    Student Academic Integrity
    -- UMD Office of Academic Affairs (Effective: November 22, 2011)

    Use of AI-content generators for assignments in this class

    When I taught Advanced Writing for the Social Sciences here at UMD, for over twenty-five years, my rule of thumb advice to students was to plan to spend 60% or more of their time and effort revising drafts (for academic type writing).

    In 2001 Wikipedia appeared on the scene and very quickly became a useful tool as a starting point for many academic projects even though as an open-source resource the Wikipedia entries are not checked and verified in the same manner as other traditional reference materials.

    Spelling and grammar checkers arrived on the general scene and helped with spelling and grammar checking, but, as you no doubt have discovered, they continue to require human editing.

    And, of course, before that we had a selection of excellent Encyclopedia offering good starting points for many projects, the most popular being The Encyclopedia Brittanica.

    And long before that there were libraries--since at least the days of Alexandria in Egypt, in the third century B.C.

    The bottom line . . .

    Today the evolution of research resources and aids continues with the relatively rapid appearance of ChatGPT and other automated content generators.

    As many folks have already found out, they can be very useful as starting points, much like their predecessors. But, from the academic point of view, they are still only starting points.

    Professors nationwide are for the most part advised, and even encouraged, to experiment with the potentials of ChatGPT and similar apps.

    In this class it is fine to experiment, with the caveat that all of your written academic work demonstrates that your personal efforts—including content development and revision—reflect your personal originality, exploration, analysis, explanation, integrating and synthesizing of ideas, organizational skills, evaluation, and overall learning and critical thinking efforts.

    That is to say you may experiment with the AI tool to do tasks such as e.g, brainstorming, narrowing topics, writing first drafts, editing text, and the like. AI-generated works should in no case be more than that.

    In the end you need to become familiar enough with the various subjects, peoples, and places discussed in this class to research a topic and problem-solve on your own, and carry on an intelligent conversation about them in modern-day society . . . a conversation that goes byond your voicing an unsupported opinion.

    Please ask questions of and offer comments to


    For the record, what follows is the official UMD Academic Integrity Policy. Note that "unless otherwise noted by the faculty member" this is the default policy.

    "UMD’s Academic Integrity policy covers any work done by automated content generators such as ChatGPT or other generative artificial intelligence tools unless otherwise noted by the faculty member. These tools present new challenges and opportunities."

    "Within the confines of this class The use of AI-content generators is strictly prohibited for any stage of homework/assignment (e.g., draft or final product). The primary purposes of college are developing your thinking skills, being creative with ideas, and expanding your understanding on a wide variety of topics. Using these content generating AI tools thwarts the goal of homework/assignments to provide students opportunities to achieve these purposes. Please make the most of this time that you have committed to a college education and learn these skills now, so that you can employ them throughout your life." -- Jennifer Mencl, UMD Associate Vice Chancellor, Academic Affairs, 10 May 2023

    Current information from the UMN Senate Committee on Educational Policy Resources


    See Also Using Wikipedia and other Standard Reference Works

    "Academic dishonesty tarnishes UMD's reputation and discredits the accomplishments of students. UMD is committed to providing students every possible opportunity to grow in mind and spirit. This pledge can only be redeemed in an environment of trust, honesty, and fairness. As a result, academic dishonesty is regarded as a serious offense by all members of the academic community. In keeping with this ideal, this course will adhere to UMD's Student Academic Integrity Policy, which can be found at []. This policy sanctions students engaging in academic dishonesty with penalties up to and including expulsion from the university for repeat offenders." — UMD Educational Policy Committee, Jill Jensen, Chair (08/16/2007)

    and the UMD Student Conduct Code

    and the

    Student Conduct Code Statement (students' rights)

    The instructor will enforce and students are expected to follow the University's Student Conduct Code []. Appropriate classroom conduct promotes an environment of academic achievement and integrity. Disruptive classroom behavior that substantially or repeatedly interrupts either the instructor's ability to teach, or student learning, is prohibited. Disruptive behavior includes inappropriate use of technology in the classroom. Examples include ringing cell phones, text-messaging, watching videos, playing computer games, doing email, or surfing the Internet on your computer instead of note-taking or other instructor-sanctioned activities." — UMD Educational Policy Committee, Jill Jensen, Chair (08/16/2007)

    Instructor and Student Responsibilities Policy


    A Note on Extra Credit Papers

    Failure to comply with the above codes and standards when submitting an Extra Credit paper will result in a penalty commensurate with the lapse, up to and including an F final grade for the course, and, at a minimum, a reduction in total points no fewer than the points available for the Extra Credit project. The penalty will not simply be a zero for the project, and the incident will be reported to the UMD Academic Integrity Officer in the Office of Student and Community Standards.


    A Note on "Cutting and Pasting" without the Use of Quotation Marks
    (EVEN IF you have a citation to the source somewhere in your paper)

    If you use others' words and/or works you MUST so indicate that with the use of quotation marks. Failure to use quotation marks to indicate that the materials are not of your authorship constitutes plagiarism—even if you have a citation to the source elsewhere in your paper/work.

    Patterned failure to so indicate that the materials are not of your own authorship will result in an F grade for the course.

    Other instances of improper attribution will result in a 0 (zero) for the assignment (or a reduction in points equal to the value of an Extra Credit paper), and a reduction of one grade in the final grade of the course.

    All incidents will be reported to the UMD Academic Integrity Officer in the Office of Student and Community Standards as is required by University Policy.

    Students with Disabilities

    It is the policy and practice of the University of Minnesota Duluth to create inclusive learning environments for all students, including students with disabilities.  If there are aspects of this course that result in barriers to your inclusion or your ability to meet course requirements – such as time limited exams, inaccessible web content, or the use of non-captioned videos – please notify the instructor as soon as possible.  You are also encouraged to contact the Office of Disability Resources to discuss and arrange reasonable accommodations.  Please call 218-726-6130 or visit the DR website at for more information.

    for your research papers try the
    UMD Library > Research Tools and Resources >
    Assignment Calculator

    UMD Library Assignment Calculator

    Your CP Term Paper is due at the end of Week 14, Saturday, 1 December 2018

    AVISO: Late Term Papers will not be accepted unless (1) arrangements for an alternate date have been arranged in advance, or (2) medical emergencies or similar extraordinary unexpected circumstances make it unfeasible to turn in the assignment by the announced due date.

    national character

    cultural metaphors


    © 1998 - 2022 Timothy G. Roufs    Envelope: E-mail
    Page URL: http:// /cla/faculty/troufs/anth4616/cpcal-s2016.html
    Last Modified Thursday, 23 January 2020, 20:03 (08:03 PM) CST, day 023 of 2020
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