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 Tim Roufs

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cultural anthropology

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Cultural Anthropology Course Information


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Welcome to Cultural Anthropology

Summer Session 2011


80989 -001 LEC, 08:00 A.M. - 11:45 A.M., M,Tu,W,Th (06/06/2011 - 07/01/2011), Cina  214,  Roufs, Tim, 4 credits

Register Here



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Spring (15 January - 9 May) 2025

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Whenever you have a question
ZOOM Tu 7:00-8:00 p.m.
    or e-mail to set up a private time to ZOOM

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You may use either the new 2012 Cultural Anthro or the 2009 Cultural Anthropology -- A Problem-Based Approach, 5th Edition.

The UMD Bookstore has only the 2009 version.
Text: Cultural Anthro, 1st Edition, by Robbins (Wadsworth, 2012)



— or —

Text: Cultural Anthrpology: A Problem-Based Approach, 4th Edition, by Robbins (Wadsworth, 2009)
Cultural Anthro
Cultural Anthropology
—A Problem-Based Approach, 5th Ed.
by Richard H. Robbins
Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, 2012
ISBN-10: 9781111300890

ISBN-13: 978-1111300890
320 pages Paper Bound
by Richard H. Robbins
Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, 2009
320 pages Paper Bound

information on the textbook for the course

general textbook information

exam information

study questions

video schedule


Normally, one can get excellent values on used textbooks online. Cultural Anthro (2012) is currently available online from about $59.95 new / $39.95 used (+ p/h, at & eligible for FREE Super Saver Shipping on orders over $25). Other on-line and brick and mortar stores should have comparable offers.Cultural Anthropology -- A Problem-Based Approach, 5th Edition is currently available online from about $ 47.88 new / $10.00 used (+ p/h, at & eligible for FREE Super Saver Shipping on orders over $25). The Amazon Textbook Buyback Store will also buy it back (the current Amazon Buyback price is $13.60. Which means the Amazon Price After Buyback would be free--a real bargain, even with p/h added). Other on-line and brick and mortar stores should have comparable offers.

21 April 2011

See further information on the text webpage at <>

Cultural Anthropology

June / July  2011

Today in History
Today in Headlines
UMD Calendars
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
      1 2 3 4
5 6   Week 1
>> Day 01
7  Week 1
>> Day 02
8  Week 1
>> Day 03
9  Week 1
>> Day 04
10 11
12 13  Week 2
>> Day 05
14  Week 2
>> Day 06
15  Week 2
>> Day 07
16  Week 2
>> Day 08
17 18
19 20  Week 3
>> Day 09
21  Week 3
>> Day 10
22  Week 3
>> Day 11
23  Week 3
>> Day 12
24 25
26 27  Week 4
>> Day 13
28  Week 4
>> Day 14
29  Week 4
>> Day 15
30  Week 4
>> Day 16
1 2

Cultural Anthropology

June  2011 — Week 1

Today in History
Today in Headlines
UMD Calendars
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
      1 2 3 4
5 6  Week 1
>> Day 01
7  Week 1
>> Day 02
Week 1
>> Day 03
Week 1
>> Day 04
10 11


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Anth 1604 Cultural Anthropology
Week 1 Day 1—Introduction to Anthropology / Orientation to the Course

Week 1 Memo

A note on the slide formats: Since at this point we do not know what software you are using on your computer, we offer the slides in two formats. We recommend you first try "(.pdf)" pdf logo.png, the “Portable Document Format” that is the open standard for document exchange. If you have problems with that format, please try "(.pptx)" pptx icon.jpg, Office PowerPoint 2007. It is unlikely that you will have problems with both of them, but if you do, please let us know: When the materials are on your screen they should be running as a slide show. If you want or need to upgrade your software, you can download the latest PowerPoint viewer free, as well as download the latest Adobe .pdf Reader free.

Thanks—Tim Roufs



First-Day Handout

Anthropology and its Parts

Meet Your Professor
slides: (.pdf) (.pptx)
(Download PowerPoint Viewer Free) (Download Adobe .pdf Reader Free)
[see note on slide formats]

slides: (.pdf) (.pptx)
(Download PowerPoint Viewer Free) (Download Adobe .pdf Reader Free)
[see note on slide formats]

slides: (.pdf) (.pptx)
(Download PowerPoint Viewer Free) (Download Adobe .pdf Reader Free)
[see note on slide formats]
Major Characteristics, Concepts and Methods of Anthropology
slides: (.pdf) (.pptx)
 . . . (Intro only, time permitting)
Faces of Culture Series

nlt 10:05 video:
"The Nature of Anthropology"
(VC 2466, pt. 1, 30 min.)
nlt 10:35-10:45 break
Faces of Culture Series

nlt 10:45 videos:
"The Nature of Culture"
(VC 2466, pt. 2, 30 min.)

"How Cultures are Studied"
(VC 2466, pt. 3, 30 min.)

Controversy: Darkness in El Dorado
~ Texas A & M
Recommendations on How to Study for this Course
slides: (.pdf) (.pptx)

Writing Essays for Exams
OWL (Online Writing Lab), Purdue University.
Major Debates  . . .
slides: (.pdf) (.pptx)
(Intro only, time permitting)
Cultural Anthropology

Main Characteristics of Anthropology
the fields of general anthropology
culture as a primary concept
comparative method as major approach
holism as a primary theoretical goal
fieldwork as a primary research technique
"Other Important Terms"
Units of Analysis
For Day 1 Activities see Moodle
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TR HomePage

Day 1 Reading Assignment

  • Ch. 1 "Culture and Meaning"
Text: Cultural Anthro, 1st Edition, by Robbins (Wadsworth, 2012)




Text: Cultural Anthrpology: A Problem-Based Approach, 4th Edition, by Robbins (Wadsworth, 2009)
Cultural Anthro
by Richard H. Robbins
Cultural Anthropology, 5th Ed.
by Richard H. Robbins
For Day 1 Activities see Moodle
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TR HomePage
Anth 1604 Cultural Anthropology
Week 1 Day 2—Introduction to Anthropology / Orientation to the Course


History of Cultural Anthropology: The Development of Ethnological Theory

Major Characteristics, Concepts and Methods of Anthropology
slides: (.pdf) (.pptx)

Cultural Anthropology

Main Characteristics of Anthropology
the fields of general anthropology
culture as a primary concept
comparative method as major approach
holism as a primary theoretical goal
fieldwork as a primary research technique
"Other Important Terms"
Units of Analysis
nlt 09:05-09:15 break

Introduction to Video

Bronisław Malinowski

  • The Trobriand Islands (1915)
    • matrilineal

  • Magic, Science, and Religion (1948)

  • A Scientific Theory of Culture (1944)

    • "Malinowski argued that culture functioned to meet the needs of individuals rather than society as a whole. He reasoned that when the needs of individuals, who comprise society, are met, then the needs of society are met." -- Wikipedia

      • Three types of needs society satisfies for individuals:

        1. individual biological needs
          • food / nutrition / water
          • reproduction
          • shelter / safety

        2. instrumental needs (institutions that meet biological needs)
          • education
          • political organization / social control / law
          • economics

        3. integrative needs (systems that encode values)
          • magic
          • religion
          • science
          • art


nlt 09: 30 video:

Off the Verandah
(from Strangers Abroad)

(GN21.M25 O34 2004 DVD, 52 min., 1990)
Cf., Trobriand Islands
(matrilineal horticulturalists
with yams as "cultural focus"; note Kula Ring; magic; functionalism)

Cf., text, Questions 5
nlt 10:35-10:45 break
Economic Production:

Patters of Subsistence
~ industrial / post-industrial
  ~ agriculture
~ pastoralism
~ horticulture
~ foraging
(hunting / gathering / foraging)
economic systems
nlt 10:35-10:45 break
Faces of Culture Series

nlt 10:45 videos:
"Patterns of Subsistence: Food Foragers and Pastoralists"
(VC 2466, pt. 7, 30 min.)

"Patterns of Subsistence: The Food Producers"
(VC 2466, pt. 8, 30 min.)
Recommendations on How to Study for this Course
slides: (.pdf) (.pptx)

Writing Essays for Exams
OWL (Online Writing Lab), Purdue University.
Major Debates  . . .
slides: (.pdf) (.pptx)
(Intro only, time permitting)
For Day 2 Activities see Moodle
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TR HomePage

Day 2 Reading Assignment

  • Ch. 2 "The Meaning of Progress and Development"
Text: Cultural Anthro, 1st Edition, by Robbins (Wadsworth, 2012)




Text: Cultural Anthrpology: A Problem-Based Approach, 4th Edition, by Robbins (Wadsworth, 2009)
Cultural Anthro
by Richard H. Robbins
Cultural Anthropology, 5th Ed.
by Richard H. Robbins
For Day 2 Activities see Moodle
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TR HomePage
Anth 1604 Cultural Anthropology
Week 1 Day 3—Continuum Analysis


Political Organization and Leadership

Recommendations on How to Study for this Course
slides: (.pdf) (.pptx)

Writing Essays for Exams
OWL (Online Writing Lab), Purdue University.
Brief Case Study Review
Major Characteristics, Concepts and Methods of Anthropology
slides: (.pdf) (.pptx)

Cultural Anthropology

Main Characteristics of Anthropology
the fields of general anthropology
culture as a primary concept
comparative method as major approach
holism as a primary theoretical goal
fieldwork as a primary research technique
"Other Important Terms"
Units of Analysis
nlt 09:05-09:15 break

Comparison / Contrast of polar opposites on a continuum:

continuum model . . .

SIMPLE -------------------------------- COMPLEX
Tribal Village
Peasant Village
Chan Kom
Robert Redfield, Folk Culture of Yucatan
(Univ of Chicago Press, 1941)

nlt 9:15 video:
Foraging / Horticulture --

Nomads of the Rain Forest
(VC 2426, 59 min.)

Cf., text, Question 2.1

Anthropology is Comparative

[cf., Trinkets and Beads -- Day 12]
nlt 10:20-10:30 break
nlt 10:30 video:

(VC 3060, 56 min.)

[cf. also, The Amish -- Day 15]
[cf. also, The Shakers -- Day 15]

Voluntary Simplicity (Simple Living)
Preview of Week 2
Introduction to Kinship
(time permitting)
Major Debates  . . .
slides: (.pdf) (.pptx)
(Intro only, time permitting)
For Day 3 Activities see Moodle
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TR HomePage

Day 3 Reading Assignment

Text: Cultural Anthro, 1st Edition, by Robbins (Wadsworth, 2012)
Paul Buffalo Meditating Wild Rice Beds


  • Ch. 1 "Culture and Meaning"
  • Ch. 2 "The Meaning of Progress and Development"
Text: Cultural Anthro, 1st Edition, by Robbins (Wadsworth, 2012)




Text: Cultural Anthrpology: A Problem-Based Approach, 4th Edition, by Robbins (Wadsworth, 2009)
Cultural Anthro
by Richard H. Robbins
Cultural Anthropology, 5th Ed.
by Richard H. Robbins
For Day 3 Activities see Moodle
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TR HomePage
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TR HomePage
Anth 1604 Cultural Anthropology
Week 1 Day 4—Emic / Etic


Kinship Worksheets

Major Characteristics, Concepts and Methods of Anthropology
slides: (.pdf) (.pptx)

Cultural Anthropology

Main Characteristics of Anthropology
the fields of general anthropology
culture as a primary concept
comparative method as major approach
holism as a primary theoretical goal
fieldwork as a primary research technique
"Other Important Terms"
Units of Analysis
Emic / Etic
break, as attention fatigue requires

Kinship and Descent

Kinship and Descent
slides: (.pdf) (.pptx)

Marriage Patterns / Cross-Cousins
slides: (.pdf) (.pptx)

Kinship Symbols

Kinship Terminologies

Kinship and Descent
~ Kin Types
~ Kin Systems

break, as attention fatigue requires

lineages / clans
~ lineal
~ local
~ lateral
~ focal

Matrilineal Kinship
 ~ Crow Kinship
 ~ Crow Terms

Patrilineal Kinship
 ~ Omaha Kinship
 ~ Dani Kin Terms (Patrilineal/Omaha)


 ~ annual
 ~ domestic
 ~ life
   ~ "Rites of Passage"

nlt 10:10-10:20 break
nlt 10:20 video:
Dead Birds

(DVD 147, 83 min.)
Not Available from Library on 9 JUne 2011, substituted A Gift to One, a Gift to Many
Major Debates  . . .
slides: (.pdf) (.pptx)
(Intro only, time permitting)
For Day 4 Activities see Moodle
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TR HomePage

Day 4 Reading Assignment

  • Ch. 3 "Globalization, Neoliberalism, and the Nation-State"
Text: Cultural Anthro, 1st Edition, by Robbins (Wadsworth, 2012)




Text: Cultural Anthrpology: A Problem-Based Approach, 4th Edition, by Robbins (Wadsworth, 2009)
Cultural Anthro
by Richard H. Robbins
Cultural Anthropology, 5th Ed.
by Richard H. Robbins

Text: Cultural Anthro, 1st Edition, by Robbins (Wadsworth, 2012)
Paul Buffalo Meditating Wild Rice Beds
For Day 4 Activities see Moodle
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TR HomePage

Cultural Anthropology

June  2011 — Week 2

Today in History
Today in Headlines
UMD Calendars
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
12 13 Week 2
>> Day 05
14 Week 2
>> Day 06
15 Week 2
>> Day 07
16 Week 2
>> Day 08
17 18


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Anth 1604 Cultural Anthropology
Week 2 Day 5—Emic / Etic
REM: The What's New? Case Study is due by Friday, 15 June 2012


Kinship Worksheets

Major Characteristics, Concepts and Methods of Anthropology
slides: (.pdf) (.pptx)

Cultural Anthropology

Main Characteristics of Anthropology
the fields of general anthropology
culture as a primary concept
comparative method as major approach
holism as a primary theoretical goal
fieldwork as a primary research technique
"Other Important Terms"
Units of Analysis
Emic / Etic
break, as attention fatigue requires

Kinship and Descent

Kinship and Descent
slides: (.pdf) (.pptx)

Marriage Patterns / Cross-Cousins
slides: (.pdf) (.pptx)

Kinship Symbols

Kinship Terminologies

Kinship and Descent

~ Kin Types
~ Kin Systems

break, as attention fatigue requires
nlt 9:50-10:00

Lineages / Clans

~ lineal
~ local
~ lateral
~ focal
~ archy

Kinship and Descent

 ~ Descent Terms

 ~ Kinship Systems

  ~ Eskimo
  ~ Iroquois
  ~ Hawaiian
  ~ Sudanese

 ~ Omaha
 ~ Crow Kinship (matrilineal)

Matrilineal Kinship
 ~ Crow Kinship
 ~ Crow Terms

Patrilineal Kinship
 ~ Omaha Kinship
 ~ Dani Kin Terms
(Patrilineal / Omaha)


 ~ annual
 ~ domestic
 ~ life
   ~ "Rites of Passage"

nlt 9:50-10:00 break
Faces of Culture Series

nlt 10:00 video:
Cultural Anthropology: Our Diverse World Series: "Kinship & Descent"
(30 min., 2008, DVD 1739, Disc 1, pt. 10)
Cf., text, Questions

nlt 10:30-10:40 break

Faces of Culture Series

nlt 10:40 video:
"Psychological Anthropology"
(VC 2466, 1994, pt. 5, 30 min.)
nlt 11:10 video:
"Alejandro Mamani"
(VC 2466, pt. 6, 30 min., 1994)

Major Debates  . . .
slides: (.pdf) (.pptx)
(Intro only, time permitting)
For Day 5 Activities see Moodle
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TR HomePage

Day 5 Reading Assignment

  • Review Ch. 3 "Globalization, Neoliberalism, and the Nation-State"
Text: Cultural Anthro, 1st Edition, by Robbins (Wadsworth, 2012)




Text: Cultural Anthrpology: A Problem-Based Approach, 4th Edition, by Robbins (Wadsworth, 2009)
Cultural Anthro
by Richard H. Robbins
Cultural Anthropology, 5th Ed.
by Richard H. Robbins

Text: Cultural Anthro, 1st Edition, by Robbins (Wadsworth, 2012)
Paul Buffalo Meditating Wild Rice Beds
For Day 5 Activities see Moodle
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TR HomePage
top of page A-Z index
TR HomePage
Anth 1604 Cultural Anthropology
Week 2 Day 6—Culture Bound Syndromes

REM: The What's New? Case Study is due by Friday, 15 June 2012
Questions about the Mid-Term Exam or Case Study?
Culture-Bound Syndromes
nlt 09:00-09:10 break
nlt 09:10 video:
(VC 4651, 38 min., 1978)
nlt 09:50-10:00 break
nlt 10:00 Introduction to Anishinabe
Anishinabe curing
slides: (.pdf) (.pptx)

Cf., text, Question 2.4

nlt 10:20 video:
A Gift to One, a Gift to Many / James Jackson, Sr.
(60 min., 1992, VC 2238)

substituted for Dead Birds
nlt 11:25 video:
An Interview with Paul Buffalo, Leech Lake, Anishinabe
(18 min., VC 266 / VC 266b)

~ excerpts transcript


Kinship Worksheets

Major Characteristics, Concepts and Methods of Anthropology
slides: (.pdf) (.pptx)

Cultural Anthropology

Main Characteristics of Anthropology
the fields of general anthropology
culture as a primary concept
comparative method as major approach
holism as a primary theoretical goal
fieldwork as a primary research technique
"Other Important Terms"
Units of Analysis
Emic / Etic
break, as attention fatigue requires

Kinship and Descent

Kinship and Descent
slides: (.pdf) (.pptx)

Marriage Patterns / Cross-Cousins
slides: (.pdf) (.pptx)

Kinship Symbols

Kinship Terminologies

Kinship and Descent

~ Kin Types
~ Kin Systems

break, as attention fatigue requires
nlt 9:50-10:00

Lineages / Clans

~ lineal
~ local
~ lateral
~ focal
~ archy

Kinship and Descent

 ~ Descent Terms

 ~ Kinship Systems

  ~ Eskimo
  ~ Iroquois
  ~ Hawaiian
  ~ Sudanese

 ~ Omaha
 ~ Crow Kinship (matrilineal)

Matrilineal Kinship
 ~ Crow Kinship
 ~ Crow Terms

Patrilineal Kinship
 ~ Omaha Kinship
 ~ Dani Kin Terms
(Patrilineal / Omaha)


 ~ annual
 ~ domestic
 ~ life
   ~ "Rites of Passage"

Major Debates  . . .
slides: (.pdf) (.pptx)
(Intro only, time permitting)
For Day 6 Activities see Moodle

Day 6 Reading Assignment

  • Ch. 4 "The Social and Cultural Construction of Reality"
Text: Cultural Anthro, 1st Edition, by Robbins (Wadsworth, 2012)




Text: Cultural Anthrpology: A Problem-Based Approach, 4th Edition, by Robbins (Wadsworth, 2009)
Cultural Anthro
by Richard H. Robbins
Cultural Anthropology, 5th Ed.
by Richard H. Robbins

Text: Cultural Anthro, 1st Edition, by Robbins (Wadsworth, 2012)
Paul Buffalo Meditating Wild Rice Beds
For Day 6 Activities see Moodle
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TR HomePage
Anth 1604 Cultural Anthropology
Week 2 Day 7—Anishinabe Curing

REM: The What's New? Case Study is due by Friday, 15 June 2012

Questions about the Mid-Term Exam or Case Study?

The Cultural Anthropology Midterm Exam will be Thursday 14 June 2012



Before the Midterm have a look at

Writing Essays for Exams

OWL (Online Writing Lab), Purdue University.

Anishinabe curing

Anishinabe curing
slides: (.pdf) (.pptx)

Text: Cultural Anthro, 1st Edition, by Robbins (Wadsworth, 2012)
Paul Buffalo Meditating Wild Rice Beds

Cf., text, Question 2.4

nlt 09:10-09:20 break
Introduction to marriage
(introduction only, time permitting)
nlt 10:30-10:40 break
Kinship Symbols

Kinship Terminologies

Kinship and Descent

~ Kin Types
~ Kin Systems

break, as attention fatigue requires
nlt 9:50-10:00

Lineages / Clans

~ lineal
~ local
~ lateral
~ focal
~ archy

Kinship and Descent

 ~ Descent Terms

 ~ Kinship Systems

  ~ Eskimo
  ~ Iroquois
  ~ Hawaiian
  ~ Sudanese

 ~ Omaha
 ~ Crow Kinship (matrilineal)

Matrilineal Kinship
 ~ Crow Kinship
 ~ Crow Terms

Patrilineal Kinship
 ~ Omaha Kinship
 ~ Dani Kin Terms
(Patrilineal / Omaha)


 ~ annual
 ~ domestic
 ~ life
   ~ "Rites of Passage"

Major Debates  . . .
slides: (.pdf) (.pptx)
(Intro only, time permitting)
For Day 7 Activities see Moodle

Day 7 Reading Assignment


Before the Midterm have a look at

Writing Essays for Exams

OWL (Online Writing Lab), Purdue University.


Text: Cultural Anthro, 1st Edition, by Robbins (Wadsworth, 2012)




Text: Cultural Anthrpology: A Problem-Based Approach, 4th Edition, by Robbins (Wadsworth, 2009)
Cultural Anthro
by Richard H. Robbins
Cultural Anthropology, 5th Ed.
by Richard H. Robbins

Review for Midterm

  • Ch. 1 "Culture and Meaning"
  • Ch. 2 "The Meaning of Progress and Development"
  • Ch. 3 "Globalization, Neoliberalism, and the Nation-State"
  • Ch. 4 "The Social and Cultural Construction of Reality"
For Day 7 Activities see Moodle
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TR HomePage
Anth 1604 Cultural Anthropology
Week 2 Day 8—Midterm Exam

REM: The What's New? Case Study is due by Friday, 15 June 2012

Strange Relations
(VC 1974, pt. 2, 60 min.)

Course Viewing Guide

Cf., text, Question 4.4

Millennium videotape.

Last-minute questions about the mid-term exam?

Mid-Term Exam

The Cultural Anthropology Midterm Exam will be Thursday 14 June 2012

~ 4 questions

~ on Chs. 01 - 04

~ This will be an "open notes" exam

~ You may bring and use your computer

For Day 8 Activities see Moodle

Day 8 Reading Assignment for Next Week

Text: Cultural Anthro, 1st Edition, by Robbins (Wadsworth, 2012)




Text: Cultural Anthrpology: A Problem-Based Approach, 4th Edition, by Robbins (Wadsworth, 2009)
Cultural Anthro
by Richard H. Robbins
Cultural Anthropology, 5th Ed.
by Richard H. Robbins
  • Review Ch. 5 "Patterns of Family Relations"
For Day 8 Activities see Moodle
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Cultural Anthropology

June  2011 — Week 3

Today in History
Today in Headlines
UMD Calendars
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
19 20 Week 3
>> Day 09
21 Week 3
>> Day 10
22 Week 3
>> Day 11
23 Week 3
>> Day 12
24 25

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Anth 1604 Cultural Anthropology
Week 3 Day 9—Marriage

Brief Review of Midterm Exam

"The Strike Zone"

Calling Balls and Strikes: A Grading Analogy *

(* the analogy breaks down where, unlike an umpire's call, one can argue grading calls)

Minnesota Twins Logo

Official Baseball Rules ©

Section 2.00, Definition of Terms

The STRIKE ZONE is that area over home plate the upper limit of which is a horizontal line at the midpoint between the top of the shoulders and the top of the uniform pants, and the lower level is a line at the hollow beneath the kneecap. The Strike Zone shall be determined from the batter's stance as the batter is prepared to swing at a pitched ball.

Section 9.02, The Umpire

Any umpire's decision which involves judgment, such as, but not limited to, whether a batted ball is fair or foul, whether a pitch is a strike or a ball, or whether a runner is safe or out, is final. No player, manager, coach or substitute shall object to any such judgment decisions.

Players leaving their position in the field or on base, or managers or coaches leaving the bench or coaches box, to argue on BALLS AND STRIKES will not be permitted. They should be warned if they start for the plate to protest the call. If they continue, they will be ejected from the game.

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"The Curve"*

compare this information with official UMD Grading Policies

    The actual numbers used to determine final grades may differ slightly (in your favor) because of final adjustments (see note * below). Instructor reserves the right to curve final grades upward.

      A = 94.0%   A- = 90.0%
    B+ = 87.0%     B = 84.0%     B- = 80.0%
    C+ = 77.0%   C = 74.0%   C- = 70.0%
    D+ = 67.0%   D = 64.0%   F  = < 61.0%

    *At the end of the very end of the course there will be a final "curving" of the grades. Typically in the past that has been about 2% (usually 30-40 points.) This is intended primarily to (1) allow those who "just missed an [fill in the blank with a grade] by one point" to automatically get the higher grade, and (2) to add a little insutrance to the system to allow "benefit of the doubt" in what might have been an occasional boarderline "call."

    A score of "1" simply means that a paper was submitted and it was returned for some technical reason, such as, for e.g., it couldnt be opened in the format that was sent. For information of that sort of problem, for e.g., see <>.

    AVISO: Unexcused late assignments receive no credit

"The Strike Zone"

"The Curve" 

Compare these Points with official UMD Grading Policies


Extra Credit Option
Introduction to
(index / terms . . .)

Marriage Patterns, including Cross-Cousins

slides: (.pdf) (.pptx)

"Postmarital Residence Patterns"

~ marriage terms . . .
~ functions of the family
~ endogamy / exogamy
~ bridewealth and other manners of acquiring a spouse
ca. 09:10-09:20 break
nlt 10:05 video:
Cultural Anthropology: Our Diverse World Series: "Sex & Marriage"
(30 min., 2008, DVD 1739, Disc 1, pt. 8)
nlt 10:35-10:45 break
nlt 10:45 video:
"Family and Household"
(VC 2466, pt. 12)
nlt 11:10 video:
Cultural Anthropology: Our Diverse World Series: "Marriage & Family"
(30 min., 2008, DVD 1739, Disc 1, pt. 9)

Cf., Two Girls Go Hunting
(VC 2371, 50 min.)
Kinship Symbols

Kinship Terminologies

Kinship and Descent

~ Kin Types
~ Kin Systems

break, as attention fatigue requires
nlt 9:50-10:00

Lineages / Clans

~ lineal
~ local
~ lateral
~ focal
~ archy

Kinship and Descent

 ~ Descent Terms

 ~ Kinship Systems

  ~ Eskimo
  ~ Iroquois
  ~ Hawaiian
  ~ Sudanese

 ~ Omaha
 ~ Crow Kinship (matrilineal)

Matrilineal Kinship
 ~ Crow Kinship
 ~ Crow Terms

Patrilineal Kinship
 ~ Omaha Kinship
 ~ Dani Kin Terms
(Patrilineal / Omaha)


 ~ annual
 ~ domestic
 ~ life
   ~ "Rites of Passage"

Anishinabe curing

Anishinabe curing
slides: (.pdf) (.pptx)

Text: Cultural Anthro, 1st Edition, by Robbins (Wadsworth, 2012)
Paul Buffalo Meditating Wild Rice Beds

Cf., text, Question 2.4

Major Debates  . . .
slides: (.pdf) (.pptx)
(Intro only, time permitting)
For Day 9 Activities see Moodle

Day 9 Reading Assignment

Text: Cultural Anthro, 1st Edition, by Robbins (Wadsworth, 2012)




Text: Cultural Anthrpology: A Problem-Based Approach, 4th Edition, by Robbins (Wadsworth, 2009)
Cultural Anthro
by Richard H. Robbins
Cultural Anthropology, 5th Ed.
by Richard H. Robbins
  • Review Ch. 5 "Patterns of Family Relations"
For Day 9 Activities see Moodle

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Anth 1604 Cultural Anthropology
Week 3 Day 10—Marriage and Kinship

(index / terms . . .)

~ modes of acquiring a spouse

  ~ arranged marriage . . .

  ~ bridewealth . . .

kinship and marriage review

(index / terms . . .)

~ "Postmarital Residence Patterns"

~ divorce

REM: kinds of descent groups

ca. 09:10-09:20 break

nlt 9:25 video:
Kypseli: Women and Men Apart—A Divided Reality
(VC 3286, 41 min.)

Course Viewing Guide

nlt 10:10-10:20 break

nlt 10:20 video:
Arranged Marriages
(VC 4684, 50 min.)

Course Viewing Guide


nlt 11:15 video:
N!ai: The Story of a !Kung Woman
(VC 2371, 26 of 59 min.)

Course Viewing Guide

Introduction to
(index / terms . . .)

Marriage Patterns, including Cross-Cousins

slides: (.pdf) (.pptx)

"Postmarital Residence Patterns"

~ marriage terms . . .
~ functions of the family
~ endogamy / exogamy
~ bridewealth and other manners of acquiring a spouse
Kinship Symbols

Kinship Terminologies

Kinship and Descent

~ Kin Types
~ Kin Systems

Lineages / Clans

~ lineal
~ local
~ lateral
~ focal
~ archy

Kinship and Descent

 ~ Descent Terms

 ~ Kinship Systems

  ~ Eskimo
  ~ Iroquois
  ~ Hawaiian
  ~ Sudanese

 ~ Omaha
 ~ Crow Kinship (matrilineal)

Matrilineal Kinship
 ~ Crow Kinship
 ~ Crow Terms

Patrilineal Kinship
 ~ Omaha Kinship
 ~ Dani Kin Terms
(Patrilineal / Omaha)


 ~ annual
 ~ domestic
 ~ life
   ~ "Rites of Passage"

Anishinabe curing

Anishinabe curing
slides: (.pdf) (.pptx)

Text: Cultural Anthro, 1st Edition, by Robbins (Wadsworth, 2012)
Paul Buffalo Meditating Wild Rice Beds

Cf., text, Question 2.4

Major Debates  . . .
slides: (.pdf) (.pptx)
(Intro only, time permitting)
For Day 10 Activities see Moodle

Day 10 Reading Assignment

Text: Cultural Anthro, 1st Edition, by Robbins (Wadsworth, 2012)




Text: Cultural Anthrpology: A Problem-Based Approach, 4th Edition, by Robbins (Wadsworth, 2009)
Cultural Anthro
by Richard H. Robbins
Cultural Anthropology, 5th Ed.
by Richard H. Robbins
  • Ch. 5 "Patterns of Family Relations"
For Day 10 Activities see Moodle
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TR HomePage
Anth 1604 Cultural Anthropology
Week 3 Day 11—Rites of Passage

. . . Rites of Passage
nlt 09:05-09:15 break

nlt 09:15 video:
Two Girls Go Hunting
(VC 2371, 50 min.)

Course Viewing Guide


Cf., Cultural Anthropology: Our Diverse World Series: "Marriage & Family"
(30 min., 2008, DVD 1739, Disc 1, pt. 9)

nlt 10:10-10:20 break

"cultural focus" = cattle
~ "segmentary lineage"
REM ~ bridewealth

nlt 10:25 video:
The Nuer
(VC 3236, 75 min., pts. 1& 2)

Course Viewing Guide


~ Cf. "tribes"

This Film Contains Grahic Images


(index / terms . . .)

~ modes of acquiring a spouse

  ~ arranged marriage . . .

  ~ bridewealth . . .

kinship and marriage review

(index / terms . . .)

~ "Postmarital Residence Patterns"

~ divorce

REM: kinds of descent groups

Introduction to
(index / terms . . .)

Marriage Patterns, including Cross-Cousins

slides: (.pdf) (.pptx)

"Postmarital Residence Patterns"

~ marriage terms . . .
~ functions of the family
~ endogamy / exogamy
~ bridewealth and other manners of acquiring a spouse
Kinship Symbols

Kinship Terminologies

Kinship and Descent

~ Kin Types
~ Kin Systems

break, as attention fatigue requires
nlt 9:50-10:00

Lineages / Clans

~ lineal
~ local
~ lateral
~ focal
~ archy

Kinship and Descent

 ~ Descent Terms

 ~ Kinship Systems

  ~ Eskimo
  ~ Iroquois
  ~ Hawaiian
  ~ Sudanese

 ~ Omaha
 ~ Crow Kinship (matrilineal)

Matrilineal Kinship
 ~ Crow Kinship
 ~ Crow Terms

Patrilineal Kinship
 ~ Omaha Kinship
 ~ Dani Kin Terms
(Patrilineal / Omaha)


 ~ annual
 ~ domestic
 ~ life
   ~ "Rites of Passage"

Anishinabe curing

Anishinabe curing
slides: (.pdf) (.pptx)

Text: Cultural Anthro, 1st Edition, by Robbins (Wadsworth, 2012)
Paul Buffalo Meditating Wild Rice Beds

Cf., text, Question 2.4

Major Debates  . . .
slides: (.pdf) (.pptx)
(Intro only, time permitting)
For Day 11 Activities see Moodle

Day 11 Reading Assignment

Text: Cultural Anthro, 1st Edition, by Robbins (Wadsworth, 2012)




Text: Cultural Anthrpology: A Problem-Based Approach, 4th Edition, by Robbins (Wadsworth, 2009)
Cultural Anthro
by Richard H. Robbins
Cultural Anthropology, 5th Ed.
by Richard H. Robbins
  • Ch. 6 "The Cultural Construction of Identity"
For Day 11 Activities see Moodle
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Anth 1604 Cultural Anthropology
Week 3 Day 12—Rites of Passage


Extra Credit Option

Optional video:
Ongka's Big Moka
(52 min., VC 4405)

Cf., text, Question 6.5

Cf., Handouts:
Political Organization and Leadership
(from Week 01)
Kinship and Marriage Wrap Up

Nuer "segmentary lineage"

political systems

V.B microcultures

V.A. folk cultures

IIII. states

III. chiefdoms

II. tribes

I. bands


nlt 09:25-09:35 break

nlt 09:35 video:
"Political Organization"
(VC 2466, pt. 18, 30 min.)


nlt 10:05 video:
Cultural Anthropology: Our Diverse World Series: "Politics, Power & Violence"
(30 min., 2008, DVD 1739, Disc 1, pt. 12)

What happens with international / national economic and political power, but with no authority . . . ?

nlt 10:35-10:45 break

nlt 10:45 video:
Trinkets and Beads
(VC 2840, 53 min.)

Course Viewing Guide

[cf., Nomads of the Rain Forest -- Day 03]

(introduction only, time permitting)

. . . Rites of Passage

(index / terms . . .)

~ modes of acquiring a spouse

  ~ arranged marriage . . .

  ~ bridewealth . . .

kinship and marriage review

(index / terms . . .)

~ "Postmarital Residence Patterns"

~ divorce

REM: kinds of descent groups

Introduction to
(index / terms . . .)

Marriage Patterns, including Cross-Cousins

slides: (.pdf) (.pptx)

"Postmarital Residence Patterns"

~ marriage terms . . .
~ functions of the family
~ endogamy / exogamy
~ bridewealth and other manners of acquiring a spouse
Kinship Symbols

Kinship Terminologies

Kinship and Descent

~ Kin Types
~ Kin Systems

Lineages / Clans

~ lineal
~ local
~ lateral
~ focal
~ archy

Kinship and Descent

 ~ Descent Terms

 ~ Kinship Systems

  ~ Eskimo
  ~ Iroquois
  ~ Hawaiian
  ~ Sudanese

 ~ Omaha
 ~ Crow Kinship (matrilineal)

Matrilineal Kinship
 ~ Crow Kinship
 ~ Crow Terms

Patrilineal Kinship
 ~ Omaha Kinship
 ~ Dani Kin Terms
(Patrilineal / Omaha)


 ~ annual
 ~ domestic
 ~ life
   ~ "Rites of Passage"

Anishinabe curing

Anishinabe curing
slides: (.pdf) (.pptx)

Text: Cultural Anthro, 1st Edition, by Robbins (Wadsworth, 2012)
Paul Buffalo Meditating Wild Rice Beds

Cf., text, Question 2.4

Major Debates  . . .
slides: (.pdf) (.pptx)
(Intro only, time permitting)
For Day 12 Activities see Moodle

Day 12 Reading Assignment

Text: Cultural Anthro, 1st Edition, by Robbins (Wadsworth, 2012)




Text: Cultural Anthrpology: A Problem-Based Approach, 4th Edition, by Robbins (Wadsworth, 2009)
Cultural Anthro
by Richard H. Robbins
Cultural Anthropology, 5th Ed.
by Richard H. Robbins
  • Ch. 6 "The Cultural Construction of Identity"
For Day 12 Activities see Moodle
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Cultural Anthropology

June  2011 — Week 4

Today in History
Today in Headlines
UMD Calendars
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
26 27 Week 4
>> Day 13
28 Week 4
>> Day 14
29 Week 4
>> Day 15
30 Week 4
>> Day 16
July 1 July 2






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Anth 1604 Cultural Anthropology
Week 4 Day 13—



slides: (.pdf) (.pptx)

~ phonemics
~ phonetics
~ morphemics
~ syntax
~ semantics
~ diachronic (historical)
~ sociolinguistics
~ psychlolinguistics
~ kinesics / proxemics

nlt 09:30-09:40 break

nlt 09:40 video:
"Language "
(VC 2466, pt. 4, 30 min.)

nlt 10:05 video:
Cultural Anthropology: Our Diverse World Series: "Communication & Culture"
(30 min., 2008, DVD 1739, Disc 1, pt. 4)

nlt 10:35-10:45 break

nlt 10:45 video:
American Tongues
(VC 1013, 56 min.)

Course Viewing Guide

American Tongues

Tangier Island, Virginia

For Day 13 Activities see Moodle


Day 13 Reading Assignment

Text: Cultural Anthro, 1st Edition, by Robbins (Wadsworth, 2012)




Text: Cultural Anthrpology: A Problem-Based Approach, 4th Edition, by Robbins (Wadsworth, 2009)
Cultural Anthro
by Richard H. Robbins
Cultural Anthropology, 5th Ed.
by Richard H. Robbins
  • Ch. 7 "The Cultural Construction of Social Hierarchy"
For Day 13 Activities see Moodle
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Anth 1604 Cultural Anthropology
Week 4 Day 14—

Language and communication


slides: (.pdf) (.pptx)


slides: (.pdf) (.pptx)

magic, religion and science

REM: Major Figures in Anthropology

09:00-09:10 break

nlt 09:40 video:
"Religion and Magic"
(VC 2466, pt. 20, 30 min.)

nlt 10:05-10:15 break

nlt 10:15 video:
religion and dying . . 
Ganges: River to Heaven
(DVD 1062, 52 min., 2003)

Film HomePage

Course Viewing Guide

Cf. Life Cycle / Rites of Passage

This film Contains Grahic Images

nlt 11:13 video:
religion and living . . .

Appeals to Santiago
(VC 3283, 27 min.)

Course Viewing Guide

~ cargo system

Religious cargo leaders group at Tenejapa in Highland Chiapas, Mexico
Religious cargo leaders group at Tenejapa
Highland Chiapas, Mexico© D. Donne Bryant


social / cultural change

slides: (.pdf) (.pptx)

(introduction, time permitting)
For Day 14 Activities see Moodle
Kinship and Marriage Wrap Up

Nuer "segmentary lineage"

political systems

V.B microcultures

V.A. folk cultures

IIII. states

III. chiefdoms

II. tribes

I. bands


slides: (.pdf) (.pptx)
. . . Rites of Passage

(index / terms . . .)

~ modes of acquiring a spouse

  ~ arranged marriage . . .

  ~ bridewealth . . .

kinship and marriage review

(index / terms . . .)

~ "Postmarital Residence Patterns"

~ divorce

REM: kinds of descent groups

Introduction to
(index / terms . . .)

Marriage Patterns, including Cross-Cousins

slides: (.pdf) (.pptx)

"Postmarital Residence Patterns"

~ marriage terms . . .
~ functions of the family
~ endogamy / exogamy
~ bridewealth and other manners of acquiring a spouse

Matrilineal Kinship
 ~ Crow Kinship
 ~ Crow Terms

Patrilineal Kinship
 ~ Omaha Kinship
 ~ Dani Kin Terms
(Patrilineal / Omaha)


 ~ annual
 ~ domestic
 ~ life
   ~ "Rites of Passage"

Anishinabe curing

Anishinabe curing
slides: (.pdf) (.pptx)

Text: Cultural Anthro, 1st Edition, by Robbins (Wadsworth, 2012)
Paul Buffalo Meditating Wild Rice Beds

Cf., text, Question 2.4

Major Debates  . . .
slides: (.pdf) (.pptx)
(Intro only, time permitting)
For Day 13 Activities see Moodle

Day 14 Reading Assignment

Text: Cultural Anthro, 1st Edition, by Robbins (Wadsworth, 2012)




Text: Cultural Anthrpology: A Problem-Based Approach, 4th Edition, by Robbins (Wadsworth, 2009)
Cultural Anthro
by Richard H. Robbins
Cultural Anthropology, 5th Ed.
by Richard H. Robbins
  • Ch. 8 "The Cultural Construction of Violent Conflict"
For Day 14 Activities see Moodle
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Anth 1604 Cultural Anthropology
Week 4 Day 15—

Anth 1604 - 001
Course Call # = 80989
Semester = 1 SS I
Year = 11

video review:
Appeals to Santiago
~ cargo system

social / cultural

cultural change

slides: (.pdf) (.pptx)

nlt 08:50 video:
Cultural Anthropology: Our Diverse World Series: "Processes of Change"
(30 min., 2008, DVD 1739, Disc 2, pt. 15)

nlt 09:20-09:30 break

nlt 09:45 video:
The Amish: A People of Preservation
(VC 3244, 54 min.)

Course Viewing Guide

Amish Notes

list of items

[cf., Affluenza -- Day 03]

Film: The Amish -- A People of Preservation

nlt 10:40-10:50 break

nlt 10:50 video:
The Shakers
(VC 3331, 50 min.)

Course Viewing Guide

[cf., Affluenza -- Day 03]

Cf., text, Question 4.5

"Put your hands to work, and give your hearts to God."  -- Mother Ann Lee, Founder of the Shakers

The Future?

nlt 11:15 video:
"The Future of Humanity"
(VC 2466, pt. 26, 30 min.)
(time permitting)

Questions about final exam?

For Day 15 Activities see Moodle


Before the Final have another look at

Writing Essays for Exams

OWL (Online Writing Lab), Purdue University.

Day 15 Reading Assignment

Text: Cultural Anthro, 1st Edition, by Robbins (Wadsworth, 2012)




Text: Cultural Anthrpology: A Problem-Based Approach, 4th Edition, by Robbins (Wadsworth, 2009)
Cultural Anthro
by Richard H. Robbins
Cultural Anthropology, 5th Ed.
by Richard H. Robbins

Review for Final

    • Ch. 5 "Patterns of Family Relations"
    • Ch. 6 "The Cultural Construction of Identity"
    • Ch. 7 "The Cultural Construction of Social Hierarchy"
    • Ch. 8 "The Cultural Construction of Violent Conflict"
For Day 15 Activities see Moodle
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Anth 1604 Cultural Anthropology
Week 4 Day 16—

The Cultural Anthropology Final Exam will be Thursday 28 June 2012

Last-minute questions about the final exam?

Final Exam

The Cultural Anthropology Final Exam will be Thursday 28 June 2012

~ 6 questions

~ on Chs. 05 - 08, and general cumulative questions

~ This will be an "open notes" exam

~ You may bring and use your computer

~ 6 questions

~ focus will be on Chs. 05 - 08, and class materials since the midterm exam


Extra Credit papers are due to your Moodle logo. folder on Thursday, 28 June 2012
For Day 16 Activities see Moodle

Day 16 Reading Assignment

Text: Cultural Anthro, 1st Edition, by Robbins (Wadsworth, 2012)




Text: Cultural Anthrpology: A Problem-Based Approach, 4th Edition, by Robbins (Wadsworth, 2009)
Cultural Anthro
by Richard H. Robbins
Cultural Anthropology, 5th Ed.
by Richard H. Robbins

Writing Essays for Exams

OWL (Online Writing Lab), Purdue University.

"The Strike Zone"

© Major League Baseball Properties, Inc.

"The Curve

UMD Grading Policies grading criteria for grading written works

Getting your other grades

For Day 16 Activities see Moodle
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Cultural Anthropology -- Alternate Topics

Cultural / Social Change . . .

"Culture Change"
(VC 2466, pt. 24, 30 min.)

Ocamo is My Town
(VC 1339, 22 min.)

Ocamo terms / concepts

(30 min., 1986)

syncretism . . .

"Cricket the Trobriand Way: A Case Study in Cultural Change"
(VC 2466, pt. 25, 30 min.)
Cf., Day 02

expressive culture: the arts, play . . .

"The Arts"
(VC 2466, pt. 22, 30 min.

folk art / identity . . .

Rites of Intensification . . .

"New Orleans Black Indians: A Case Study in the Arts"
(30 min., 1994,
VC 2466, pt. 23

~ Mardi Gras

~ Rites of Intensification
~ "Tootie" Montana's

[Hungarian "Enthusiasts"]

What can I do with a degree in Anthropology?

Credit Options at UMD

This course is governed by the . . .

University of Minnesota Duluth Student Academic Integrity Policy

UMD Office of Student and Community Standards

"Academic dishonesty tarnishes UMD's reputation and discredits the accomplishments of students. UMD is committed to providing students every possible opportunity to grow in mind and spirit. This pledge can only be redeemed in an environment of trust, honesty, and fairness. As a result, academic dishonesty is regarded as a serious offense by all members of the academic community. In keeping with this ideal, this course will adhere to UMD's Student Academic Integrity Policy, which can be found at []. This policy sanctions students engaging in academic dishonesty with penalties up to and including expulsion from the university for repeat offenders." – UMD Educational Policy Committee, Jill Jensen, Chair (08/16/2007)

and the

UMD Student Conduct Code:

and the

Student Conduct Code Statement (students' rights)

"The instructor will enforce and students are expected to follow the University's Student Conduct Code []. Appropriate classroom conduct promotes an environment of academic achievement and integrity. Disruptive classroom behavior that substantially or repeatedly interrupts either the instructor's ability to teach, or student learning, is prohibited. Disruptive behavior includes inappropriate use of technology in the classroom. Examples include ringing cell phones, text-messaging, watching videos, playing computer games, doing email, or surfing the Internet on your computer instead of note-taking or other instructor-sanctioned activities." – UMD Educational Policy Committee, Jill Jensen, Chair (08/16/2007)

Students with disabilities:

It is the policy and practice of the University of Minnesota Duluth to create inclusive learning environments for all students, including students with disabilities.  If there are aspects of this course that result in barriers to your inclusion or your ability to meet course requirements – such as time limited exams, inaccessible web content, or the use of non-captioned videos – please notify the instructor as soon as possible.  You are also encouraged to contact the Office of Disability Resources to discuss and arrange reasonable accommodations.  Please call 218-726-6130 or visit the DR website at for more information.

© 1998 - 2025 Timothy G. Roufs    Envelope: E-mail
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